Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War


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You basically admit that democracy is just a giant fraud. There's simply no difference between your explanation with the supposed social contract between Putin and the Russians.

Simply put if Putin allows Russians to vote as long as it didn't present any challenge to him, then it will be allowed. Similarly "democracy" allowed some semblance of mass particiation as long as it didn't present any challenge to those gentlemen in the backdoor (elites, oligarchs, big money etc)

There is a huge difference that you refuse to see. In a democracy, the public has the ability to change the people in power. The head of state, the head of government, etc.

While the elites, oligarhs and big money are generally safe no matter the elections outcome, the country leaders can be changed whenever they become unpopular.

This difference is extremely important. Because of this, even the elites, oligarchs and big money have to tread carefully, because if some of them make big mistakes, they can end up in jail.

In a democracy nobody is completely immune from prosecution and from answering for his actions. While high ranking officials enjoy special protections and privileges, they are nowhere near as immune as dictators and their oligarchy.

In Russia the system is not a democracy because Putin and his ilk cannot be replaced from power by the people through voting. This is not allowed to happen. No matter how badly Putin runs the country, no matter how much suffering he inflicts on his people, they cannot get rid of him without an armed rebellion.

In a democratic country, a leader like Putin would have less than 10% support and would have been forced to call early elections and to resign, considering the damage he has done to Russia in the last two years.


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Something not going well in Russian economy.


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The West has its share of problems, but Russia, the most mineral rich country on the planet, has deplorable standards of living for their average citizen, because of some of the world's most significant top down corruption. Russia is a shithole.

We should always remind our Ruzzian friends in here these facts about their beloved fighters against Western decadence.

Russia is one of the biggest exporters of porn (Gay porn and Child pornography included) in the world. Russia is probably the number 1 exporter of prostitutes in the world- in Turkey the name Natasha is a synonym for a prostitute. Russia is on the top in Europe when it comes to people with AIDS- more than 2 million people...

Russia is on the top when it comes to heroin consumption- up to 3 million users. We shouldn't even talk about their alcoholism- they are world famous for it.

Homicide rates in their safe Russia are officially higher than those in the "crime infested and decaying" USA.
Suicide rates are the highest in Europe and in top 10 of the world- up to 50% higher than those in the USA and 10 times higher than those in Turkey.

You already mentioned their life expectancy that is closer to African countries rather than those of the developed world.

What can we even talk about a country whose soldiers were stealing toilets, washing machines and TVs... Imagine stealing a TOILET in the 21st century. LOL


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I struggle to understand what Ukrainians want.

Want country? There's like multiple Republics inside Russia.

Want to be developed? Hand in hand, Russia and Ukraine could achieve greatness. It was within the framework of the Soviet Union that Ukraine's status as an advanced country skyrocketed. Korolev, Kondartyuk, Glushko and Chelomey are just some famous name that came out when Ukraine is not busying itself to become pawns.

Want protection? Russia will protect them don't worry.

Tragic to think that this war is so avoidable.


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The world is changing.





Russia Correspondent
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Looks like the Russians no longer have to steal washing machines anymore.

The first Russian photolithograph was created in Zelenograd - it is suitable for producing 350 nm chips

“We assembled and made the first domestic lithograph. It is now undergoing testing as part of the technological line in Zelenograd,” this is how an official from the Ministry of Industry announced this significant event for Russian microelectronics, on whose order the Zelenograd Nanotechnology Center (ZNTC) has been developing since 2022 . By the end of 2024, it should be completed with the creation of a prototype photolithograph for the production of microcircuits with a topological level of 350 nm. ZNTC plans to launch serial production of this equipment by the end of 2025.

“Chips with a size of 350 nanometers, although considered large, are still used in many industries, including the automotive industry, energy and telecommunications,” TASS comments on the level of the first photolithograph.

A photolithograph (stepper) for the production of 350 nm microcircuits is an installation weighing 3.5 tons and dimensions 2x2.6x2.5 meters (optical-mechanical device, laser lens with an operating wavelength of 365 nm) plus a control complex. Photolithography processes take place inside: individual processing of silicon wafers (150 and 200 mm in diameter) with automatic loading and unloading of them from cassettes.

Two competitions of the Ministry of Industry and Trade for the development of domestic installations for printing microcircuits on silicon wafers ( the first with a topology level of up to 130 nm with the prospect of its subsequent modernization to a topological level of 65 nm, the second - up to 350 nm) were held in the fall of 2021. ZNTC became the winner of both as the only participant. The final contract value for the first competition was 5.7 billion rubles, for the second - almost 1 billion rubles. The development of photolithographs is one of the first projects of the state program to localize in Russia the technological chain for the production of microcircuits with topological standards of 350...130 nm using completely Russian equipment, as reported in the nanocenter.

“As part of the project to develop a 350 nm photolithograph, we are taking a ready-made laser - a semiconductor, domestic one. Perhaps Zelenograd companies specializing in laser technologies will be able to take part in the supply of such equipment in the future; a separate competitive procedure will be held for this,” ZNTC General Director Anatoly Kovalev told

ZNTC's partners in developing a photolithograph are the Russian laser manufacturer LASSARD and the Belarusian company Planar, which has retained competence in the development of photolithographs since the times of the USSR. At the beginning of 2023, ZNTC agreed with the Belarusian chip manufacturer Integral on the conditions for pre-ordering equipment for photolithography with a topology level of 350 nm.

Today, only three companies in the world produce such equipment: the Dutch ASML, which occupies 84% of the market, and two Japanese companies - Nikon and Canon. “The cost of domestic photolithographs, according to our preliminary estimates, should be lower than foreign ones,” predicted Anatoly Kovalev. “But that’s not the only important thing.” Today, the import of new photolithographic equipment to Russia is under serious restrictions, and in any case, the country needs to solve the problem of developing its own steppers, since photolithography is the basis of any technological process in microelectronics.”

The head of the technological equipment development center and the chief designer of two R&D projects for the creation of domestic photolithographs, Dmitry Kalbazov, spoke in more detail about the progress of the development of the first Russian photolithograph in 2022 and the operating principles of this installation on the Culture TV channel.

As for the 130-65 nm photolithograph, it is planned to develop a completely domestic laser with a wavelength of 193 nm from scratch and obtain a prototype stepper by the end of 2026.


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German 🇩🇪 weapons manufacturer KNDS reported that Ukraine will receive 54 state-of-the-art RCH 155 self-propelled howitzers. 36 units will are being paid for by Germany, while the other 18 units have been purchased for Ukraine by an undisclosed country.



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German 🇩🇪 weapons manufacturer KNDS reported that Ukraine will receive 54 state-of-the-art RCH 155 self-propelled howitzers. 36 units will are being paid for by Germany, while the other 18 units have been purchased for Ukraine by an undisclosed country.

It's gonna be interesting to see how RCH-155 performs. Brand new platform but the design is not optimal.


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German 🇩🇪 weapons manufacturer KNDS reported that Ukraine will receive 54 state-of-the-art RCH 155 self-propelled howitzers. 36 units will are being paid for by Germany, while the other 18 units have been purchased for Ukraine by an undisclosed country.

is this on top of the previous order of 18? or is 54 the total number currently on order


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It's gonna be interesting to see how RCH-155 performs. Brand new platform but the design is not optimal.

How is the design not optimal? highly automated, and can even fire on the move. Can fire 3 shells and get out in less than a minute.


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There is a huge difference that you refuse

While the elites, oligarhs and big money are generally safe no matter the elections outcome, the country leaders can be changed whenever they become unpopular.

In short the relationship between democracies and it's people is that of Putin and Medvedev to the Russian people.

The true power is safe, but at least people think/fooled into believing that there's an actual change by replacing people's below.


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So just in the last week and today we have:

1. G7 countries agreeing to finance Ukraine with 50 billion dollars from Russia's own frozen assets...
2. Ukraine signing defense pacts with the US and Japan for 10 years with the Japanese agreeing to assist Ukraine with 4.5 billion dollars in this year alone. Peanuts for Japan, really...
3. Hungary agreeing not to stop NATO from supplying Ukraine with weaponry. Even Putin's biggest puppet Orban bowed down to Stoltenber.
4. Biden signing with Zelensky agreements for entire F-16 squadrons and Patriot Air Defense systems + weaponry and supplies for them.
5. Basically all NATO countries gave a greenlight to Ukraine to strike Ruzzia everywhere it wants to with the weapons they supply.

I am probably missing many other important news but considering that the supplies and the good weapons for Ukraine are just starting to fly in in bigger numbers it means that we are in for a lot of fun, boys. And we only talk about a bunch of scraps that are given to Ukraine- a very tiny percentage of everything NATO has at it's disposal, mostly Cold War era tech. With all of that NATO is managing to take the teeth of the Bear one by one, slowly and painfully... But yeah, Russians put their flag over the town public toilet in Vochansh, conquered a village with 20 houses and 5 barns in it and took 200 meters of fields near Chasiv Yar and for that they lost only like a thousand people today. Let's celebrate it- from Ingushetia to Indonesia, y'all. :D
I think that Stoltenberg said Ukraine is supported by countries with 50% of the world's GDP and 50% of the world's military might. How does the strength of Russia, North Korea and Iran combined compare with that? On paper, very, very badly.

Had the West in 2022 put its mind to arming Ukraine to win this war and given Ukraine free rein to do that, I think that Russian forces would have been quickly overwhelmed and forced out of the country it had invaded, saving hundreds of thousands of lives.

IMO Russia's only real chance of taking over Ukraine was to administer a swift, knockout blow on Kiev- something it tried but failed to do.


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I think that Stoltenberg said Ukraine is supported by countries with 50% of the world's GDP and 50% of the world's military might. How does the strength of Russia, North Korea and Iran combined compare with that? On paper, very, very badly.

What is the on-paper strength of Communist Vietnam and the Taliban compared to the combined resources of their adversary? Nothing !

In fact the largest military coalition ever assembled in recent memory is that of a lopsided ISAF vs ragtag Taliban. Just to give you an idea


and this hasn't even reach their peak yet.

which led us to this cope of yours
IMO Russia's only real chance of taking over Ukraine was to administer a swift, knockout blow on Kiev- something it tried but failed to do.

Most major victories against the West in the last century or so were achieved not by a winning decisive battle, but rather by an accumulation of long military campaigns that exhausted the enemy's (West) will to fight.

The war in Vietnam and Afghanistan is the story of a repetitive pattern where poorly trained and low-on-morale troops must call for US's assistance whenever things doesn't go their way. Think about the military stalemate in Vietnam that lasted 8 years with no clear or much loss/gain in land seized. The moment the US gave up, it took the Communists only 1 year to unite the country under socialism when they themselves has predicted that their victory could only be achievable by the end of the decade.


The 1974-75 offensive was originally planned as a "softening" operation to pave the way for a larger offensive near future to unite Vietnam. It turns out the offensive's potential was enough to force Saigon into capitulation and rout the South's ARVN (the 4th largest military in the world in 1974)


Then there's Afghanistan, where the Taliban fought a largely stalemate battle (with no clear gains and loss of land) for 13 out of the 20 years of war + hundred of thousands of casualties for basically very little gain. The moment the Doha agreement was signed in February 2020. It took the taliban 1,5 years to secure all of the country back under their thumb


We see the Western way of war and the pattern already. Most the West's client state (including Ukraine) has something in common :

1. Weak willed + shallow conviction in their cause
2. Over dependency on the West

Whatever and however small Russia's gain in the Donbass in the last 6 months or so is still a lot larger accumulatively than what the NVA/VC and the Taliban could accumulate in the 10 and 20 years of struggle they face respectively.

Russia might fail to take Kyiv in its first attempt. But that doesn't matter, because the long-term trajectory will ensure that they will enter Kyiv, it's just a matter of time.


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How is the design not optimal? highly automated, and can even fire on the move. Can fire 3 shells and get out in less than a minute.

Boxer's suspension along wouldn't be able to take 155mm recoil for long wihtout reducing its durability significantly. Unlike any other wheeled howitzers, RCH-155 doesn't have gun laying trail.


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I struggle to understand what Ukrainians want.

Want country? There's like multiple Republics inside Russia.

Want to be developed? Hand in hand, Russia and Ukraine could achieve greatness. It was within the framework of the Soviet Union that Ukraine's status as an advanced country skyrocketed. Korolev, Kondartyuk, Glushko and Chelomey are just some famous name that came out when Ukraine is not busying itself to become pawns.

Want protection? Russia will protect them don't worry.

Tragic to think that this war is so avoidable.
- You struggle because freedom and democracy are concepts the Russians cannot grasp.
- Yes. You have multiple republics in which poverty, economic disaster and vodka deaths go hand in hand together with Putin the top ganster.
- Ukraine want to develop WITHOUT Russian because, lets be honest, who in their right mind want to develop with Russia except for North Korea.
- Russia doesn't offer protection. They offer slavery.


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Russian soldier is now on Tamerlane mod.
Why did you decide that Tamerlane is more cruel than, say, Napoleon or Hitler?
This is the point of view of Western, Russian and Christian historians in general.
In their opinion, Alexander is a great and talented commander.
And Atilla is just a barbarian.
Scipio Africanus is good, but Hannibal is an aggressor, and therefore bad.
Genghis Khan is a villain, and Napoleon is kind, even to the point of indecency.
That is, comparison according to different criteria. Regarding
Napoleon is compared with his military talent, and in relation to Genghis Khan - with his imaginary cruelty. Although it is debatable which of them killed more people.
And it turns out that all the commanders of the West are good and talented, and all the Eastern ones are bloodthirsty barbarians.
After all, this is obvious and natural. In their opinion :)

But if we discard thеsе false statements, invented by «historians» over the centuries, we will see a completely different picture!

Genghis Khan conquered 10 times (!!!) more territory than Iskander the «great», deliberately increased by the West :)
That is, Alexander was not so much great, but simply a dwarf compared to the greatest commander - Genghis Khan...etc
And so in everything

If we take the same criteria for comparison, then
the entire Western construct about the imaginary moral superiority of the West over the East will instantly collapse...
You, Gary, have fallen into a trap:)
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Think Tank Analyst
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I would say that in Vietnam the US intervened in the mid-1950's to prevent a communist government being elected. In 2022 Russia invaded Ukraine to expand its neo-empire. Nothing to do with observing the will of the people who wished to continue being independent (Donbas, perhaps, excepted).

It is one thing to invade a country to liberate an oppressed people. The invader can be expected to receive a warm welcome. It is another thing to invade a country to remove the freedom of its people. There the invader can be expected to meet ongoing resistance to being, as Putin puts it 'liberated'.


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