Mr Erdoğan: "We paid 1 billion 400 million dollars for F-35s, but F-35s were not given to us. Now, some new offers are coming, let's see what happens, how accurate it is."
Dont understimate racism/nationalism. Look at EU right now. Rising of right parties. We talk about 1000 yearly ideaology. Ethniticy and religious counts. But one thing counts more. Money/interests.Remember WWI and WWII?
In international relations, image, reputation matters. Russia is as much a white, christian nation as Germany, yet they are hated by the western bloc.
Remove these ideas from your head. You're talking like an SJW. Even supposedly "racist" Third Reich allied itself with non-white, non-christian Japan. It did not matter.
Image matters.
We have the image of a third-world dictatorship with a failing economy.
Remember WWI and WWII?
In international relations, image, reputation matters. Russia is as much a white, christian nation as Germany, yet they are hated by the western bloc.
Remove these ideas from your head. You're talking like an SJW. Even supposedly "racist" Third Reich allied itself with non-white, non-christian Japan. It did not matter.
Image matters.
We have the image of a third-world dictatorship with a failing economy.
WowExactly, any country other than 3 Rd world shit holes does not care Turkey anymore. We used to be a strong partner of NATO and many countries get approval from us while they sell weapons to Greece. Now we are not even able to buy weapons from them!!
Akp morons can think otherwise but this is the reality. Akp in the last 10 years is the biggest luck that Greeks have . We would dominate the whole region with our defense industry and political support of Israel and usa republicans.but we are in the losing sides everywhere including our economy!!
That's...not what happened. You've got cause and effect somewhat backwards. The US didn't really care about Turkey rising, what the US cared about was Turkey rising while aligning itself in a possibly hostile manner to the US. It's kind of difficult to argue that the US' increasing support towards the PKK isn't because Turkey started drifting away somewhat. You will notice that other countries, like South Korea, don't get the same treatment that Turkey does despite making their army stronger and stronger. Greece is able to make their case to the US that Turkey is untrustworthy because Erdogan and the AKP screwed everything.It is only when Erdo and the AKP decided to take a stance against the PKK and Greece, and increase Turkish influence worldwide that the US got alarmed
80 million Americans have German descent.Remember the biggest factor is race and ethnicity.
Why should the USA sanction a Western, European, White and Christian nation?
Probably decisions were made by different powerhouses living in the same country.Yet they fought against Germany twice, invaded the country and still have troops there.
How did they accept Turkey into NATO in 1950ies in your opinion then? How did we get into white christian club?
How did we get thousands of tanks for free? How did we get an F16 production line built in Turkey?
Screw all of that. How did they allow us to produce F35 parts? Central fuselage! Boy they must really want to wipe us out. We're getting sanctioned to death like Iran here.![]()
Now we got both russian and american strings on our countryWith strings attached and how the greatest threat to them was communism.
Us Turks at the time were not powerful but remember our alliance with nato was done out of conveince.
We pariticpate in the F35 only to have our planes and money taken away just because Turkey drifted off the line.
This has to do with the fact the US doesn't want to supply Turkey with Defense systems, and Erdogan whenever asked if the US will continue with the F-16 project he says "I don't know."Best explanation I've heard in a while
With this timeline if there will be jet acquisition I think the British Eurofighters will come to the agenda again.Important.
COVID supply chain woes add yearlong delay to first F-16 rollout at new facility
The first F-16 produced in Greenville, S.C., won't be ready to begin flying until late 2022, said Greg Ulmer, Lockheed's vice president of aeronautics.
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DUBAI: The first F-16 built at Lockheed Martin’s new production facility in Greenville, S.C., will roll off the assembly a year later than expected due to an international supplier’s ongoing troubles in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, a top Lockheed executive said Monday.
“With COVID and other issues associated with the supply base impacted by COVID, that ramp is taking longer than we envisioned it would,” Greg Ulmer, Lockheed Martin’s vice president for aeronautics, told Breaking News in a Nov. 15 interview at the Dubai Airshow.
“So we’re working [on] that, with the first airplane coming off the line in Greenville the fourth quarter of next year,” he said. “We’re about 12 months off our plan.”
The F-16 still remains a popular fighter aircraft choice for foreign militaries, with sales on the books for Bahrain, Slovakia, Morocco, Bulgaria and Taiwan. Earlier this year, the US Air Force awarded Lockheed a $14 billion contract for 128 F-16 Block 70/72 jets on behalf of those five countries, with production originally anticipated to run through 2026.
COVID supply chain woes add yearlong delay to first F-16 rollout at new facility - Breaking Defense
The first F-16 produced in Greenville, S.C., won't be ready to begin flying until late 2022, said Greg Ulmer, Lockheed's vice president of
> The F16 Production line is problematic as we have talked about it before.
With this timeline if there will be jet acquisition I think the British Eurofighters will come to the agenda again.
According to the latest estimates it will cost approximately 65million pounds per unit to upgrade tranche 1 & 2 to tranche 4 level. Plane’s initial value has to be added to this too.The German Bundestag (Parliament) about Eurofighter Tranche 1:
"The first series of the aircraft only masters aerial combat and is therefore primarily used to fill the alarm groups in Germany and the Baltic States ("Reinforced Air Policing Baltic States"). However, this model is not being further developed by the Air Force or by industry. It is out of date and in need of repair, spare parts are becoming scarce because no manufacturer produces the components anymore. Ready-to-use aircraft have to serve as spare parts donors so that the other jets can continue to operate."
If an upgrade occurs, how long will that take ? How much will it cost ? Will they sell spare parts ?
According to the latest estimates it will cost approximately 65million pounds per unit to upgrade tranche 1 & 2 to tranche 4 level. Plane’s initial value has to be added to this too.
According to the “armed forces of UK 2007-2008” site , the initial cost of the typhoon program was 16.7 billion pounds. (160 planes in total) Making it the highest ever for a military program In UK. That is 110 million pounds per plane.The Upgrade (87 Million USD) is more Expensive than a brand new F35 5th Gen Fighter Jet.
For 30 EF2000 T1 that would be around 2.6 Billion USD just for the Upgrades.
According to the “armed forces of UK 2007-2008” site , the initial cost of the typhoon program was 16.7 billion pounds. (160 planes in total) Making it the highest ever for a military program In UK. That is 110 million pounds per plane.
Qatar bought 24 of these for a contract of 6 billion pounds.
Kuwait signed a deal wit Leonardo for 9 billion dollars for 28 planes.
Yet Oman bought from UK , 24 typhoons for 2.24 billion pounds.
The ancillaries, weapons, and training etc purchased makes a big difference. But the difference amounts for different countries are mind boggling.
Upgrading these planes would cost 64.8 million pounds each to the UK government.
As you have pointed out that is an outrageously high amount of money to pay. But the resultant plane would be a near 5th gen plane. Remember Germans declined to buy F35. But decided to purchase 2 squadrons of tranche 4 .
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All the immigrants will be assimilated. Look at the the Turks in Germany. They try to be more German then Germans . Of course, they hate Turkey.You know the phrase wild goose chase? Islam is actively conquering Europe. Parts of Paris looks like Somalia. Obviously there's going to be a reaction to that. It's their internal matter. Reality looks like this:
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They don't care.
It's all about interests and building trust.
Good relationships are difficult to build yet, easy to destroy. Same with personal relationships. You can become bitter enemies with your lifelong friend over one wrong look at his wife.
Jews play this game very well. We are terrible at it. Beyond terrible with the erdog. administration.