Indonesia Casual Discussion Warkop Indonesia


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For those who maybe confused why NK (that many known as Marxist-Leninist) are selling or giving weapons to Hezbollah and Hamas (or maybe even PIJ) that has Islamist thought, anti-western imperialism is what unites them, forget political spectrum or worst, monolithic right-left no in between (not think political thought as spectrum) way of thinking.

PLO (Fatah, PFLP, DFLP) who was backed by the Soviet back during the Cold War was even trained Khomeini supporters before the 1979 event. If we see it through right-left lens, that didn't make any sense, but knows what united them, anti-westernism and the Shahanshah (King of the Kings; Persian honorary term for the king) could be seen as western stooge. But yeah, the Shah was an authoritarian that had a strong grip to Iran and didn't wanted any check and balances happen to him, a common dictator. And after the 1979 revolution, Israel delegation building used to housed Palestinian delegation. Also, Imad Mughniyeh who was Hezbollah then military commander was also an ex Fatah that served as PLO Force 17 back then.

Or how Gaddafi's Al-Mathaba cared nothing about ideology after the Cold War. Even some GAM that had no any Marxist thought at all reportedly trained by Gaddafi forces in Libya during the 80s, even before the Cold War ended.

They are for revolution against western world order or establish world order. A revolutionary against the contra revolutionary of western world reactionary.
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For those who maybe confused why NK (that many known as Marxist-Leninist) are selling or giving weapons to Hezbollah and Hamas (or maybe even PIJ) that has Islamist thought, anti-western imperialism is what unites them, forget political spectrum or worst, monolithic right-left no in between (not think political thought as spectrum) way of thinking.

PLO (Fatah, PFLP, DFLP) who was backed by the Soviet back during the Cold War was even trained Khomeini supporters before the 1979 event. If we see it through right-left lens, that didn't make any sense, but knows what united them, anti-westernism and the Shahanshah (King of the Kings; Persian honorary term for the king) could be seen as western stooge. But yeah, the Shah was an authoritarian that had a strong grip to Iran and didn't wanted any check and balances happen to him, a common dictator. And after the 1979 revolution, Israel delegation building used to housed Palestinian delegation. Also, Imad Mughniyeh who was Hezbollah then military commander was also an ex Fatah that served as PLO Force 17 back then.

Or how Gaddafi's Al-Mathaba cared nothing about ideology after the Cold War. Even some GAM that had no any Marxist thought at all reportedly trained by Gaddafi forces in Libya during the 80s, even before the Cold War ended.

They are for revolution against western world order or establish world order. A revolutionary against the contra revolutionary of western world reactionary.
And this influence was also influenced western backed anti-Soviet jihadists (Mujahidin/fighters or whatever) during Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan.

Then Makhtab al Khidamat (now Al-Qaeda) Abdullah Azzam was known to spread antisemitism and anti-western sentiment even when US still gave the 'waqaf' to his friends, don't forget EIJ or like groups that also had anti-western thought and killed Saddat that according to them already bowed to the West. Understandable, he was originated from Palestine that was heavily influenced by Soviet (and its satellites) information warfare (propaganda and disinformations) that Ion Mihai Pacepa said and others also support/strengthen his report that the Soviet was spread the ideas of that jewist capitalism controlling the whole economy or whatever[1]. Tsarists with their Protocols of Elder of Zion must be smiling lol

10:02 is when Azzam was preached and hear how he said that antisemitic stuffs. When Al-Qaeda (then MAK) was still could preach inside of CONUS wkwk. CIA 'Stinger Effect' when brrrrr

Parry Brima

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NK has lot more advance weapon industry than Indonesia, no joke. Not just rockets or artillery shells, but also ATGM and even Syrian old Soviet tanks are equipped with NK origins stuffs if I remember correctly.

Pindad sometimes got order for 57 mm munition for S60 gun system too, order not order is depend on the Armed Forces. To make ordinary ordnance large caliber munition such 105, 155 mm (HE, HE FRAG, smoke ) it is still within Pindad capability.

Both Russia and Ukraine usage rate (especially artillery shells/rockets, ATGM, and such) seems to be higher than the global production rate (that can be exported). It'd probably be rather sooner than later that they'd take ANYTHING from ANYONE, regardless of any kind of bloc (Pakistan supplying Ukraine with their shells kinda surprised me a bit).

It'd be nice if we can get some $$$ from their war (not sure about our production capacity though).

Unless they turn into nuclear war, of course.


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Looks like a Federalist here lol. Yes, Godless Libertine Democratic-Republican Party (Jefferson) that you called was ruled US like 'one party state' after that, thanks to the people (democracy).

Based Thomas Jefferson, the guy that drafted Declaration of Independence to liberate people from the rule of top-down monarchy.

Long Live Democracy


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Both Russia and Ukraine usage rate (especially artillery shells/rockets, ATGM, and such) seems to be higher than the global production rate (that can be exported). It'd probably be rather sooner than later that they'd take ANYTHING from ANYONE, regardless of any kind of bloc (Pakistan supplying Ukraine with their shells kinda surprised me a bit).

It'd be nice if we can get some $$$ from their war (not sure about our production capacity though).

Unless they turn into nuclear war, of course.

Pakistan got huge anti Russian tendency since long time ago, as Russia is tradisional Ally of India, everything can hurt Russia they would do it gladly.

There is only one country which can help the consumption of both side at the same time, China. But China is less interested in joining the murky water on European fringe and Instead chose to build more blue water capability recently.


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Angka Konsumsi Ikan Indonesia Sebesar 54,56 Kg/Kapita pada 2021 Angka konsumsi ikan di Indonesia sebesar 55,37 kilogram (kg) per kapita pada 2021. Jumlah itu meningkat 1,48% dibandingkan pada 2020 yang sebesar 54,56 kg/kapita.

Artikel ini telah tayang di dengan judul

"Angka Konsumsi Ikan Indonesia Sebesar 54,56 Kg/Kapita pada 2021".,
Author: Ali Mahmudan.
Editor: Dimas Bayu.
Klik selengkapnya di sini:

Meanwhile in Japan

Indonesian consump a lot of fish lately, double than Japanese.


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View attachment 48683
Framework for Singapore conducting military exercise on Indonesian territory, Singapore also has DCA agreement with Australia, New Zealand, Germany, US, India, Taiwan, etc.
DCA and extradition treaty are one package right? The benefit we get from it is Indonesia can enforce the law even for people that flee to Singapore, and I think that's more important than the DCA itself. That would detter criminals to go to Singapore cause they would not protect them.

I think our military relations with Singapore is OK. With or without DCA, maybe would be the same, but the DCA just add giving them permission to do training and exercise here and maybe only that, I don't know, some have the draft of it? Maybe some easter egg clauses there that stated the cooperation could be more than that.

But even with the government has the majority seats in DPR, I don't know why this package is still alot to ratified. Maybe some DPR members afraid of that extradition treaty wkwk, I don't know.


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DCA and extradition treaty are one package right? The benefit we get from it is Indonesia can enforce the law even for people that flee to Singapore, and I think that's more important than the DCA itself. That would detter criminals to go to Singapore cause they would not protect them.

I think our military relations with Singapore is OK. With or without DCA, maybe would be the same, but the DCA just add giving them permission to do training and exercise here and maybe only that, I don't know, some have the draft of it? Maybe some easter egg clauses there that stated the cooperation could be more than that.

But even with the government has the majority seats in DPR, I don't know why this package is still alot to ratified. Maybe some DPR members afraid of that extradition treaty wkwk, I don't know.
They have small and tight airspace, they need some area for aerial exercise by which we consent to.


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They have small and tight airspace, they need some area for aerial exercise by which we consent to.
Ya, you right, it would be good if we let them to do training here, they would love us and for sure make us closer and that is good. The problem is the DPR still not ratified it on excuse of 'territorial integrity' is really something.

I suspect some of them afraid of that extradition treaty deh. Some may have friends that flee to Singapore to evade the laws maybe wkwk. Dan lucunya, gak ada demo yang nuntut biar ET itu disetujui DPR *ehem ehem*. Padahal penting itu ET.


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Ya, you right, it would be good if we let them to do training here, they would love us and for sure make us closer and that is good. The problem is the DPR still not ratified it on excuse of 'territorial integrity' is really something.

I suspect some of them afraid of that extradition treaty deh. Some may have friends that flee to Singapore to evade the laws maybe wkwk. Dan lucunya, gak ada demo yang nuntut biar ET itu disetujui DPR *ehem ehem*. Padahal penting itu ET.
If you see the truth about Indonesian politics, " some " is a nice and polite word, the more actual word is " majority "


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If you see the truth about Indonesian politics, " some " is a nice and polite word, the more actual word is " majority "
Aduh wkwk. Terus ini kayaknya yang hesitant semua partai lho. Bayangin ini dari 2007 sampe sekarang gak diratifikasi DPR wkwk. Kursi di DPR udah ganti entah berapa kali padahal, bukan cuma dari 1 atau 2 partai aja.

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DCA and extradition treaty are one package right? The benefit we get from it is Indonesia can enforce the law even for people that flee to Singapore, and I think that's more important than the DCA itself. That would detter criminals to go to Singapore cause they would not protect them.

I think our military relations with Singapore is OK. With or without DCA, maybe would be the same, but the DCA just add giving them permission to do training and exercise here and maybe only that, I don't know, some have the draft of it? Maybe some easter egg clauses there that stated the cooperation could be more than that.

But even with the government has the majority seats in DPR, I don't know why this package is still alot to ratified. Maybe some DPR members afraid of that extradition treaty wkwk, I don't know.
Ini bagian dari negosiasi FIR yang dah selesai kemarin, kalau ga salah dulu kita melarang atau membatalkan kerjasama pakai ruang udara untuk latihan SAF sebagai bagian dari pressure utk duduk bareng ngomongin FIR.


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Ini bagian dari negosiasi FIR yang dah selesai kemarin, kalau ga salah dulu kita melarang atau membatalkan kerjasama pakai ruang udara untuk latihan SAF sebagai bagian dari pressure utk duduk bareng ngomongin FIR.
Hoo, cuman yang FIR ini dah sah pake Perpers doang, gak perlu ratifikasi DPR kayak DCA sama ET, nyendatnya pas sampe DPR ini.

Gak berharap banyak dah wkwk gak bakal lolos mungkin selama partai-partai masih kayak sekarang

Edit: Gila sih, 2007 sampe sekarang gak ada perkembangan, dan yang buat gak ada perkembangan DPR RI. Ini kalo gak diangkat lagi entah gak tau siapa yang minta, Singapore nagih atau Pemerintahan Jokowi ngangkat lagi, mungkin udah pada lupa orang pemerintahan.
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MK Indonesia dapet petisi untuk ngehapus frasa “……. oleh Warga Negara Indonesia” di UU Pengadilan HAM Indonesia. Kalo ini petisi lolos, berarti semua orang yang melanggar HAM, bahkan bukan WNI, bisa diadili di Indonesia, yang lebih ditekankan sama petitioners ini, Myanmar sama ASEAN keseluruhan.

Kalo lolos petisi ini, Indonesia bisa jadi bukan cuman negara yang aktif domestik doang, tapi juga di kawasan, apalagi tahun depan Indonesia bakal dapet giliran mimpin ASEAN.

Scenario yang bisa terjadi menurutku yang paling liar-gila, Indonesia bisa aja berusaha untuk ngadilin Junta Myanmar gimana pun caranya, bahkan kalo itu diculik (kalo pihak sana ngasih resistensi pake kekuatan militer, ya gitu). Dunia Internasional bakal ngeliat Indonesia ngeri sumpah, khususnya untuk sekarang Junta Myanmar. Abis otoritarian top-down Junta dicabut, ganti NUG yang harapannya bakal jaga sistem bottom-up demokrasi di Myanmar. Tapi ini scenario yang kemungkinan terjadinya kecil banget pasti wkwk, mahal juga. US be like, “gigabased Indonesia. I would assist you. What you do is in line with our foreign policy”.

Kebebasan berbicara itu paling dasar kalo mau demokrasi jalan. Kalo karena ngritik pemerintah itu dibunuh, ilang, ditangkep, dll, yaudah, penguasa itu mau jadi otoritarian yang ngerasa negara itu cuman punya dia yang mana terserah satu orang (golongan) itu mau ngapain, jadi kayak Fir’aun di cerita Musa. Terserah si otoriter Fir’aun itu mau ngapain, bahkan ngasih perintah goblok kayak bunuh semua anak laki-laki kalo menurut cerita.

Democracy is non-negotiable

Make Indonesia as Vanguard of Human Rights in ASEAN. Tapi ini gak bakal berarti kalo kasus HAM Indonesia sendiri gak diselesain.


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Indonesia to “ASEAN’s guarantor of Human Rights”. What a based title. Hopefully the Universe, the sole power holder of this mysterious existence make what i wrote above become reality

Unintentionaly become Majapahit 2.0 lol


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There's no need to deny, i believe we all know who will take the next Presidency office, during my meetings with him last year the man has deep insight on this country and well sighted forecast judging the current situation and what might happens in the future as consequences for current actions.
Interesting, wkwk.
Glad to hear he cares the looming threat ahead.
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Interesting, wkwk.
Glad to hear he cares the looming threat ahead.
I did meet high profile people in this country, when they wanted things which the legality questionable or in more polite term sensitivity at the highest level, they reached our group, we doing it for profit of course. I extracted a lot last year and in process doing more this year but i when i met him, he did care about this country, off all the people high above i met it was only who mentioned about this country.
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