Parry Brima
The little girl in yellow is a UFO.
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sejak reformasi kita juga ga beli yg wow k US, biasa aja, kemarin jaman si rambut jagung memang rada rada,, tapi banyak kok solusinya..beli ke US itu salah satu belanja rutin, sedikit sedikit tapi nerusHalo suhu2 formil sekalian ane mau tanya nih, kan Indonesia sampai periode 2 pemerintah an sekarang ga beli alutsista yang Wow or main alutsista dari Paman Sam nih. Trus seandainya Amerika tiba2 mencabut GSP karena kesel sama Indonesia gara2 surplus perdagangan ga ada niatan buat memperkecil atau membeli barang Amerika biar rada seimbang lah neraca dagang nya. Trus gara2 itu Indonesia deficit dagang besar2 expor sama impor ga terkendali gedeaan impor nya, lha apakah pemerintah bisa mengantisipasinya?
Trus kedepane kalo deficit besar2 an kan pemerintah menambal dengan utang, apakah peta jalan or MEF/EF buat modernisasi akan terhambat disebabkan hematnya anggaran?
kurang tahu pak,Apakah FREMM sudah gagal?
literally, and an anomalyThe little girl in yellow is a UFO.
literally, and an anomaly
tontonan sembari nunggu ceramah taraweh (untuk yang melaksanakan), atau yang lagi gabut.
dua jenis AT rifle AT-4 vs RPG-7 (PG-7R Tandem Warhead), uji coba menghantam tembok beton yang dipasang kontakt 1 ERA, ternyata dari hasil tes post ERA penetration performance/Behind ERA penetration, masih tembus lebih dalem AT-4 ketimbang PG-7R yang notabene pakai hulu ledak tandem.
AT-4 behind ERA penetration result.
View attachment 55857
PG-7R post penetration result.
View attachment 55858
komentar terkait munisi PG-7R dari author nya :
View attachment 55856
Yang bilang Tank dan armor obsolote, gampang hancur, mending ngaca dulu dan lihat ngerinya armor buat infantry lawan
Massed tank column these days can be easily defeated with ATGM fired from entrenched position. This is very cost effective as ATGMs and Infantry AT in general are way cheaper, easier to transport, easier to maintain, easier to use, while tanks are much harder to replace with way higher cost.This is somewhat addressed in a video about the American light tank I shared before, the interviewer asked why the US needs a new LIGHT TANK while in the current conflict, even heavy MBT seems powerless. The answer is that infantry has a natural fear of tanks, the existence of a single tank in a battle could hinder (or help in the allies' POV) a troop movement. Because of this, the American MPF program aims to complement the infantry with tanks, while in our doctrine Harimau medium tank would be used with infantry but still in the cavalry.
My friend’s dad has bookshelf filled with history and military related book, especially about New Order, including LBM. Ex-Papua bush pilot jebolan Merpati’s Adelaide program of ‘90s with old Pelita’s Papua airports procedures, Steyr sniper, taxidermies and wines.