Live Conflict War in Afghanistan


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@Corona , @guest_07 , @Waz , @Kaptaan ,

Now when war is over do you mind to share you opinion how things could go in next couple of months and years , also what would be biggest challenges amd opportunities for taliban goverment and is there some already made plans from surrounding countries what kind of bussiness will be with talibans?

Now with the war over I see a few things going on.

-First there will be a solidifying of governing structure within various regions. The Taliban is keen that ethnic groups administer their regions of origin, and it's not seen as a Pashtun monolith. This will mean disarmament of all known milita outside the IEA, although that has pretty much happened. The next steps will then be according to them get schools running, hospitals functioning and businesses opening their doors.

-Rebuilding is another item on the agenda and they're looking to various nations to help with this. China has already been lined up, they will also ask Turkey, Qatar, Saudi and Russia for their help in reconstruction efforts. Fortunately this takeover has been largely without bloodshed and the damage to infrastructure is limited, so they have a good base to build from. Immediate help to get basic services will probably be provided by Pakistan and Iran.

-Border facilitation will then be smoothed over so trade can flow. It will also allow the smooth movement of refugees returning. Pakistan and Iran again would be important here.

-The face to the world i.e. trading and being recognised. This will be tough and although a fair few countries will recognise them, they really do need a mix at government level. This is where the old guard of Abdullah Abdullah and Ahmed Shah Masood's son will come in, and others who wanted a unity government. To have diplomatic missions and be recognised by world bodies such as the UN, WTO etc you need to show that you are inclusive of all. In terms of trade Afghanistan is blessed with untold mineral wealth and their usual livelihood of cash crops.


To sum it all up for today :

- What a Magnificent Day.
- Forces of kufar are defeated and begging IEA to let them leave despite banging to bomb them to hell 12 hour ago.
- US, UK, France citizens are currently being evacuated by US C17 and some airlines.
- PAF and PIA evacuated large number of foreigners earlier to day including high ranking personals.
- Colossal amount of people who were promised high heavens and better life are told to hold on, are still stranded at kabul airbase.
- Ashraf Ghani who said yesterday that he will not surrender has tactically retreated to Tajikistan And took two planes with him.
- No warlord are left (killed or escaped) to cause problums.
- Russia already recognised IEA and no one is evacuated from their embassy, which is fully functional.
- China, Pakistan, Turkey, Malaysia and Central Asian states are in the process to recognize IEA.
- Conflicting report on UK status about IEA
- IEA captured more weapons including vehicles.
- 5000 prisoners were released by IEA
- US asked permission from IEA to let them leave and wish was granted
- Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar is appointed the head of IEA.
- Kabul presidential palace was liberated by IEA and Quran was recited there.
- Shari Law is announced, effective immediately.
- Strick orders have been issued for looters, robbers, thieves, miscreants and such & will be punished immediately.
- IEA lowered all taxes 50%.
- People not comfortable with IEA are allowed to leave on their leisure.
- And India is still deciding to celebrate independence day or sob day.

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