many gas and oil projects. good luck indeed latching on the collapsing westIf they block Russia from SWIFT, the only country to trade are China, North Korea, Iran and Cuba.
There is no other country that want to use the new Sino-Russian system because they dont have to.
Good luck Russia.
Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh to Muslim.
Good day to Others.
Only time west reacted was when Turkey downed a russian jet a few years ago, ofcourse they reacted against Turkey. Anyway westerners in europe supporting the PKK against Turkey, time for you clowns to make amends because it looks like only Turkey is the serious nation doing anything against Russia.
To me it seems like socialists of the west and east are united.
Yep, the KGB bombed apartment buildings back then, just to justify genocide in Chechnya... Everyone who was part of the investigative committee - because of questions that arose - was executed one by one...Russia used a false flag attack to invade Chechnya.
100%You still see that same western arrogance, none of them are talking about how the west screwed Turkey concerning Russia. They sided with Russia in Syria against Turkey, they sided with Armenia against Azerbaijan, despite Armenia being a Russian ally and Azerbaijan being pro west. They even sided with Russia in Libya against Turkey, while the EU itself under macron tried to impose an arms embargo against the legitimate government of libya to the benefit of Russia.
No media wants to point out how the west has already behaved against Turkey, only how its behaved against the west.
Its a shame its Ukraine since Turkey has a great relationship with that nation, otherwise let them kill each other. Turks can get the popcorn out.