That's fine. As I said, not an exhaustive list.I don't want to deviate from this thread but if I began it would exhaust the alphabet. I already covered the "S" so will leave it at that.
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That's fine. As I said, not an exhaustive list.I don't want to deviate from this thread but if I began it would exhaust the alphabet. I already covered the "S" so will leave it at that.
I am not a blushing teenage girl who uses language like good/bad, love/hate, brother/sister when talking of geo-strategic events. Need I remind you -Are the above fawning descriptives for the good or the bad Taliban?
Bro, with all due respect. I believe and (experienced) belief of a soldier is not that important when it comes to gunfight. It's all about the training you got. How much you become the part of chain and command system. How much you trained with weapons, how much training you got that would you enable to stay calm in front of charging fanatics.With respect it's more than that. Typical Talib recruit is a volunteer. He does not join the movement for a monthly salary, uniform, regular food, pension or prospects of promotion. The Talib is foremost a deeply religious man and who has been conditioned or has iman depending on your POV. He fights for Allah and is prepared to lay his life down for the cause. Such a force is highly motivated, fearless and make great combat soldiers.
Whereas ANA recruit was just a guy looking for a secure wage and possibility of graft on the side - like selling US supplied equipment etc. He was in fact a mercenery of a foreign power and Afghan in name only.
He was the Quisling.
I am not a blushing teenage girl who uses language like good/bad, love/hate, brother/sister when talking of geo-strategic events. Need I remind you -
“Nations do not have permanent friends or enemies, only interests,”
that post was within the referance of this old adage which I think is ascribed to Lord Palmerston.
I would be a brave official in the Western world who would refuse to stamp 'Accepted' to a applicant who claims he is a Christian convert and a Gay. I guess he could give turbo boost to his application and hit 100 out of 100 score should the applicant also add 'sex change' into the mix.You forgot ”I’m Christian gay”. Which is what opens the doors. They’ll even go down that lane 100% to get to stay.
You sound real salty after seeing the Talibs taking selfies in Ghani's office. Take a cold zero sugar coke to sate your mouth.Such romanticism of the noble jihadi warriors was done only to have them suitably motivated to destroy the USSR. The world has changed since then, and drastically so.
(I think you just called PMIK a teenage girl.)