F-15EX, FREMM, dan Perencanaan Pembiayaan Belanja Senjata RI
Apakah pemerintah masih memiliki ruang fiskal untuk membiayai belanja pertahanan melalui utang luar negeri?

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Mana ga konsisten lagi, ganti pemerintahan, ganti kebijakan, buldozer yg lama wkwk.Kita itu ambisinya gede tapi usahanya ala kadarnya.
Blok 1 dilunasin dulu dah wkwk, kira kira MoD 08 bakalan ngelunasin kah? Atau dioper buat MoD selanjutnyaYa moga2 aja Indonesia tetep gabung dipengembangan KF-21 dan serius komitmennya, kalau Polandia mau gabung itu sangat amat bagus, semakin mainstream dan banyak pengguna KF-21 kedepannya semakin bagus.
Ngisin isini cuuuuuuuuk, sampe dinyiyirin netizen dari negara kpop.Blok 1 dilunasin dulu dah wkwk, kira kira MoD 08 bakalan ngelunasin kah? Atau dioper buat MoD selanjutnya
Blok 2 didepak wkwkWkwkwk tinggal dibalik benderanya jadi itu barang. Padahal sudah bisa terbang kalau sampai didepak kebangetan.
Batalin aja deh, wkwk, beli lsg aja ga usa ikut ikutan.Jadi kita cuma dapat sampai air superiority, Poland udah multirole.
No no no, not according to Ge Ef PehSingapore is certainly much more stronger than us, and to make more thing worse is their size relative to us which makes it more humiliating. Imagine being the largest maritime country only to have navy second behind the smallest country in the region ?
We can potentially vassalize Timor Leste, Myanmar and Kamboja if purely based on 'power' factor as soon as 2050. While Austronesian/ Maritime Southeast Asia has to be definitely inside our sphere of influence starting from the next decade.
We have to do this, otherwise other powers will snatch away any opportunity for us to influence foreign affairs and we will eventually find ourselves under 'diplomatic siege' from every direction or worse surrounded by enemy everywhere.
Right, how can I forget GFPNo no no, not according to Ge Ef Peh
Bro, I'm sick and tired of some Indonesian folks
No, Singapore is not certainly stronger than Indonesia, and will not certainly win a war against Indonesia.
Why they think Indonesia always have flaws and always weaker, but other countries don't have flaw and always stronger? what a bunch of degenerates.
Singapore is certainly much more stronger than us, and to make more thing worse is their size relative to us which makes it more humiliating. Imagine being the largest maritime country only to have navy second behind the smallest country in the region ?
$45 billion for 9 ship, how and why?Ini kalau fincantieri dapet 45 billion, naval group nangis lagi wkwk
Bea segitu, kalau disamakan dengan tawaran ke indonesia bisa dapat 60 biji fremm.
60 biji FREMM asw vs 9 biji T26 asw mutant.
They choose the mutant and high risk ver. Also all must be made in Aus.$45 billion for 9 ship, how and why?
Lebih mahalan daripada 2 scorpene seharga 2 milyar.