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'Usurpers of power in Ukraine'? In a free election Zelensky was selected by the people of Ukraine. That may not suit Putin (who incidentally was not elected in a free election) but if anyone usurped power in Ukraine, it was the people of Ukraine.View attachment 72373
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MOSCOW, November 27 — RIA Novosti. The materials that Russia has that can withstand ultra-high temperatures made it possible to create the Oreshnik system and will make it possible to create other types of hypersonic weapons, said Mikhail Kovalchuk, president of the Kurchatov Institute National Research Center. The Oreshnik was demonstrated the other day. Why did we do this, why did we overtake everyone? Because we are one of the five world leaders. <...> We have created hypersonic weapons in a short period of time. And these are materials that used to work at 1,500 degrees, then at 1,800, and these at 2,000, and we did it, while others did not," Kovalchuk told Izvestia on the sidelines of the IV Congress of Young Scientists, which is taking place in the federal territory of Sirius. According to him, the next step should be materials that can withstand 2,500-3,000 degrees. "Other materials that can withstand high temperatures will make it possible to create even more advanced weapons. The next step should be materials that can withstand 2500-3000 degrees,” Kovalchuk said.
To answer your question with a question, Why doesn't Ukraine hold elections? We held elections in the civil war.'Usurpers of power in Ukraine'? In a free election Zelensky was selected by the people of Ukraine. That may not suit Putin (who incidentally was not elected in a free election) but if anyone usurped power in Ukraine, it was the people of Ukraine.
This is not a civil war, their country was INVADED and some cities are still under invader occupationTo answer your question with a question, Why doesn't Ukraine hold elections? We held elections in the civil war.
I am sure that Ukraine would have held elections if there were not an existential war going on. Something else: how do people vote in a Ukrainian election if they live in an area under Russian occupation?To answer your question with a question, Why doesn't Ukraine hold elections? We held elections in the civil war.
to answer your question with a question how was a president elected during the civil war?how do people vote in a Ukrainian election if they live in an area under Russian occupation?
Good question. I do not know what the rationale answer your question with a question how was a president elected during the civil war?
Ukraine is under “martial law” right now with the permission of the Rada. Democracy and personal freedom are sacrificed for the sake of more efficient centralized war time government.To answer your question with a question, Why doesn't Ukraine hold elections? We held elections in the civil war.
a pretty important problem, ukraine doesn´t have actually a system capable to counter that hellish missilesView attachment 72373
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View attachment 72377
MOSCOW, November 27 — RIA Novosti. The materials that Russia has that can withstand ultra-high temperatures made it possible to create the Oreshnik system and will make it possible to create other types of hypersonic weapons, said Mikhail Kovalchuk, president of the Kurchatov Institute National Research Center. The Oreshnik was demonstrated the other day. Why did we do this, why did we overtake everyone? Because we are one of the five world leaders. <...> We have created hypersonic weapons in a short period of time. And these are materials that used to work at 1,500 degrees, then at 1,800, and these at 2,000, and we did it, while others did not," Kovalchuk told Izvestia on the sidelines of the IV Congress of Young Scientists, which is taking place in the federal territory of Sirius. According to him, the next step should be materials that can withstand 2,500-3,000 degrees. "Other materials that can withstand high temperatures will make it possible to create even more advanced weapons. The next step should be materials that can withstand 2500-3000 degrees,” Kovalchuk said.
Ukraine is in martial law, has a significant portion of its population and land under occupation, is under existential threat, would need to dedicate significant resources to organizing an election (approximately $200 million), and would place the lives of its citizens at risk if they were to congregate in large numbers at voting places across the country. Ukraine's constitution provides that elections cannot be held in such a case, and this part has been in Ukraine's Constitution from before the war.To answer your question with a question, Why doesn't Ukraine hold elections? We held elections in the civil war.
To answer your question with a question, Why doesn't Ukraine hold elections? We held elections in the civil war.
It would still help Ukraine look less corrupt than it already is. The US during war with itself still ran elections which could have been done on the western side of Ukraine.If they did hold elections.
Russia will still bitch and whine because Pro Russian candidates lost as we see with Moldova
Welcome on board.Hello everyone, i am new here and this web seems great in what refers to info. Are there any trustable report or studies which indicates how many people have really dead in this hellish conflict. I have heard estimations up to 1 millions deaths combining both sides.
sadly, no timeframe with dates.Welcome on board.
Regarding military equipment losses, there is the source Oryx that publishes numbers of Russian and Ukrainian losses with photographic verification.