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Very interesting. Ukraine is visually confirmed to have lost to 78 out the original 196 Bradley IFVs that USA sent them, leaving approximately 118 remaining.
USA announced that as of today they have now send "more than 300 Bradley IFVs" to Ukraine, which means they've donated 105+ new over the last two packages since new funding has been approved. With at least 223 Bradleys, Ukraine now has more than units than at any point in the conflict. Despite Russia's best efforts to destroy them, Ukraine's fleet has actually grown. That's a very positive sign as Ukraine uses Bradley's very effectively.
USAhas more than 2,500 Bradleys in storage that they'll never use again. Each unit probably takes $200,000-$300,000 dollars to bring back to fighting shape. As the supply of BMPs across Europe dwindles, Bradleys and Marders need to become Ukraine's core IFVs. In particular, I'd like to see USA refurbish 25-50 units per month for the rest of 2024 and equip a second brigade with them that serves a similar role as the 47th Brigade that currently uses them.
I'm curious about describing Ukrainians as 'natives'. Do you describe the people of Indonesia as 'natives', Gary, or are undertones of racism restricted to describing people different to you?Mass surrender among Ukrainian natives after yesterday's offensive in Kharkov
I'm curious about describing Ukrainians as 'natives'. Do you describe the people of Indonesia as 'natives', Gary, or are undertones of racism restricted to describing people different to you?
You did not answer my question. Never mind.Russia is an imperialists as per Western talking points yes?
What imperialists always do is grab land and steal women from the natives right?
Also isn't Ukrainians native to the land? Or is it simply not true? And the land Russia fought for right now belongs to ethnic Russians?