I don't know that truck-kun also goes to Russia.
What happened in North Sulawesi? Negative sentiment towards the govt, secessionist, rebellion or what???
@Madokafc @trishna_amrta
There is too much influx of mainland "civillian" there, they came as tourist, trader, investor and so on most staying there for years and almost Untouchable. The phenomenon happened too in the other side of Philippines, with many mainland"civillian" came as profesional worker and trader and so on even goes to take land plot around Clark and Subic. Quite suspicious, and Indonesia noticed that so with the Singapore (ASEAN intelligent central Hub), Indonesia military establishment along with BIN and Police Department and Civillian government had different view about this. China hard currency versus Security concern. China gained lot of trust there to build their "network" able to gathering any intelligent and valuable information.
Truly reminiscent of the pre Japanese invasion era back then during the great Malaise era in 20's
Considering the current government's relationship with China especially in economic and infrastucture area, i guess this influx will stay for some time
Is there already a risk mitigation plan or some kind of list of "suspicious" person in the government in the case there is social disturbances since as we all know Sulawesi is a hotbed of SARA-related conflicts
China gained lot of trust there to build their "network" able to gathering any intelligent and valuable information.
Narasi di tingkat grassroot disana ga jauh dari isu agama. Dan yach wajar aja, karna dari pemerintah pusat sendiri juga malah mentoleransi kelompok2x yg memaksakan keyakinan nya di segala lini kehidupan sehari hari.Is there already a risk mitigation plan or some kind of list of "suspicious" person in the government in the case there is social disturbances since as we all know Sulawesi is a hotbed of SARA-related conflicts
Salah nya pemerintah pusat sendiri, kita di daerah (termasuk yg di pulau Jawa) diperlakukan sudah seperti wilayah koloni, yach siapa yg ga jengkel akhirnya. Mkanya saya sering sebut "Over Regulation, Over Taxation" itu masalah real yg berpotensi memecah belah bangsa ini. Awalnya pasti dari urusan perut, tapi saat keluarnya pasti pakai branding SARAThere is, hope they can get it better and securing the region into our iron grip
Salah satu bentuk offset dan ToT yang suksesAstaga MAKANAN & PENGARUH A5eNg![]()
Weleh, kok gue liatnya beda, dari mana itu over regulation/over taxation kalau dilihat dari kacamata "koloni" oleh pemerintah pusat? Yang gue liat pemerintah pusat dan daerah sama-sama menyumbang keruwetan regulasi. Belum lagi kualitas birokrasi di kebanyakan pemerintah daerah belum sampai pada tingkatan yang memadai, sebaliknya permasalahan ini ada juga di pemerintah pusat. Pengalaman gue berinteraksi dengan pemerintah daerah apa lagi yg diluar jawa itu bikin ngurut dada.Salah nya pemerintah pusat sendiri, kita di daerah (termasuk yg di pulau Jawa) diperlakukan sudah seperti wilayah koloni, yach siapa yg ga jengkel akhirnya. Mkanya saya sering sebut "Over Regulation, Over Taxation" itu masalah real yg berpotensi memecah belah bangsa ini. Awalnya pasti dari urusan perut, tapi saat keluarnya pasti pakai branding SARA
Considering the current government's relationship with China especially in economic and infrastucture area, i guess this influx will stay for some time
Is there already a risk mitigation plan or some kind of list of "suspicious" person in the government in the case there is social disturbances since as we all know Sulawesi is a hotbed of SARA-related conflicts
Considering the current government's relationship with China especially in economic and infrastucture area, i guess this influx will stay for some time
Is there already a risk mitigation plan or some kind of list of "suspicious" person in the government in the case there is social disturbances since as we all know Sulawesi is a hotbed of SARA-related conflicts