Russia surrounded by an offensive group - OPU
13 November 2021, 16:09
An accumulation of Russian military equipment near the Ukrainian border
After the completion of the exercises in the second half of 2021, only the personnel of the Russian army returned to the places of permanent deployment, and military equipment, including Iskander tanks and missile systems, remained, Zelensky said.
The Russian armed forces are constantly holding a powerful offensive grouping around Ukraine, Roman Mashovets, deputy head of the President's Office for National Security and Defense, said in an interview with the Military Times, according to the Defense Ministry's Main Intelligence Directorate.
In the second half of this year, Russian troops conducted a complex of large-scale command and staff exercises near the state border of Ukraine. After the completion of the exercises, only personnel returned to the places of permanent deployment, and military equipment, including Iskander tanks and missile systems, remained, Mashovets said.
Thanks to this, Russia in a very short time can carry out the redeployment of personnel and form strike groups ready for offensive actions on the territory of Ukraine, the representative of the OP noted.
Bidding has begun. Press about the "invasion" of Ukraine
“Russia, with its actions and armed aggression, daily undermines the foundations of a democratic world, and Ukraine now not only has a military conflict with the Russian Federation on its territories, but actually acts as a big wall to protect the whole world,” he stressed.
The pulling of Russian troops to the Ukrainian border was noticed at the end of October. Ukraine has denied the movement of forces for two weeks, but this week, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy spoke about 100,000 troops.
The West fears that Russia is preparing for a large-scale offensive against Ukraine. In the United States, they are warning that they are ready to react.
13 November 2021, 16:09
An accumulation of Russian military equipment near the Ukrainian border
After the completion of the exercises in the second half of 2021, only the personnel of the Russian army returned to the places of permanent deployment, and military equipment, including Iskander tanks and missile systems, remained, Zelensky said.
The Russian armed forces are constantly holding a powerful offensive grouping around Ukraine, Roman Mashovets, deputy head of the President's Office for National Security and Defense, said in an interview with the Military Times, according to the Defense Ministry's Main Intelligence Directorate.
In the second half of this year, Russian troops conducted a complex of large-scale command and staff exercises near the state border of Ukraine. After the completion of the exercises, only personnel returned to the places of permanent deployment, and military equipment, including Iskander tanks and missile systems, remained, Mashovets said.
Thanks to this, Russia in a very short time can carry out the redeployment of personnel and form strike groups ready for offensive actions on the territory of Ukraine, the representative of the OP noted.
Bidding has begun. Press about the "invasion" of Ukraine
“Russia, with its actions and armed aggression, daily undermines the foundations of a democratic world, and Ukraine now not only has a military conflict with the Russian Federation on its territories, but actually acts as a big wall to protect the whole world,” he stressed.
The pulling of Russian troops to the Ukrainian border was noticed at the end of October. Ukraine has denied the movement of forces for two weeks, but this week, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy spoke about 100,000 troops.
The West fears that Russia is preparing for a large-scale offensive against Ukraine. In the United States, they are warning that they are ready to react.

Россия окружила наступательной группировкой - ОПУ
После завершения учений во второй половине 2021 года в места постоянной дислокации вернулся только личный состав армии РФ, а военная техника, в том числе танки и ракетные системы Искандер остались, отметили у Зеленского.