Live Conflict War in Afghanistan



This is the dreaded member of the Haqqani Network - so called sword arm of Pakistan by Indian media who are in charge of Kabul security now. Interesting interview by TRT World

Be sure to look at the lens of where they giving the Taliban interviews so far. As a voracious consumer of news media notice one thing clearly they been giving interviews to state owned Turkish,Russian,Qatari, Iranian and Chinese media outlets. Ali Mustafa works for TRT World, Charollte Bellis works for Al Jazeera and Murad Gazdiev works for Russia Today what they all have in common is they work for state owned media outlets used for soft power.Russia,Iran,Turkey and China are probably giving "feelers" for potential international recognition so far seeing mostly neutral-positive reports about the Talibs from them unlike from Western media sources like CNN,BBC or etc I mean look at Yalda Hakim(she is Afghan btw) she is been posting Amrullah Saleh and Panjshir resitence propaganda I am guessing its her since Sikander Kermani who is Pakistani has largely been neutral and he works at the same network lol. I have also noticed Pakistani media outlets putting boots on the ground they dont usually have journalists covering stories abroad unless its about the Pakistani diaspora or India Afghanistan has largely been mostly Pakistani tabloid talk shows but Indus News seems to be getting interesting scoops there too dont know if they are state funded like RT,Al Jazeera or TRT


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So the revenge for a suicide bombing is killing children?
You just made Russia and Assad look like saints ''champion of the free world''...


20 or 30 were killed by the suicide bomber at Kabul Airport. Rest of the 100 plus died because US soldiers opened fire into the crowds.
I dont know how the BBC operates but its interesting to note Sikander Kermani first broke the story about the US soldiers opening fire at the Airport gates this weekend need to check if its still on their site because the BBC seems to be putting Yalda Hakim on the air all the time with her being the spokesperson essentially for the Panjshir fighters up north and having Amrullah Saleh all the time being interviewed FOX here in the states had Saleh on primetime during Hannity


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The 2nd blast in Kabul is from CIA base demolition​

A few hours after Sunni armed group the Islamic State delivered a suicide bomb attack to the Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan, on Thursday, another blast echoed away. A lot of people feared that it was the second terrorist attack. But the sound was from the exploding of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency building in Afghanistan by the U.S. army in the process of withdrawal.  

The New York Times reported on Saturday that the U.S. army destroyed the CIA base called ‘Eagle Base’ near the airport, quoting the U.S. insiders. It was to prevent the Taliban from acquiring the country’s classified information and the newest military equipment.  

The U.S. Department of Defense announced on Thursday that there were two suicide bomb attacks in Kabul, but corrected on the next day that there was only one terrorist attack. But it did not clarify where the second blast came from, which triggered a lot of speculations. Later on, the second blast was found to be the sound from demolishing the CIA base.  

The base was made by renovating a brick factory and used from the beginning of the Afghan War. The size of the base was small at first, but it trained anti-terrorist units against Afghanistan’s intelligence agency later on. It was used throughout the 20-year war, but local residents rarely knew about the base as it maintained top security.  

The base was designed to make it impossible for outsiders to infiltrate. A three-meter high wall wraps around the building and thick steel gates opened briefly for cars to come in and closed right away. Cars entered the base had to go through a search at three checkpoints.


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I dont know how the BBC operates but its interesting to note Sikander Kermani first broke the story about the US soldiers opening fire at the Airport gates this weekend need to check if its still on their site because the BBC seems to be putting Yalda Hakim on the air all the time with her being the spokesperson essentially for the Panjshir fighters up north and having Amrullah Saleh all the time being interviewed FOX here in the states had Saleh on primetime during Hannity
I have heard it from multiple media. Witnesses stated the firing came from above - American guard tower. Doctor in hospital stated he had many patients with bullet injuries on the upper body at angles suggesting the firing came from above them. Of course this story will be drowned in sea of reports shedding croc tears over female rights etc.


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Pakistan'sInterior Minister Sheikh Rashid said on Monday stated that the government has not granted refugee status to those coming from Afghanistan.

Not a single person from Afghanistan has been given refugee status till now, the Pakistan Interior Minister said as reported by The Dawn.

Those interested can click above for full story

So how does it work. I had read Afghans can cross the Durand line anyway. So at what point do they become refugees if they choose not to return?


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The irony of this image. Few years only western media was awash with reports on how Pakistan was falling apart. Obama was getting no sleep worrying about Pak nukes falling to Taliban hands. Indian media cried 'failed' Pakistan. Now they are all running to the 'failed' capital.

Instead Kabul fell and Islamabad is the sanctuary for many from Afghanistan. Islamabad Airport is now a major hub for airbridge to get western officials and citizens out of Afghanistan. Even NATO soldiers - now that is irony of ironies. Below is Belgian NATO soldiers at Islamabad Airport.


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