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08 as winner, will create new perspective regarding South Korean weaponary purchasing.
Katanya AHY Menko Polhukam ?
Tapi kalau dia menhan ya masih nyambung sih
Parties that would be members of DPR that not from TKN Prabowo-Gibran based from quick counts are PDIP, Nasdem, PKB, PKS.
They should be oppositions for the sake of checks and balances.
Nasdem masih bisa dirayu tuh
Ah, yes, toward one man rule like 2019-2024, thing that made all these abuse of power possible. “What is checks and balances?”, said them.
Kalau mereka aja sampai bisa berani telfon, berarti.....
Sjafrie Sjamsoeddinnominasi menhan siapa nih bro?
Kira kira Menkeu, Menlu diisi siapa ya?nominasi menhan siapa nih bro?
Redstreamnet? Media commie ya?
How similar it is lol?
Masih juga ribut paska pemilu, udah ada yang gerak aja
cakep nih kalo jadi menhan, slama ini dia slalu ikut delegasi kemhan check alutsista bersama 08 dan berharap memberikan inovasi misi dan visi buat kemajuan alutsista TNISjafrie Sjamsoeddin
Ah, yes, toward one man rule like 2019-2024, thing that made all these abuse of power possible. “What is checks and balances?”, said them.
Power tend to corrupt, absolute power corrupt absolutely. Seperation of Powers, especially legislative should work well, not just asal bapak senang, ngikut pemerintah doang.