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Sperm Whales Clicking You Inside Out (2017) - James Nestor at The Interval [00:06:01]
Well, the good thing about Corals is that they come again after some time, but I've seen several documentaries showing how even smallest of changes affects the corals. I just wish they were more robust.
Corona did wonders at the beginning the world cleaned itself once humans stopped the factories.
We need to find a more sustainable way of living, but it is hard with everything we've gotten used to.
Rare to see one this big....but they do get this big and even bigger:
India has lots of dangerous and beautiful animals.
India is also the last home of the Asian Lion respect to the Indians for preserving them and saving them from extinction.
Once kept a kitten (about a year old). I've taken him (more like kidnapped him) of his mother.Javan Leopard, one of the last wild great cat in Java island
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I do hear there is lot of problems and challenges though given human population and resource pressure etc and their (lion) population being so small, but it was definitely overall a good effort to get them protected so they don't get extinct.
I believe their number at one point dipped to below they are around 700 or so and hopefully grow more with time and access to more sancutaries and land...but time to time I hear unfortunate news about humans coming into conflict with them or doing something dumb to try hurt them/exploit them or lion (premature) deaths for various known/unknown reasons.
But it looks like they are moving into new corridors and areas surrounding the forest (gir) that was their one sanctuary for so long (recent article today):
Explained: What is the significance of lions being spotted in Gujarat’s Jasdan area?
Lions keep moving from these areas to Gir, creating what is called lion corridors. Lions have strayed as far away as Botad and Jamnagar districts but they were one-off
Summary at end:
What the lion presence means for locals
Lions are believed to have vanished from Jasdan-Chotila around 150 years ago and present generation of humans have lived without presence of any large carnivore. If the lions eventually settle in this area, people may require to make some adaptations to mitigate conflict with the carnivores. Also, the Surendranagar territorial forest division has continued the scheme of subsidising construction of parapet on wells in this area in order to secure the wells and prevent deaths of lions by falling in them accidentally. Forest department also pays compensation for any loss of livestock to the carnivores. Unless provoked, lions rarely attack humans.
If they do their descendent became either Liger or Tigon, depend on the pedigreeI really wonder if the Asian Lion and the Bengal Tiger have ever crossed paths.
Which one more important people wellbeing or the critters wellbeing? You can't choose both!With the growth of human populations. The animal/human conflict is just going to become more common. I hope it does not get worse it would be such a shame to see so many animals becoming extinct