Ουκρανία: τα ιρανικά UAV "αυτοκτονίας" Shahed-136 χτυπούν μαζικά στρατιωτικούς στόχους και πολιτικές υποδομές - Πτήση
H προμήθεια UAV αλλά και loitering munitions (UAV “αυτοκτονίας”) από το Ιράν και η άμεση χρήση τους στο μέτωπο των μαχών, έχει δημιουργήσει την άμεση ανάγκη για την αποτελεσματική αντιμετώπισή τους από τις ουκρανικές ένοπλες δυνάμεις. Ήδη, εξειδικευμένα στελέχη του Κιέβου μελετούν εξονυχιστικά...

Ukraine: Iran's Shahed-136 'suicide' drones collectively hit military targets, civilian infrastructure.
The supply of mobile ammunition ("suicide" UAVs), as well as drones from Iran and their immediate use on the war front, created an urgent need for effective countermeasures by the Ukrainian armed forces. Already in Kiev, experts are studying the relatively solid Shahed-136, which fell into their hands, and plan the "response" of the Ukrainian army.
The emergence of Iranian "Shahed-136" ammunition has already prompted the Ukrainian air defense to seek effective countermeasures, since Russian forces have already massively used it, especially in attacks on infantry units and civilian infrastructure in the south of the country.
Finally, the Greeks learned from the Ukrainians that drones are dangerous.According to Ukrainian officials, the drones in question are particularly noisy, so they are relatively easy to spot by soldiers on the ground. However, they are difficult to detect in time by Ukrainian radars, especially since they fly at low altitude.
If Israel had given Ukraine the iron dome air defense system, the damage would not have been so much.