Filter genre militaryMungkin yg pp nya kartun
Filter genre militaryMungkin yg pp nya kartun
Aku sendiri malah kasihan sama Poland, 2x perang dunia 2x dijadikan barang jajahan dan tanah tukar guling. Di sisi ini memang kemungkinan Poland bakal ngirim bantuan, etah apapun bentuknya. Karena berada dalam cengkraman komunis 5 dekade itu udah cukup nyiksa.Polandia
Ga segampang main di game, bawa ransel ini itu, peralatan ini itu, long march, sekali kena tembak gabakal bisa respawn.Mungkin yg pp nya kartun
Ukr fate is sealed right now, they didn't even imagined will be strike from Belarus.
Another scenario is the evacuation will be dealt between Indonesia and Russia. So in case Russia already occupied Kiev, Indonesia would talk with Russian side for the evacuation. This scenario also included in leaked Israel evacuation plan. Many people felt disgust see Israel has this scenario.
MiG-29 of the Air Force of the Armed Forces destroys the "unparalleled" Su-35 of the Russian occupiers
it's real ?
many said that it's from DCS gameMiG-29 of the Air Force of the Armed Forces destroys the "unparalleled" Su-35 of the Russian occupiers
it's real ?
Is this very video on youtube uploaded before or after Ukrainian MoD uploaded the video?many said that it's from DCS game
Edit: Yup, it's from dcs
Yes, UKR MoD uploaded the video in their FB and Twitter. Idk, mungkin mereka sengaja upload tu vid buat morale boost bagi rakyatnya.Is this very video on youtube uploaded before or after Ukrainian MoD uploaded the video?
Because it is also possible that the official MoD twitter account uploaded that and then that anonymous youtube account uploaded that video and said that video as whatever they want.
edit : based on the date that youtube video was uploaded first. This is suicide by Ukrainian MoD, they wound their own credibility.
Ada china russia pasti berseberanganPBB is a joke
Boost morale, people believe what they wantedThis is suicide by Ukrainian MoD, they wound their own credibility
mie naik yang mungkin baklaan bikin kejang2. soalnya ya... ntr ade demo mahaiswa gede2an gimana bayangkan. Tiba2 indomie 10.000/bungkus... bisa2 demo mahasiswa serentak. tahu tempe ilang minyak naik mie naik bayangkan wahbtw "Asosiasi Produsen Tepung Terigu Indonesia (Aptindo) mencatat, Ukraina adalah pemasok gandum terbesar kedua untuk Indonesia, setelah Australia. Dan Indonesia bergantung pada pasokan gandum impor."
expect the bread price to increase ?
Boost morale
I really don’t know what is their intention and what’s on their head when uploaded that. But people take that as a credible information, they have to know about that. If the intention was for some PR stunt, then just made that look as a PR stunt rather than made that look as credible information to take.Yes, UKR MoD uploaded the video in their FB and Twitter. Idk, mungkin mereka sengaja upload tu vid buat morale boost bagi rakyatnya.![]()
If shit like this happened to us, do we have spared weapons to give to our people's that wants to defend our freedom!?"ak-47 for everyone"
the conscription has already been started.
they've might aswell recruit those Lampung illegal gunsmith industry player.If shit like this happened to us, do we have spared weapons to give to our people's that wants to defend our freedom!?
Like how many M-16, SS-1, SS-2, AK-47/56 that we can instantly get in the TNI/Polri warehouse
Into guerilla mode, mirip berlin volkstrumthe conscription has already been started.