Even if we modernise all our F16’s to Ozgur status with Aesa radar, there will be a shortfall of plane numbers.
Remember we bought 240 F16 planes in total to start with. Then at that time we had 54 Phantom Terminators with 2.5 Mach speed and 18000m flight ceiling. That meant we had 294 fighter jets in our inventory.
Due to diminishing numbers of the fleet through the years we purchased 30 more f16s to bring numbers up to an acceptable level. Today we are left with 230 planes. There will be accidents and planes being lost. As they are getting older, it is expected to lose a certain number of these planes. We need at least 40 new planes to make up the numbers in order to keep our airforce as a viable deterrent.
F16V70 is the ideal choice. Because we already have the same make albeit slightly older versions. from logistics and training point of view it is a no brainier to go for the F16V70.
But in reality, although powered by a smaller GE-f414 engine, Gripen has got a lot more teeth than V70.
1. The new GaN based 1000 module Aesa radar is much more potent and gives Gripen a big advantage.
2. It has an excellent IRST sensor (new V70 has it too)
3. It has state of the art ramjet powered Meteor a2a missiles.
4. It is cheap.
5. it costs 4700 US dollars per hour to fly it.
6. It can land at short runways including roads.
7. It is cheaper to maintain.
We need an agreement like Atak-T129 with the Swedes where the engines are license manufactured at TEI, and the planes assembled at Tusas. 80-100 planes can be considered.
You logic will not make thing True.
"the Swedes where the engines are license manufactured at TEI, and the planes assembled at Tusas. 80-100 planes can be considered." <- this will not happened ever. Reason is usa
But lets Dream
After that producing fighter let say 4 per month. To reach you goal. All this even if it is a Dream is not possible or it is too late or it will hurt Turkiye platforms Hurjet and MMU.
Please people be REALISTIC. There are no any option for Turkiye to start producing any foreign Fighter.
Turkiye in this moment is at The best position. Build OWN fighter. IF usa agree Turkiye can use own f-16 assembly to update or build few fighters.
But in reality Turkiye only will try to buy some second hand fighters and ONLY if it is NEED it.