Turkey to help Georgia modernize marneuli military airport

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2020 Turkey has allocated a grant of 100 million liras in the form of military assistance to Georgia in 2020, one of the goals of which is to rehabilitate the military airport in Marneuli. This assistance at the current exchange rate is 46.9 million GEL.

The 2020 report of the Parliamentary Defense Committee states that these funds should be used within the next 5 years and Georgia will receive Turkish-made equipment, as well as the modernization of Marneuli Airport.

"The agreement sets out the principles of supplying the equivalent of approximately 100 000 000 (one hundred million) Turkish lira (approximately 17 500 000) Turkish liras on the basis of military financial cooperation between the Government of Georgia and the Government of the Republic of Turkey. - Marneuli Airport should also be modernized from local firms and companies operating in Turkey, in accordance with the protocol to be implemented in the field of logistics.

The Georgian side must notify the Government of the Republic of Turkey in writing of the priority project, which must include the specifications, type and quantity of the goods. In response, the Turkish side must inform him what amount will be available from the 100 000 000 Turkish lira. "The money should be used for specific projects within 5 years of its allocation," the Defense Committee report said.

Within the framework of the grant in the field of military cooperation, on November 27, 2020, Turkey handed over 35 buses and 12 units of armored excavators-loaders to the Georgian Defense Forces.

Author: Shota Tkeshelashvili
Source: bm.ge

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Georgia among the countries that actively supported by Turkish Armed Forces, since 90s. The above-mentioned military airbase, had also modernized and re build by Turkey before in the context of NATO. In accordance with the tripartite agreement signed between Georgia, Turkey and Azerbaijan in early 2000s, Turkey have permission to use these air bases and airspaces. However, NATO's remaining entirely passive while the Russian invasions occur in the region, had left Turkey's efforts alone.

Because of that, in the intervening 30 years has shown that Georgia, or other Black Sea countries such as Ukraine political stabilization , very important for Turkey's environmental security, also it began to require independent initiative for this. For this reason, there are deepened military economic and social relations not only within the scope of NATO but especially in terms of bilateral relations with Georgia. Today Ukraine-Turkey relations are also entering the same plane.

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It could be related to this
Georgian Defence Minister nominee Irakli Gharibashvili said the country will further strengthen its defence capabilities in 2021.
Gharibashvili stated at the parliamentary hearing earlier today that the defence forces will be equipped with operational and tactical unmanned reconnaissance and combat drones
Not to forget that marneuli airports hosts hermes 450 UAVs and the airport was partially damaged in the 2008 war with Russia so it might be a subliminal message to Russia and time will tell the importance of this step

Geoloaction of the base:


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The Airport is in a region that borders both Armenia and Azerbaijan and in part of the country that is heavily populated by Azeris. It’s close to all the roads, pipelines and railroads that connect Azerbaijan- Georgia- Turkey too so from a strategic point of view it’s a good move.


The Airport is in a region that borders both Armenia and Azerbaijan and in part of the country that is heavily populated by Azeris. It’s close to all the roads, pipelines and railroads that connect Azerbaijan- Georgia- Turkey too so from a strategic point of view it’s a good move.
State policies on geopolitics are not based on daily decisions or events, but based on a specific main/grand strategies and cover a long term.


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