Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War




İlham Aliyev Ukrayna hakkında:

"Ukrayna için en önemli şey, topraklarının işgalini kabul etmemekdir. Batılı ortaklar bana kaybettiğinizi, toprak işgaline katlanmak zorunda olduğunuzu ve toprak bütünlüğüne karşı tutumunuzu yeniden gözden geçirmeniz gerektiğini söylediler. Ama her zaman cevap verdim - hayır! İnatçı ve esnek olmadığım için eleştirildim ama her zaman cevap vermedim.
Size tavsiyem - toprak bütünlüğünün ihlalini asla kabul etmeyin. İkinci tavsiye - her zaman kendi kaynaklarınıza güvenin ve uluslararası kuruluşların kararlarına kulak asmayın, bunların hiçbir etkisi yok - Ermenistan 30 yıldır BM'nin Azerbaycan topraklarından asker çekme kararına uymadı. .

Azınlık olduğumuzu anladım, bize yardım etmeyecekler. Azerbaycan'ın güçlü bir orduya ve güçlü bir ekonomiye ihtiyacı var ve bu yapıldı. Yeni bir nesle ihtiyacımız vardı - toprak bütünlüğü uğruna sonuna kadar gidecek bir nesil. Bu neslin çoğu Karabağ'ı kendi gözleriyle görmemiştir...

Ordu için harcamalarımız yüksek ama motivasyonumuz ve vatanseverliğimiz çok büyüktü ve Ermenistan'a çok yardımın geleceği bize açıktı ama bu bizi durdurmadı. Ermenistan Başbakanı'na askerlerini geri çekme fırsatı verdim, ancak Azerbaycan'ın kazanacağına inanmadı. Ama biz ilerledik ve sonunda Ermenistan taleplerimizi kabul etmek zorunda kaldı. En önemli şey milletin muzaffer ruhudur. Şimdi yaptıklarımızdan gurur duyuyoruz. Ukrayna'nın toprak bütünlüğünü destekliyoruz ve hem Rusya hem de Ukrayna ile mükemmel ilişkilerimiz var.

Toprak bütünlüğü ilkeleri ihlal edilmemelidir. Bu arada, hem Moldova'nın hem de Gürcistan'ın toprak bütünlüğünü destekliyoruz. Ermenistan ile müzakereye davet edildik ama Ermeniler sağırdı. Biz çalıştıkça onlar daha kibirli hale geldi. Ama şimdi toprak bütünlüğümüzü kim onaylıyor? Birkaç yıl önce "Karabağ Ermenistan'dır" diyenler... "


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Russians are doomed, even the biggest ally has sold them.


❗️Chinese state television showed a map showing which countries will take Russia after the split. The Chinese seem keen on Russian territory.




During the 44-day war, weapons were regularly transported from Russia to Armenia by cargo planes.

Ilham Aliyev

Azerbaijan supports the territorial integrity of Ukraine and other countries.

Our experience has taught us that violation of territorial integrity will never be tolerated. The second thing I learned is to trust your own sources. Third, do not trust the decisions of international organizations. They don't matter."

Ilham Aliyev


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Didn't you completely annihilate the Ukrainian TB2s like during the first week of your failed invasion? How come there's more you're shooting down?
Let's see, How will RuZZkiez cry and scream if Ukraine requests second batch of Bayraktar's which are "useless" against Russian Shell.


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İlham Aliyev Ukrayna hakkında:

"Ukrayna için en önemli şey, topraklarının işgalini kabul etmemekdir. Batılı ortaklar bana kaybettiğinizi, toprak işgaline katlanmak zorunda olduğunuzu ve toprak bütünlüğüne karşı tutumunuzu yeniden gözden geçirmeniz gerektiğini söylediler. Ama her zaman cevap verdim - hayır! İnatçı ve esnek olmadığım için eleştirildim ama her zaman cevap vermedim.
Size tavsiyem - toprak bütünlüğünün ihlalini asla kabul etmeyin. İkinci tavsiye - her zaman kendi kaynaklarınıza güvenin ve uluslararası kuruluşların kararlarına kulak asmayın, bunların hiçbir etkisi yok - Ermenistan 30 yıldır BM'nin Azerbaycan topraklarından asker çekme kararına uymadı. .

Azınlık olduğumuzu anladım, bize yardım etmeyecekler. Azerbaycan'ın güçlü bir orduya ve güçlü bir ekonomiye ihtiyacı var ve bu yapıldı. Yeni bir nesle ihtiyacımız vardı - toprak bütünlüğü uğruna sonuna kadar gidecek bir nesil. Bu neslin çoğu Karabağ'ı kendi gözleriyle görmemiştir...

Ordu için harcamalarımız yüksek ama motivasyonumuz ve vatanseverliğimiz çok büyüktü ve Ermenistan'a çok yardımın geleceği bize açıktı ama bu bizi durdurmadı. Ermenistan Başbakanı'na askerlerini geri çekme fırsatı verdim, ancak Azerbaycan'ın kazanacağına inanmadı. Ama biz ilerledik ve sonunda Ermenistan taleplerimizi kabul etmek zorunda kaldı. En önemli şey milletin muzaffer ruhudur. Şimdi yaptıklarımızdan gurur duyuyoruz. Ukrayna'nın toprak bütünlüğünü destekliyoruz ve hem Rusya hem de Ukrayna ile mükemmel ilişkilerimiz var.

Toprak bütünlüğü ilkeleri ihlal edilmemelidir. Bu arada, hem Moldova'nın hem de Gürcistan'ın toprak bütünlüğünü destekliyoruz. Ermenistan ile müzakereye davet edildik ama Ermeniler sağırdı. Biz çalıştıkça onlar daha kibirli hale geldi. Ama şimdi toprak bütünlüğümüzü kim onaylıyor? Birkaç yıl önce "Karabağ Ermenistan'dır" diyenler... "
Ilham Aliyev about Ukraine:

"The most important thing for Ukraine is not to accept the occupation of its territory. Western partners told me that you lost, that you have to endure the occupation of land and that you need to reconsider your attitude towards territorial integrity. But I always answered - no! I was criticized for being stubborn and inflexible, but always I did not answer.
My advice to you - never accept the violation of territorial integrity. Second advice - always trust your own sources and do not listen to the decisions of international organizations, they have no effect - Armenia has not complied with the UN decision to withdraw troops from the territory of Azerbaijan for 30 years. .

I understand that we are a minority, they will not help us. Azerbaijan needs a strong army and a strong economy and this has been done. We needed a new generation - a generation that would go all the way for the sake of territorial integrity. Most of this generation has not seen Karabakh with their own eyes...

Our expenses for the army were high, but our motivation and patriotism were great, and it was clear to us that a lot of help would come to Armenia, but that did not stop us. I gave the Prime Minister of Armenia the opportunity to withdraw his troops, but he did not believe that Azerbaijan would win. But we moved forward and in the end Armenia had to accept our demands. The most important thing is the victorious spirit of the nation. We are proud of what we do now. We support Ukraine's territorial integrity and have excellent relations with both Russia and Ukraine.

The principles of territorial integrity should not be violated. Meanwhile, we support the territorial integrity of both Moldova and Georgia. We were invited to negotiate with Armenia, but the Armenians were deaf. The more we worked, the more arrogant they got. But who now affirms our territorial integrity? Those who said "Karabakh is Armenia" a few years ago..."


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Russians are doomed, even the biggest ally has sold them.


❗️Chinese state television showed a map showing which countries will take Russia after the split. The Chinese seem keen on Russian territory.

View attachment 43303
View attachment 43304

Mate you should understand one thing China did NOT forget that russia took China land in 1945-1951 and russian did not give it back.
at end of 1960 China declare WAR to take back this land " Sino-Soviet WAR". China able to take back some parts of own land but not ALL of it

China just wait right moment and they WILL ATTACK russia.
All russia Nuke talks is Mainly Directed to China. Mean China do NOT think that if i am losing in Ukraine you should start WAR to take back China lands

That was I Talking at beginning of WAR in Ukraine that China WILL watch closely. World is against russia and WAR in Ukraine for russia is lost. China is starting to show what they gonna do. It make look like simple news but it is NOT
Chaina military power is overkill for russia.
russia have Nukes but China also have Nukes...........Only fight is conventional and russia is losing


France Correspondent
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You need fancy radars to operate good BVR missiles like Aim 120 C7 This post also shows how uneducated your are. Turkish air force flies double the time Vks ever does our pilots doesn't sit around like yours and our pilots arent fat like yours 😂😂😂 also Aim 120 C7>>>R77(shit77)

Plus your planes are prone to ecw attacks from F16s lol

The Su-35 doesn't need a fancy radar to shoot down the F-16. The decisive factor is the combat experience and abilities of the pilot. Turkey has only the experience of destroying Su "in the back" without warning. Selcuk Bayraktar gave Turkey the opportunity to have excellent drones, but combat experience will soon solve the problem of air defense from tb2.

When Turkiye will put their Gökhan missiles + GaN-based AESA radar on their F16 they will definitely be the most powerful air force in the region.


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Seriously do Russians really believe Turkiye today is like the Ottoman Empire that was collapsing and weakening day by day. From the 1700s to the 1923s.

Times have changed to be honest.

Russians seem to have this notion of underestimating the Turks especially today.


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Seriously do Russians really believe Turkiye today is like the Ottoman Empire that was collapsing and weakening day by day. From the 1700s to the 1923s.

Times have changed to be honest.

Russians seem to have this notion of underestimating the Turks especially today.
It was around 2015, when Turkey was in a less favorable position for a military confrontation with Russia. I'm not discussing the current situation


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Seriously do Russians really believe Turkiye today is like the Ottoman Empire that was collapsing and weakening day by day. From the 1700s to the 1923s.

Times have changed to be honest.

Russians seem to have this notion of underestimating the Turks especially today.
you lie only self. russians are feed with russian propaganda news farbicated or twisted history movies. This is for russia there were NEVER free or natural media. I am talking about NON STOP LIES with russian watch each day of their live.
You may say it is hard to believe, As putin once said west people are naive and weak even if they see russian live. They keep try to lie them self that this kind of live in russia can NOT.
Russian mind and live is build on fabricated/propaganda world they are made to be zombies literally to the letter.
No matter what you say or show russian zombie DO NOT CARE and DO NOT THINK about it. They just try to get what is in their dead mind and repeat and repeat....repeat......repeat.......repeat......repeat.....
russian do NOT accept anyone as there are other then russian..........their behave as they are living - brutal, savage, shameless typical live


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you lie only self. russians are feed with russian propaganda news farbicated or twisted history movies. This is for russia there were NEVER free or natural media. I am talking about NON STOP LIES with russian watch each day of their live.
You may say it is hard to believe, As putin once said west people are naive and weak even if they see russian live. They keep try to lie them self that this kind of live in russia can NOT.
Russian mind and live is build on fabricated/propaganda world they are made to be zombies literally to the letter.
No matter what you say or show russian zombie DO NOT CARE and DO NOT THINK about it. They just try to get what is in their dead mind and repeat and repeat....repeat......repeat.......repeat......repeat.....
russian do NOT accept anyone as there are other then russian..........their behave as they are living - brutal, savage, shameless typical live
What a bold performance! Don't get a heart attack from overwhelming emotions!

Fuzuli NL

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It was around 2015, when Turkey was in a less favorable position for a military confrontation with Russia. I'm not discussing the current situation
The difference would've been simply the exposure of the Russian army being a paper tiger a few years earlier had there been a Turkish-Russian confrontation.


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Holy shi* is that true that Ukrainian's will operate F-16s ?
world is against russia...........time is ticking...........and Ukraine is accepted from WEST as their own..............
Just OPEN you eyes.... it WAS ALREADY DECIDED..........NOW you just see STEPS BY STEPS Build up
- ALL BIG ORGANIZATIONS, blocked, removed, kick out russian officials, banks, companies, contracts etc.
- Countries already APPLY military, economy, political, intel, man power supply and support of Ukraine
- Gatherings of World and decisions are Applying ACTIONS HOW Effectively to Support What Ukraine need and Stop russia

It is only ONE THING REMAIN when russians will DO following options
1. Revolt and remove putin mafia from power
2. Or russia will continue to suffer until russian say we can NOT do more

As more time passed the MORE russians will suffer and pay more at end.
russians now are lie them self that they will win in Ukraine this chance gone.......
world now just give step by step all to Ukraine in moment when plan need it
you say f-16 no problem............World is in ALL IN may not see it but it is true

Human kind saw may wars and brutality against people.......But russians brutal evilness and savagery passed even the worst thing which human did.
Now world said it enough is enough WE MUST STOP russian EVIL
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FYI, USAF are cleared to retire at least 47 F-16C/D models last year by Congress.

Best give them to Ukraine, along with ammo's and equipment like:
  • AIM-9L/M
  • AIM-120B/C5
  • AGM-65G/K Maverick (US still has lot of these in stores after being replaced by JDAM's
  • Targeting pod
The F-16 even in it's older block 30/32 or MLU'd Block 15-25 could still give the VKS a bloody fight. Especially that it's munitions and sensors are better.


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Just look picture...............So sad...............all are Turks...............Dumbs, Stupid people forget their roots........Tricked by russians they die for russians as slaves.......killing own............killing other people because they want to please russian Master and to recieve 1 bag potatos same time russians stay at home and watch them and laughing


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