Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War


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I also do not think at this point Russia will want to send gas through Ukraine and Poland via gazprom if Russia has to pay transit fees for it(wont pay transit fees for ukraine anymore after its demilitarized). I think Russia will find a way to destroy that Baltic pipeline and watch Europe descend into darkness and coldness for the next couple years. Also I am hearing news that some of the other pipelines are still operational but thats up to Germany.

Russia will now totally fuck Ukraine's economy and maybe Poland by refusing to send in any more exports. Russia will now back Iran and totally concentrate on that infrastructure line going through the Caspian Sea and to Iran and its ports. Russia will totally concentrate on China, India, and other Asian countries. No idea why many Turkish users mock Germany for buy gas when most turks want to leave their country via mass immigration to Germany and forgetting about trading gas with Russia via payment in rubbles.

Russian Nuclear Reactor That Uses 'Innovative' Fuel Goes Into 'Full Power Mode'

The central hall of the fourth generating unit with a BN-00 nuclear reactor at the Beloyarskaya Nuclear Power Plant in Zarechny, Sverdlovsk Region - Sputnik International, 1920, 23.09.2022

Use of the new fuel is expected to drastically increase the fuel base of the nuclear power generation sector and further minimize radioactive waste.
On September 22, Unit 4 of the Beloyarsk Nuclear Power Plant in Russia reached 100 percent capacity for the first time.
According to the Atomic Energy web portal, the entire active zone of the BN-800 fast breeder reactor at Unit 4 has been fully switched to mixed oxide fuel (or MOX fuel for short) made from plutonium dioxide, which is made from reprocessed fuel rods used in standard VVER pressurized water reactors, and depleted uranium oxide made from reprocessed byproducts of the uranium enrichment process.
The use of MOX fuel essentially brings the entire Russian nuclear industry a step closer to a “new technological platform based on the closed nuclear fuel cycle,” drastically increasing the fuel base of the nuclear power generation sector and further minimizing radioactive waste, the portal suggests.
Ivan Sidorov, director of the Beloyarsk Nuclear Power Plant, has explained that, as per the license agreement, the reactor at Unit 4 had to spend 300 hours working at 85 percent capacity after the new fuel was loaded, and that nothing out of the ordinary happened during that time.
Therefore, Sidorov stated, the “innovative” MOX fuel works as intended and the reactor can now generate electricity and heat “reliably, safely and at full capacity.”

IKSAR AR platform tested at Arctic LNG 2 project

Arctic LNG 2, together with INLINE GROUP, tested the domestic IKSAR software platform in combination with industrial AR glasses in real field conditions at the site of the Center for the Construction of Large Offshore Structures (TsSKMS) in Murmansk.

The tests were carried out at two geographically separated locations (zones) of the TsSKMS according to two production scenarios as part of the acceptance tests of the ISSU equipment and the inspection of the boil-off gas compressor.

When performing operations on AR-glasses, the employee received step-by-step graphic and text instructions for action, sound audio prompts for ongoing operations, read marks, filled out checklists, entered data, made photo and video recording of both the operations themselves and incidents. Voice comments recorded during the execution of actions were automatically converted into text messages when processed on the server side of the platform with the possibility of subsequent viewing of this information in the report on completed operations.

Steps and instructions, as well as all actions on AR glasses, were controlled by simple, understandable voice commands in Russian.

A separate block of tasks was implemented via IKSAR video communication, which allows not only working in the already familiar videoconferencing format, but also connecting employees in AR glasses directly from the production site.

The actions of the specialist were observed in real time from the first person by a large number of remote experts who instructed him and at the same time carried out inspection and acceptance of the performed actions.

Due to the fact that IKSAR is a ready-made domestic software for industrial use, the pre-commissioning preparatory work before the start of testing at the site of the TsSKMS "Arctic LNG 2" in Murmansk was completed in a matter of hours, the production personnel underwent a brief briefing and independently performed all planned events with the assistance of the "IKSAR" team in a remote format.

An important feature of the IKSAR platform is that an employee could perform all actions (except for video calls) offline.

Separately, test participants highly appreciated the effectiveness of using AR glasses on a production site in conditions of severe ambient noise. It did not affect the operation of AR glasses, voice control on AR glasses worked with high accuracy of voice command recognition.

Commenting on the results of tests in real conditions, Sergey Vargashkin, IT Director of Arctic LNG 2 LLC, noted the potential of using the IKSAR platform in combination with AR glasses to increase the efficiency and speed of operations, transparency, objectivity of the process and results, control of compliance with safety regulations , increasing the reliability of the data received from the "fields".

Representative of the IKSAR team, Igor Starodubtsev, noted the high organization of the tests carried out by Arctic LNG 2 with the participation of a large number of "observers" from different geographical regions, and also emphasized the company's great interest in applying advanced innovative technologies and services in its production processes.


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This document is a proof. Which country publishes its own secret war intelligence information in a war it is not involved in. No country. But if a country wants this war, if it has done secret actions to start the war, the secret side of the war will do such propaganda actions. This war is a crime against humanity not only in Russia but also in the west.
You make as much sense as a screen door on a submarine.
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Russia doesnt have the capability to send divers down to 70m+ and plant explosives?? really? Just because they dont have the skills for construction of a major underwater pipeline on their own? We are talking about the destruction not construction, much easier to blow up a pipe line than build one.

And as for saying there is no reason for Russia to do it, If they were already decided on shutting off the pipeline, which they have already been doing, couldn't it be possible that destroying it and having finger pointing at the USA etc would suit their purposes and seem a good way to sow confusion and discord amongst the european nations and the USA? Surely this is one of their primary aims at the moment. And remember this is Putin we are talking about, who has already showed how irrational he is.

Why on earth would the USA risk such a secret operation let alone keep it from all of their allies? Surprises me sometimes how people interpret events like these.

Ukraine has a motive, Russia has a motive, i don't see any other country having a reason for doing so. USA wont even let the Ukrainians use weapons they supplied to be used to target troops in Russian lands, for fear of escalating things, and yet now they are going to send a strike team to destroy Russian and European infrastructure? Really?

A key point, is how little protesting we have heard from the Russian side about the destroyed pipelines, they hardly appear outraged by it do they?
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In my opinion, if this war is to end and more loss of life, injury, pain, cruelty, and harm is not desired, what needs to be done is to get rid of the American puppet Zelenzky and to re-establish the political-military balances. Everyone knows this very well.
Zelensky is just trying to defend his country. I will almost vomit when I see people trying to rationalize what Russia is doing, especially if they are from a "Turkic" state.


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Sooner the Russian federation collapses the better. Arguably one of the most morally bankrupt imperial states in human history. Everywhere they go, raping of women, killing of babies and torturing of men. And after the extensive genocides they commit comes the forced cultural subjugation of what remains. A nation who never fought fair and only ever fought dirty.

In the Chechen wars of the 90ties they slaughtered over 300,000 thousand people. With half of it being children. In Afghanistan they slaughtered over two million afghans, with over half of it being women and children. In Syria they indiscriminately bombed civilians like they enjoyed it.

In Ukraine while claiming they are brothers the same rape of woman and slaughter of civilians and once they are sent running away from a town they indiscriminately bomb it.

These are just some recent events, the further back we go the worse it gets. So its good to see their clown army being destroyed in Ukraine. These are happy days. The endless hordes who have fallen to cheap soviet propaganda are another stain on humanity.
Russian federation must collapse, for the sake of humanity! These guys killed 100 million innocent people in history.


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never forget that Putin is a billionaire, i suspect at worse he will look for some kind of amnesty and flee to Switzerland where all these international political entities seem to have a safe haven at.
Putin is already history. The only safe heaven for him will be his grave.


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A dog that barks a lot doesn't bite. Putin built himself an image of a ruthless strongman without any opposition to him but deep inside he is a coward that is full of insecurities. He is afraid and paranoid even from those around him and much of his actions talk about this.

Even if he gives an order for a nuclear strike it doesn't mean that it will be carried out. Usually there is no such thing as a red button but we talk about multiple people on different levels of command that must all give their okay about it. I doubt that many people out there are ready for a nuclear war and a total destruction... especially when all the kids, wives, bank accounts and mansions of the Russian elite are in the West. Why commit a "suicide" for some crazy old man that will probably be dead soon anyway. I won't be surprised if the minute Putin even dares to order a nuclear strike he would probably be killed or couped.

Though these are my thoughts as a sane and relatively pragmatic person... Yet as we see sanity is hard to find in most Russian heads in general so I might as well be wrong too. :D
No one will push the button. That guy will push the button if Nato armies are outside Moscow and there is no other possibility to push them back. He wont push it if Russia was not successful in invading another country. He has children, family etc. He will shoot Putin in that case and become a national hero. This is the most logical outcome.


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Russian federation must collapse, for the sake of humanity! These guys killed 100 million innocent people in history.

All empires throughout history have done bad things and truth be told I don't think you can ever really justify empire. Empire is just a reality of the human condition and once one nation looks to do it, it sets off a chain reaction where to survive you have to do it. However as far as Russia is concerned, its just pure brutality from top to bottom. Not only do they not have an ounce of humanity for the ones they attack and invade, but they have absolutely no empathy for each other. Then you top this off with a population that consumes its nation propaganda like no other and you a special kind of mix that gives us nothing but evil acts.

In all these years I've never seen or heard one Russian ever show remorse or doubts over the crimes his nation commits, not one.

Even the greatest tragedies that befall the Ottomans and her minorities Russia was a key instigator of it all. Its good to see them getting destroyed against a nation whose power comparatively is so minor. As long as Russia has influence in lands she does not directly occupy, there can be no peace. This is her nature.

Imagine if any other nation was so callus as to threaten nuking so many nations, they would be dehumanised and disregarded by the world as nothing but trash. Yet when the Russians do it, it feels perfectly normal, nothing unusual or out of the ordinary. This is what the world has come to expect from these people.


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They say here that over the past 2 months the United States has not delivered a single new heavy equipment to Ukraine. USA supplies only consumables.
When asked by a journalist what would happen if Russia used nuclear weapons against Ukraine, Biden replied that there would be a strict isolation of Russia. Therefore, they say that Russia will not be even more isolated than it is now. That is, to scare a hedgehog with a bare ass.


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poor, destitute groups of people are always exploited.

This video was also shot in a Russian prison. The speaking Russian military invites prisoners to join the army in exchange for their freedom. If they accepted to join the army, they would be free if they did not die after serving for 6 months after training. At the front, drugs, alcohol, and sexual intercourse with people on the other side are prohibited. those who escaped would be shot.


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You make as much sense as a screen door on a submarine.
You're right in your comment for a westerner mind. But it's wrong for someone with an analytical mind who puts every piece of information in the right place.

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