TR Turkish Electronic Warfare Systems


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PUHU is ready for the silent electromagnetic war!
Our latest generation, state-of-the art communication electronic warfare system, #PUHU 3-LT is ready for the deliveries. In line with 40 years of EW experience, PUHU 3-LT has been designed to deal with all communication signals in all terrain conditions.
Within the scope of PUHU 3-LT:
➡️High speed spectrum search, signal detection and analysis,
➡️Direction finding (DF) and geolocation
➡️Cognitive electronic warfare algorithms,
➡️Network Centric Electronic Warfare,
➡️Fast and automatic set up, deployment and transportation capabilities are built-in.

I mean, we all know as a rule of thumb how important SIGINT/COMINT is.

But here's an excellent summery of how Those technical perimeters mentioned above translate into operational functions on the battlefield.

a. Commander’s Estimate. SIGINT helps formulate and modify the commander’s estimate of the situation by providing information needed to analyze the enemy’s C2 operations, identify the current parameters of operating emitters, give insight into enemy intentions, and assess the enemy’s intelligence, EW and other military capabilities.

b. Development of the Situation. SIGINT’s ability to track enemy emitters and associated units and to obtain indicators of intentions can confirm or refute potential enemy courses of action. SIGINT also helps commanders to better understand the enemy and the battlespace, thereby reducing uncertainty by acquiring information regarding enemy structure, dispositions, locations, movements, and operational activities and patterns.

c. Indications and Warning. SIGINT is often the principal provider of indications and warning (I&W) because adversaries often reveal their intentions, locations, and movements in their communications and other electronic emissions.

d. Force Protection. SIGINT supports force protection by revealing critical intelligence about enemy intelligence, sabotage, subversion, and terrorism and by assessing the vulnerability of friendly C2 and CI operations.

e. Targeting. SIGINT supports targeting by providing key operational and locational intelligence on enemy C2 operations and facilities, weapons systems, force compositions, and dispositions. Information provided through SIGINT can identify high value and high payoff targets and help develop options for attacking these targets. SIGINT also supports all-source intelligence gain and loss assessments of potential enemy targets.

f. Combat Assessment. SIGINT can aid in all-source intelligence support of battle damage assessments by exploiting enemy reports of sustained battle damages and by detecting changes in enemy operations subsequen to friendly attacks.

From MCWP 2-22.

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