Upcoming event "Indo-Greek Cooperation: Countering the Turkey-Pakistan Nexus"


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So called "EXPERTS" from Greece and India are calling for an online discussion round on 22nd January, 2021 under the banner "Indo-Greek Cooperation: Countering the Turkey-Pakistan Nexus".

They first advertised for the happening with the poster shown below


But after the exposure that the country map coloured as Turkish flag is actually in the shape of Bulgaria, EXPERTS changed the poster with two roundels depicting Turkish and Pakistani flags as shown below.

It remains to be seen what these EXPERTS who are even not able to prepare a poster with a correct map of Turkey have to say.

2nd Poster.jpg
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So called "EXPERTS" from Greece and India are calling for an online discussion round on 22nd January, 2021 under the banner "Indo-Greek Cooperation: Countering the Turkey-Pakistan Nexus".

They first advertised for the happening with the poster shown below


But after the exposure that the country map coloured as Turkish flag is actually in the shape of Bulgaria, EXPERTS changed the poster with two roundels depicting Turkish and Pakistani flags as shown below.

It remain to be seen what these EXPERTS who are even not able to prepare a poster with a correct map of Turkey have to say.

2nd Poster.jpg
The map is intentionally prepared as such to appeal armenians and kurdish seperatists.
if only these experts were truly experts on matters they claim to be.
What i see is some s#ckers who doesn't respect sovereignty of a nation. Single and solid proof of how amateur they are.


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The map is intentionally prepared as such to appeal armenians and kurdish seperatists.
if only these experts were truly experts on matters they claim to be.
What i see is some s#ckers who doesn't respect sovereignty of a nation. Single and solid proof of how amateur they are.

I think they just mistook Bulgaria for Turkey on the map, coz they are morons.



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Meantime in Pakistan even the horses are celebrating Azerbaijani victory in N-K.


Ps. Talking of horses the Greeks are still sore at us for killing Alexander of Macedon's horse Busephalous in Jhelum over 2000 years ago.


Meh Barley these Greeks seem to be bought by Indian soft power agents in the west nothing special


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Greeks used to be smart people once in past, now i doubt official history claims.


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Here is a report about the mentioned online meeting.

Building Greco-Indian Relations: GCT Participates In Webinar Discussing Joint Turkish-Pakistani Aggression - Greek City Times
by Paul Antonopoulos

7-9 minutes

At a time when Turkey and Pakistan are increasing cooperation to target both Greece and India, Dr. Abhishek Ranjan and Bhavdeep Modi of New Delhi-based Red Lantern Analytica think-tank organised a crucial webinar to discuss strategies on countering this common threat.
The Indo-Greece Cooperation: Countering Turkey-Pakistan Nexus webinar, moderated by Dr. Gaurav Tyagi from the Jawaharlal Nehru University, featured Dr. Vandana Mishra from Jawaharlal Nehru University; independent geopolitical analyst Sonam Mahajan; Director at the Research Institute for European and American Studies, Dr. John Nomikos; MEP of the Greek Solution, Emmanouil Fragkos; and, Andreas Mountzouroulias from Penta Postagma.

Various strategies in countering the common Turkish-Pakistani threats were discussed, as well as how to boost Greek-Indian relations.
Among the most impressive ideas raised was for Greece to launch its first military satellites with Indian cooperation and knowhow.
However, many productive ideas were suggested and can be heard in the recording of the webinar.
Greek City Times‘ Paul Antonopoulos participated in the webinar, giving a Vote of Thanks and Final Statement to the webinar, where it was emphasised that Greco-Indian relations stretch back 2,300 years back to the time of Alexander the Great.
Building Greco-Indian relations: GCT participates in webinar discussing joint Turkish-Pakistani aggression 2

The Final Statement, as well as the entire webinar recording, can be seen below.

The full Vote of Thanks and Final Statement can be read here:
Ladies and Gentlemen, it gives me immense pleasure to deliver the Vote of Thanks for this highly engaging and highly critical webinar. Alexander the Great first arrived in the Indus Valley 2,300 years ago as a conqueror but left as a dear friend of King Porus. Nearly a thousand years before the concept of an England was conceptualised and nearly 2,000 years before the founding of the United States of America, Greeks and Indians had already gone to war, and then immediately become friends.
Although Greek philosopher Pythagoras is credited for the Pythagorean theory, Indians had known of this theorem at least 300 years earlier via the Shuba Sutra of Baudhayan. It is perhaps here that further defines the immensity of our civilizations – both capable of independently discovering, researching, philosophizing and theorizing revolutionary ideas and thoughts that are for the betterment of humanity. Our civilizations survived the test of times when others went into the pages of history permanently, such as the Babylonians.
I am sure that Alexander the Great and King Porus would be proud of the fact that the friendship between the Greek and Indian peoples, that they themselves built and established, is being continued 2,300 years later, and this webinar is a testament to that.
Unfortunately, instead of discussing ways to achieve prosperity for our countries through the exchange of capital, technology and education, we must prioritize our bilateral relations in the security field due to our respective countries bordering revisionist countries Turkey and Pakistan.
I would like to thank Andreas Mountzouroulias who was not only the first to open the discussion among our six highly distinguished speakers, but also highlighted the fact that Erdogan has neo-Ottoman dreams and that Greece needs a new dogma to counter Turkish aggression.
A special vote of thanks must also be extended to Dr. Vandana Mishra, whose short presentation today demonstrated to us why she is one of the top international relation professors in India. The professor explained to us how Erdogan is attempting to portray himself as the defender of Islam in this context, alongside Pakistan and Iran, and how this pose as a common threat to all our countries, especially in Kashmir. She also emphasized the importance that India and Greece continue building military ties, and how France should enter in a trilateral format. More importantly, she highlighted the absolute necessity that cultural ties between India and Greece must be strengthened.
I extend a very hearty vote of thanks to Emmanouil Fragkos, whose position in the European Parliament provided us all with a very unique perspective on how the hostilities against Greece and India by Turkey and Pakistan and their efforts on nuclear power. Unfortunately, he could not join us but left us an insightful video message.
Dr. John Nomikos has once again shown us why he is one of Greece’s top security analysts and we thank him for his time in appearing in today’s webinar. His highlighting that Turkish-Pakistani aggression has helped consolidate Greek and Indian relations as they are a national security threat was very insightful. He also suggested ways in which Greek and Indian relations can be improved through joint initiatives in the military sector and multilateral formats.
I give my vote of thanks to Sonam Mahajan. We could not have asked for a more concise and detailed final speaker and she certainly raised thought provoking ideas. Ms Mahajan highlighted that Turkey and Pakistan want to infiltrate our respective countries, and that unfortunately the EU has not done enough to support Greece against Turkish aggression in the East Mediterranean. She also highlighted that Turkey does not want to end its aggression, partially because of its declining economy.
As a final statement, we have a 2,300-year-old legacy that we must build, in respect of our civilizations and ancestors, and their achievements. We should not only pat ourselves on the back and say today’s seminar was good and what an excellent job we did, but we must use this opportunity to further build cross Greek-Indian relations through academic, journalistic, economic, military, technological and political exchanges.
Another important factor is that we no longer face a common threat from only joint Turkish-Pakistani aggression. We must remember that only last week Pakistan, Turkey and Azerbaijan issued a joint statement claiming they will all collectively support each other’s regional issues – this means Pakistan against Kashmir, Turkey in Cyprus and the East Mediterranean, and Azerbaijan against the Armenians. Although we have done an excellent job in advancing bilateral relations between Greece and India today, the collective threat is much wider and in future exchanges we must also include our friends from Cyprus and Armenia.
Greece faces a Turkey that is bringing neo-Ottoman ambitions from the realm of theory to reality as its recent wars against Syria, Libya and the Armenians of Nagorno-Karabakh demonstrate.
Meanwhile, Pakistan and its expansionist ambitions to conquer Jammu and Kashmir, adopts the ideology of Neo-Mughalism, believing that they are the successors of Turkic conquerors rather than Islamified Indians.
It is of little wonder that both Pakistan and Turkey now have strong ties, and not based on economic cooperation and development to alleviate their permeating issues of poverty and economic crises, but to continue their goal of territorial expansionism at the expense of the indigenous peoples of Greece and India.
But they will not succeed.
I thank you all and wait with excitedness and anticipation to see what we can all do collectively to continue building Greek-Indian relations even deeper.
Bharat Mata Ki Jai
Zito H Hellas



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Just wanted to add...

In his answer to "Should Indian Navy Join Anti-Turkey War Games with Israel and France? Vice Admiral Shekhar Sinha (retd) said, “I don’t think the Mediterranean is our area of interest. I think India’s area of interest is in the Indo-Pacific, as the government has repeatedly made it clear, more specifically the Indian ocean. So, right now, I don’t see that happening."


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paul antonopolus was outed as nazi sympathiser. Guy was caught commenting on stormfront saying really racist stuff against non-white people. Actually if I remember correctly he was even denouncing indians.



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Just wanted to add...

In his answer to "Should Indian Navy Join Anti-Turkey War Games with Israel and France? Vice Admiral Shekhar Sinha (retd) said, “I don’t think the Mediterranean is our area of interest. I think India’s area of interest is in the Indo-Pacific, as the government has repeatedly made it clear, more specifically the Indian ocean. So, right now, I don’t see that happening."

We gain nothing by such a thing (picking 10+ million population over 80+ million one in absolute way or vice versa) in area so far from our security concern and threat realm....especially at our (still too low) current development and power level that needs to be ably prioritized and concentrated (to grow more) rather than spread thin and prematurely.

As whatever level of antagonism has been added by Turkey current administration for its relationship with India (and anything perceived vice versa), it is to be noted:

A) India does not recognise the WW1 events regd. Armenians as "genocide"

Turkey is far more invested in security relationships, threats and "love and hate" affairs with all kind of countries that do recognise this. It is one indication of many of India institutional policy to not intervene in such way in countries issues, especially those far from us and in modern political setting now.

B) India enjoys healthy trade relationship with Turkey.

Much more than Greece. (even relative to population levels).

Total trade India does with Turkey ~ 9 billion USD per year.
Total trade India does with Greece ~ 600 million USD per year.

It is to be noted per capita, India exports significantly more to Turkey than other 2 "shared-religion" large pop. countries in South Asia.

India exports to Turkey = 7.5 billion USD
BD exports to Turkey = 500 million USD
PK exports to Turkey = 300 million USD

One can account for the population difference sizes (about 7 times less for BD and 6 times less for PK).

These numbers can all be found in UN Comtrade website.

This speaks to bigger relationship (soft-power, culture, manufacturing relevancy etc) past certain prisms that find currency among whichever prism-enthusiasts.

C) India strongly supports Turkey territory integrity.

This again is unlike lot of countries that get involved in this in physical demonstrable ways (that again Turkey has much stronger relationship with in other ways compared to India at this point). I think most Turks understand that.

D) India recognises Turkey as fellow secular republic with democratic system.

All (political) administration-related differences wax and wane as they come and leave power. This should never get in the way of larger broader relationship of the larger society and people. As the earlier points all illustrate....and also what many pan-islamist and proxies of that nature (that colour relationship where muslim-majority countries are found inevitably) often (openly) think of Turkey's founder Ataturk.

These folks are often strangely silent w.r.t situation of (Turkic) uighurs.

We have seen this (and more) in all kind of forums....driving wedges in all kind of actual ways (and being significant part of creation of this forum, one that has fair rules and principles based approach, rather than agenda-hypocrisy selective application nonsense).


So while there can be potshots at whatever conferences organised by whatever media people and segments of "intelligentsia" etc, they are small drop in ocean of the whole things governing this.

They often (predictably) understand little to nothing about the sequence of priorities of these points A to D that would need to be changed big time well before practically applying what they dream of and call for in some reactionary emotional driven by thinking politician/leader/admin is be-all end-all on every matter under the sun between nations and countries. This is where fascism tends to drive sustenance from when actual institutional power is compromised on it (agenda of few to fully drive the reality of many)....but that is much longer topic to get into.

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