Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War


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Russian military analyst Sivkov explains the current situation. Considers Ukraine's warlord Zaluzhny a brilliant strategist, he believes he didn't want to risk an offensive. But in mid-August, Western countries put pressure on Ukraine to advance in order to continue to provide military assistance. The offensive launched by Ukraine in the south was completely bogged down due to bombing by Russian aircraft in open areas. In the Dry Stavki area, 3 brigades advanced, of which 2 brigades were completely destroyed. 1 brigade was destroyed in an open field with the use of FAB-500 bombs. In the very first days, the Armed Forces of Ukraine lost 69 tanks - these are huge losses, respectively, twice the loss of armored combat vehicles. The total losses officially recognized as irretrievable are about 2.7 thousand people. The 2nd brigades were destroyed, there were significantly more losses. In the north, in the Kharkov region, something similar was organized. The enemy attacked with relatively small forces, significantly smaller than in the south. Nevertheless, they managed to overcome the resistance, which was not strong, the troops began to quickly withdraw, poorly trained and not seriously armed people's militia of the DPR and LPR. They initially ran into Balakleya, where the defense was held by 2 SOBR, which had no weapons at all for combined arms combat. Ours lasted 2 days. Then an organized withdrawal from Balakliya took place. Losses, I refer to the data that circulate in the blogging community, this is 1 person killed from the SOBR and 5 wounded. This is generally called an organized output without significant losses. Now the enemy has deepened to 30 kilometers, and the width is about 20 kilometers. But if we consider the whole picture in Ukraine, then the total length of the front is about 1000 kilometers. What is 20 kilometers against the background of 1000 kilometers, well, it’s clear, in my opinion, right? During the Great Patriotic War (against Germany in 1941-1945), they were not even noted in the reports, battles of local significance were noted. Now 2 Soltsepekov divisions have been brought up there, artillery is operating, aviation is operating. All this is done with the aim of destroying this group of troops. Therefore, there is a systematic destruction of this grouping with the infliction of maximum damage. Some more advances are possible, but the main part of this grouping will be destroyed. The operational formation of the advancing troops is very indicative, 3 echelons are organized there. 1st echelon - according to the Ukrainian side, these are special forces, mercenaries and instructors. This is not reconnaissance, it is the offensive echelon. The 2nd echelon is made up of fighters who have been trained in Britain, the 3rd echelon is made up of territorial defense fighters who are designed to hold territory, nothing more. The first blow will be on these most combat-ready units. As far as we know from the hospitals that are under the control of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, there are a very large number of wounded, and the wounded with very serious injuries, many of their limbs have been torn off. This is a tragedy, of course. All this comes from areas that are subjected to massive missile and air strikes. That is, here, too, one can see the same option as in the south, the classic version. That is, to lure the enemy into open area and there to destroy them from the fortified area. Well, if we draw an analogy, then this is reminiscent of the situation on the Kursk Bulge.

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Chaotic shelling of Kharkov by russian artillery today :mad:






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Amazing.......Very good.............Ukraine army able to catch Highest Top general of WEST Front
This is very very important, Ukraine army have 1 of 4 generals appointed by putin for WAR
They have him ALIVE :love:

"The capture of a Lieutenant General, on the field of battle, is almost unprecedented. "

People here do not understand what value is this!!

this shows how deeply, and how rapidly, Ukraine forces penetrated Russian defenses.

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