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Tell me, if Turks and Qatari's can help to get the airport operational what stops Pakistan sending few retired ex-military ethnic Pashtuns from our side to help with planes, guns and artillery? With a military in excess of 600,000 Pakistan is awash with retired service personnel on pensions. If the Americans can use Blackwater, Russians Wagner group I would hope Pakistan also uses ex-service personnel in advance of it's national interests. After all after the Afghans what happens there impacts Pakistan more then the rest of the world put together.Same with IEAAF, the more they fly these, the shorter lived their operational life will be, now there's no spares, maintenance depot or even enough maintainers in Panjshir. Should've only use those when absolutely needed.
Tell me, if Turks and Qatari's can help to get the airport operational what stops Pakistan sending few retired ex-military ethnic Pashtuns from our side to help with planes, guns and artillery? With a military in excess of 600,000 Pakistan is awash with retired service personnel on pensions. If the Americans can use Blackwater, Russians Wagner group I would hope Pakistan also uses ex-service personnel in advance of it's national interests. After all after the Afghans what happens there impacts Pakistan more then the rest of the world put together.
The same crowd that was talking of epic victories by ANA SF last week only to see the whole lot vanish within 24 hours are now tweeting about the mighty Panjsheris. Desperation means grab hold of any flying delusions.Applies for both side
Although For the encircled Panjshiri, that means you should not worry much about airstrikes or CAS.