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Depiction if “remote viewing” of Stargate Project was real from science-fiction series Stranger Things season 1


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Hati orang kita itu bisa berubah dengan cepat.

Maybe, but possibilities are now slim and getting slimmer every day.

Jakarta didn't normalize when Harto was in power, it didn't normalize when there was relative calm in the 2000s-2010s, I don't think Jakarta will find it any easier now with the angry Muslim population getting served daily footage from Gaza.


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More than 100 dead. New high score I guess.

Usually US loves to use 'human rights' card to sanction and embargoes countries, but now they keep supplying weapons to Nazisrael to massacre the Palestinian even using military show off force to deter other country from meddling in the ongoing massacre.

Their 'human rights' card not used for 'human rights' issues but for their convenient and what the best for them, US can no longer call itself Human Rights defender.

We also have tasted their sanctions, there is no telling when they will slap us with embargo again. We are not Nazisrael so we wont get special treatment from the US.

Ditching the purchase of US made jet fighter is also an option for us and order more Rafale (although unlikely, because of complex and many reasons but it is still an option).


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More than 100 dead. New high score I guess.

Usually US loves to use 'human rights' card to sanction and embargoes countries, but now they keep supplying weapons to Nazisrael to massacre the Palestinian even using military show off force to deter other country from meddling in the ongoing massacre.

Their 'human rights' card not used for 'human rights' issues but for their convenient and what the best for them, US can no longer call itself Human Rights defender.

We also have tasted their sanctions, there is no telling when they will slap us with embargo again. We are not Nazisrael so we wont get special treatment from the US.

Ditching the purchase of US made jet fighter is also an option for us and order more Rafale (although unlikely, because of complex and many reasons but it is still an option).

This is why long term, the 'Rules based order' must be brought down. The U.S. monopoly on power allows for lobbies of other nation like AIPAC which they use to steer the U.S. like zombies to destroy and intimidate other nations for their own people's gain.


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We also have tasted their sanctions, there is no telling when they will slap us with embargo again. We are not Nazisrael so we wont get special treatment from the US.

Ditching the purchase of US made jet fighter is also an option for us and order more Rafale (although unlikely, because of complex and many reasons but it is still an option).

Sebenarnya sih mau ga mau ya harus punya industri peswat jet sendiri, tapi ini kan kompoleks dan MUAHALLL, karena yang mau kita buat bukan cuma airframe nya, tapi avionik, mesin, rudal dll. Semuanya mustahil bisa dalam 20-50 tahun kedepan.

Alternatif nya ya mengembangkan rudal yang ekosistem nya bisa lebih kecil dari ekosistem pespur. Nah ini pun masih bisa dibilang mahal, dan ngeliat cara pemerintah menurunkan status LAPAN dari lembaga independen cuma jadi sub-cabang ORPA yah keliatan kalau kita ga punya political will untuk mengembangkan teknologi peroketan dan lebih ga punya nyali lagi untuk mempersenjatai roket tersebut.

Ada yang bilang, kan Turki sekarang udah ada, embargo mah aman. Ya ga semudah itu juga, Turki itu negara NATO, anggaplah suatu saat Indonesia kena embargo lagi, trus kita beralih membeli jet ke Turki nih misal, ya belum tentu juga Turki mau jual, bisa jadi Turki juga diancam sama Amerika ala CAATSA. Dimana industri dan ekonomi Turki bisa terancam kalau melakukan bisinis senjata ke Indonesia. Turki mau ga mau sebagai negara yang ememntingkan national interests nya bisa jadi menolak penjualan senjata ke Indoensia.

Dan Prancis apalagi, ini mah udah masuk ke ranah negara penunjang hegemoni Barat. Dulu Prancis misalnya, pernah mesra-mesranya sama Irak, ngejual Mirage F-1 varian khusus Iraq (EQ-2/4/5/6) yang udah dioprek habis-habisan ama Prancis khusus untuk Irak yang bahkan lebih canggih daripada varian domestik untuk Armee De'l Aire , trus ada proyek reaktor OSIRAK, sistem pertahanan udara KARI, rudal ROLAND dsb.

Setelah Perang Teluk dan embrago senjata UN ke Irak, Prancis ya manggut manggut aja, ikut-ikutan embargo sampai pada akhirnya armada Mirage F1 Irak pada rontok semua, dan AU Irak sama sekali ga nongol di invasi 2003.

Kalau suatu hari Indonesia udah ga dibutuhkan lagi sama Barat, ya siap-siap aja di embargo lagi, kebayang aja armada Rafale RI tanpa support dari Prancis, ya bakalan rontok, dan overtime kalau pertahanan Indonesia udah tinggal kerangka ya siap-siap aja kena regime change kalau yang duduk di Nusantara ga in line sama Barat. Contoh tu Gaddafi.

Intinya mau ga mau, Indonesia harus bangun industri militer secara agresif, dan ini butuh duit dan political will. Terutama untuk program kayak Drone, Roket/Rudal dsb. Dan lebih ideal lagi kalau Indonesia punya program nuklir. Ini ga bercanda loh, Indonesia HARUS punya nuklir.


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Sebenarnya sih mau ga mau ya harus punya industri peswat jet sendiri, tapi ini kan kompoleks dan MUAHALLL, karena yang mau kita buat bukan cuma airframe nya, tapi avionik, mesin, rudal dll. Semuanya mustahil bisa dalam 20-50 tahun kedepan.

Alternatif nya ya mengembangkan rudal yang ekosistem nya bisa lebih kecil dari ekosistem pespur. Nah ini pun masih bisa dibilang mahal, dan ngeliat cara pemerintah menurunkan status LAPAN dari lembaga independen cuma jadi sub-cabang ORPA yah keliatan kalau kita ga punya political will untuk mengembangkan teknologi peroketan dan lebih ga punya nyali lagi untuk mempersenjatai roket tersebut.

Ada yang bilang, kan Turki sekarang udah ada, embargo mah aman. Ya ga semudah itu juga, Turki itu negara NATO, anggaplah suatu saat Indonesia kena embargo lagi, trus kita beralih membeli jet ke Turki nih misal, ya belum tentu juga Turki mau jual, bisa jadi Turki juga diancam sama Amerika ala CAATSA. Dimana industri dan ekonomi Turki bisa terancam kalau melakukan bisinis senjata ke Indonesia. Turki mau ga mau sebagai negara yang ememntingkan national interests nya bisa jadi menolak penjualan senjata ke Indoensia.

Dan Prancis apalagi, ini mah udah masuk ke ranah negara penunjang hegemoni Barat. Dulu Prancis misalnya, pernah mesra-mesranya sama Irak, ngejual Mirage F-1 varian khusus Iraq (EQ-2/4/5/6) yang udah dioprek habis-habisan ama Prancis khusus untuk Irak yang bahkan lebih canggih daripada varian domestik untuk Armee De'l Aire , trus ada proyek reaktor OSIRAK, sistem pertahanan udara KARI, rudal ROLAND dsb.

Setelah Perang Teluk dan embrago senjata UN ke Irak, Prancis ya manggut manggut aja, ikut-ikutan embargo sampai pada akhirnya armada Mirage F1 Irak pada rontok semua, dan AU Irak sama sekali ga nongol di invasi 2003.

Kalau suatu hari Indonesia udah ga dibutuhkan lagi sama Barat, ya siap-siap aja di embargo lagi, kebayang aja armada Rafale RI tanpa support dari Prancis, ya bakalan rontok, dan overtime kalau pertahanan Indonesia udah tinggal kerangka ya siap-siap aja kena regime change kalau yang duduk di Nusantara ga in line sama Barat. Contoh tu Gaddafi.

Intinya mau ga mau, Indonesia harus bangun industri militer secara agresif, dan ini butuh duit dan political will. Terutama untuk program kayak Drone, Roket/Rudal dsb. Dan lebih ideal lagi kalau Indonesia punya program nuklir. Ini ga bercanda loh, Indonesia HARUS punya nuklir.
I hear you and agree with what you said, ga usah muluk muluk bisa buat pespur sendiri lah, coba buat industri drone seperti turki dr yg man portable, suicide drone, medium range seperti bayraktar untuk mengurangi ketergantungan terhadap senjata buatan luar negri


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Did they suggest us to have Nuclear powered subs in the future's 😉
Hopefully, potential RAN replacements 🤣.
What do you think will be offered to IDN after scorpene evolved, Suffren, Shortfin barracuda, or somekind of "Scorpene" Nuclear like Brazillian Navy?⁴


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Hopefully, potential RAN replacements 🤣.
What do you think will be offered to IDN after scorpene evolved, Suffren, Shortfin barracuda, or somekind of "Scorpene" Nuclear like Brazillian Navy?⁴
I am hoping they offer us similar deal like they give to the Brazilians, having total 6-8 diesel sub with 2 nuclear sub sound great though, just my wet dream 😂


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Hopefully, potential RAN replacements 🤣.
What do you think will be offered to IDN after scorpene evolved, Suffren, Shortfin barracuda, or somekind of "Scorpene" Nuclear like Brazillian Navy?⁴
I am hoping they offer us similar deal like they give to the Brazilians, having total 6-8 diesel sub with 2 nuclear sub sound great though, just my wet dream 😂

We do need nuclear-powered subs, If possible we opt for SSGN, the psychological effect of having these patrolling somewhere near your enemy will force your foe to tie up a significant number of their ships away from you.

kira-kira naval group bisa ga ya bikin Scorpene enlarged dengan VLS ?


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We do need nuclear-powered subs, If possible we opt for SSGN, the psychological effect of having these patrolling somewhere near your enemy will force your foe to tie up a significant number of their ships away from you.

kira-kira naval group bisa ga ya bikin Scorpene enlarged dengan VLS ?
Depends on the money, if we seriously wanted it and willing to pay for it, i bet they'll provide as long we're not a threat for their allied (Australia & Singapore)

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