Apparently the PPK shot down an AKSUNGUR. Can anyone confirm the validity of this video?
Don't know but since when do MALE drones fly a couple hundred meters above ground? Pretty sure Aksungur is also not in the inventory of the Land Forces/Air Force only the Navy and that in limited numbers. Why would the Navy be flying a Aksungur a couple hundred meters above ground over northern Iraq?
Apparently the PPK shot down an AKSUNGUR. Can anyone confirm the validity of this video?
If I'm not mistaken MIT only uses TB2 and only recently has gotten Akinci, and the one Intelligence gathering Anka.MIT has also drones
Strange thing is there is no any rejection from Turkish side to the claim
Hmm interesting, 1. Why is the Navy active over northern Iraq 2. from what I see under the tweet I can't really make up any shrapnel or explosion markings.One Aksungur was already lost over N.Iraq last year even though it was confirmed to be owned by the navy.
They way the released videos are cut its hard to tell if its really the same weapons the houthis used, because they show the actual missile impact
Could be. I dont remember seeing any claims for shooting it down.Hmm interesting, 1. Why is the Navy active over northern Iraq 2. from what I see under the tweet I can't really make up any shrapnel or explosion markings.
What is the chance it crashed because of another reason?
Could be. I dont remember seeing any claims for shooting it down.
Im also curious if the US is using some kind of EW pod to protect their mq9s as seen in the newest video
If EW proves ineffective the government should look into developing a protection system akin to what the US is planning on using.
Self-Protection Pod
Give it 3 more Efes exercises and it should be ready.![]()
EFES-2024: Lentatek Shows SAR on KARAYEL-SU Armed UAV | TURDEF
SATCOM-fitted KARAYEL-SU has been exhibited for the first time with a Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)
Lentatek Exhibits KARGI Kamikaze UAVs in EFES-2024 | TURDEF
Lentatek has presented its KARGI’s RF seeker and gimbal EO/IR seeker variants in its booth during the EFES-2024
Kargi was exhibited, but still not officially in Invertory ?
In this Time a War can happen and it will be to late ! The Detterence need to be strengthened ! We actually see how serious the West take it's Values, that what happen in Gaza can happen to Turks if Turkey show one Hour of Weakness !Give it 3 more Efes exercises and it should be ready.
Apparently the PPK shot down an AKSUNGUR. Can anyone confirm the validity of this video?
I rewatched the footage again and at 2:12 there doesnt seem to be a cut but also no indication of a missile/rocket impacting the UCAV?
yeah, but compared to the footage from the houthis we dont see any kind of missile, only an explosionWarhead detonation can be seen. The sudden ultra-bright signature.