Israeli study: Turkey is strongest maritime force in the region


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A Haifa University study suggests that Turkey’s naval power is a growing concern for Israel and highlights how the last few years has seen Ankara greatly upgrade its maritime force

Turkish seismic research vessel Oruc Reis is escorted by Turkish Navy ships as it sets sail in the Mediterranean Sea, off Antalya, Turkey, on August 10, 2020. ( Reuters )

In a recent study, The Maritime Policy & Strategy Research Center of Israel’s Haifa University concluded that the Turkish Navy is now the strongest maritime force in the region.

The report also argued that Turkey’s growing naval power poses a potential threat and future challenge for Israel.

Haifa University Maritime Policy & Strategy Research Center’s latest annual assessment warned Israel that Tel Aviv should seriously consider the “potential threat“ posed by Ankara.

According to Colonel Shlomo Guetta, one of the report’s authors, Ankara is building a Navy that characterises a regional power and can conduct long-range operations.

It also goes on to suggest that Turkey’s growing naval power should be considered as a growing concern in Israel as Ankara is upgrading its submarine fleet with six advanced subs that will be completed in the coming years.

Around 12-14 modern submarines are expected to be fielded by Turkey and the report also claims that the development gives Ankara an overwhelming advantage against Israel.

The Turkish construction of multipurpose frigates and corvettes, which are being armed by Atmaca missiles and were tested by the country last February successfully, was also mentioned.

Atmaca is touted as a high-precision, long-range, surface-to-surface, precision strike anti-ship missile that can be integrated with patrol boats, frigates and corvettes. Turkish Naval Forces’ inventory currently has the US-made Harpoon anti-ship missiles which are expected to be replaced by the Atmaca missiles that boast additional superior features.

The Turkish missile has a range of more than 200 kilometres (124 miles), posing a threat to targets far outside visual range. It also provides a target update, reattack, and mission abort capability via modern data link. The development of the anti-ship missile began in 2009 and a deal for mass production was signed in 2018.

Israeli Colonel Shlomo Guetta in the report also highlighted the Turkish Navy’s strike force and intervention capacity. A flagship project is the construction of Anadolu, an amphibious assault ship that can serve as a light aircraft carrier.

Quoting US military expert Richard Parley’s estimates, the report argued that the new warship will offer Turkey unprecedented strike capabilities in the Black Sea and Eastern Mediterranean.

“In addition, Turkey produces its own weapons and military gear, including cruise missiles with a range of hundreds of kilometers. Overall, Ankara has been shifting to self-production of naval assets and relies on German expertise to build submarines and other vessels,” the report said.

“In recent years, Turkey held huge naval exercises with over 100 ships and dozens of airplanes,” it added.

According to the report, by now, the Turkish Navy should certainly be considered a green-water Navy that can operate far beyond the country’s shores.

The study concluded that Turkey’s current naval power is mainly a threat to its traditional rivals for now, but Israel should seriously consider its threat potential.

Drawing attention to the fact that Israel is dependent on sea exports, the author said that Tel Aviv must not ignore Turkey’s impressive naval arsenal.



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A Haifa University study suggests that Turkey’s naval power is a growing concern for Israel and highlights how the last few years has seen Ankara greatly upgrade its maritime force

Turkish seismic research vessel Oruc Reis is escorted by Turkish Navy ships as it sets sail in the Mediterranean Sea, off Antalya, Turkey, on August 10, 2020. ( Reuters )

In a recent study, The Maritime Policy & Strategy Research Center of Israel’s Haifa University concluded that the Turkish Navy is now the strongest maritime force in the region.

The report also argued that Turkey’s growing naval power poses a potential threat and future challenge for Israel.

Haifa University Maritime Policy & Strategy Research Center’s latest annual assessment warned Israel that Tel Aviv should seriously consider the “potential threat“ posed by Ankara.

According to Colonel Shlomo Guetta, one of the report’s authors, Ankara is building a Navy that characterises a regional power and can conduct long-range operations.

It also goes on to suggest that Turkey’s growing naval power should be considered as a growing concern in Israel as Ankara is upgrading its submarine fleet with six advanced subs that will be completed in the coming years.

Around 12-14 modern submarines are expected to be fielded by Turkey and the report also claims that the development gives Ankara an overwhelming advantage against Israel.

The Turkish construction of multipurpose frigates and corvettes, which are being armed by Atmaca missiles and were tested by the country last February successfully, was also mentioned.

Atmaca is touted as a high-precision, long-range, surface-to-surface, precision strike anti-ship missile that can be integrated with patrol boats, frigates and corvettes. Turkish Naval Forces’ inventory currently has the US-made Harpoon anti-ship missiles which are expected to be replaced by the Atmaca missiles that boast additional superior features.

The Turkish missile has a range of more than 200 kilometres (124 miles), posing a threat to targets far outside visual range. It also provides a target update, reattack, and mission abort capability via modern data link. The development of the anti-ship missile began in 2009 and a deal for mass production was signed in 2018.

Israeli Colonel Shlomo Guetta in the report also highlighted the Turkish Navy’s strike force and intervention capacity. A flagship project is the construction of Anadolu, an amphibious assault ship that can serve as a light aircraft carrier.

Quoting US military expert Richard Parley’s estimates, the report argued that the new warship will offer Turkey unprecedented strike capabilities in the Black Sea and Eastern Mediterranean.

“In addition, Turkey produces its own weapons and military gear, including cruise missiles with a range of hundreds of kilometers. Overall, Ankara has been shifting to self-production of naval assets and relies on German expertise to build submarines and other vessels,” the report said.

“In recent years, Turkey held huge naval exercises with over 100 ships and dozens of airplanes,” it added.

According to the report, by now, the Turkish Navy should certainly be considered a green-water Navy that can operate far beyond the country’s shores.

The study concluded that Turkey’s current naval power is mainly a threat to its traditional rivals for now, but Israel should seriously consider its threat potential.

Drawing attention to the fact that Israel is dependent on sea exports, the author said that Tel Aviv must not ignore Turkey’s impressive naval arsenal.

This article is quite true
Turkey is now a black horse in the region
The next 2 years will shift the balance in the East Med.
It will dictate which countries are with and are against Turkey
That is why I said AKP will be forecfully brought down
Erdo's policies of military self-sufficiency is a threat to the current status quo if France and Israel
For those who are interested, just go read israeli threads and just look at what they are saying of the current Turkish navy and its progression and how Erdo should be kicked out or Turkey and Israel will never be friends as Turkey's strength will outsurpass Israel by the year 2030


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The Tf2000 is about to begin and the Milden design will be completed by 2023. The first Tf2000 will be delivered to the Navy in 2027. The second LHD will be a true drone ship with an enlarged flight deck. Many different types of USVs in different sizes are being developed. At the last IDEF, the concept of a mini manned submarine was introduced by the two institutes. On the other hand, 10 heavily armed OPV and fast FAC programs are being studied/constructed. When we put all the pieces on top of each other, a plan comes out with a really strong navy target in region.


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The Tf2000 is about to begin and the Milden design will be completed by 2023. The first Tf2000 will be delivered to the Navy in 2027. The second LHD will be a true drone ship with an enlarged flight deck. Many different types of USVs in different sizes are being developed. At the last IDEF, the concept of a mini manned submarine was introduced by the two institutes. On the other hand, 10 heavily armed OPV and fast FAC programs are being studied/constructed. When we put all the pieces on top of each other, a plan comes out with a really strong navy target in region.
What was really disappointing is that TCG Anadolu wont carry any drones but just helicopters


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What is it with aggressive nations always portraying themselves as a victim. Everything is a threat and no one is allowed to have any power outside of themselves. The USA is another nation who always does this, always talking about threats, even threats from the poorest and most backward nations. Honestly i get tired of these articles. Isreal is a threat to the entire region and has been for a long time.


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This article is quite true
Turkey is now a black horse in the region
The next 2 years will shift the balance in the East Med.
It will dictate which countries are with and are against Turkey
That is why I said AKP will be forecfully brought down
Erdo's policies of military self-sufficiency is a threat to the current status quo if France and Israel
For those who are interested, just go read israeli threads and just look at what they are saying of the current Turkish navy and its progression and how Erdo should be kicked out or Turkey and Israel will never be friends as Turkey's strength will outsurpass Israel by the year 2030

2030 is optimistic. 2050 is more realistic. Remember Isreal gets state of the art jet fighters from the USA, while Erdogan got Turkey kicked out the F35 program. There is no way 9 years from now Turkey will be flying a more advanced air force then Israel, no chance.

Turkeys own jet fighter if things go smoothly and not the way of the Altay project, we might start seeing production in 2035. But i doubt these planes will be better then what the americans will be producing and giving to isreal.

Isreal has a massive advantage on Turkey, in that she gets so much tech transfer from the west free of charge, meanwhile Turkey is sanctioned and embargo even on the most basic of items.

Also self sufficiency began after Turkey defeated the greeks in 74, the west placed military embargoes on Turkey that lasted 4 years. The foundations for what we have now were laid in the years 74-78. We need to stop with this fantasy that erdogan is responsible for everything and without him no Turkey cant exist. Its dumb shit.

He's just a politician who diplomatically is shockingly bad.
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2030 is optimistic. 2050 is more realistic. Remember Isreal gets state of the art jet fighters from the USA, while Erdogan got Turkey kicked out the F35 program. There is no way 9 years from now Turkey will be flying a more advanced air force then Israel, no chance.

Turkeys own jet fighter if things go smoothly and not the way of the Altay project, we might start seeing production in 2035. But i doubt these planes will be better then what the americans will be producing and giving to isreal.

so f35 make them strong?



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so f35 make them strong?


Most important thing in war is airpower. Our drones worked well because our enemies were weak in the air. Those tactics wont work against a nation that has a strong airforce. You lose control of the skies above, 99 times out a 100 you will lose.

Also by the time Turkey rolls out her jet which will use an english engine which at moments notice the isreals could tell the english to stop suppluing who knows what kind of fighter aircraft the isrealis will have in 2040.


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Turkish people never got their arse handed to them by the isrealis, we don't need to play this arab/islamic insecurity when talking about Isreal. Isreal is a serious power and Turks must take her extremely seriously. Otherwise you end up being humilated like the arabs in the 6 day war.


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Most important thing in war is airpower. Our drones worked well because our enemies were weak in the air. Those tactics wont work against a nation that has a strong airforce. You lose control of the skies above, 99 times out a 100 you will lose.

Overhiped nothing more, our F16 will be upgrade with last technology, it will be better then the Viper radar. Data-link and new sensor package.

Like a F35 is a miracle machine, it fly like F16 with AWACS and data-link. Only edge advantage with stealth. You say it yourself weak countries with weak airforce.


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Tf100 ( I'm sure we'll have 5000t ships)
(Tf4500 I'm sure after TF 2000 we'll build bigger destroyers named as guided missile destroyer)
TCG Anadolu and TCG Trakya (Trakya will be a pure ucav ship)
Milden Submarines
Annnnnnd the king 👑 TCG Kızılelma pure blood aircraft carrier...

Mark my words we'll have all of these sooner or later due to economic reasons.


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Overhiped nothing more, our F16 will be upgrade with last technology, it will be better then the Viper radar. Data-link and new sensor package.

Like a F35 is a miracle machine, it fly like F16 with AWACS and data-link. Only edge advantage with stealth. You say it yourself weak countries with weak airforce.

Get to work then, what you waiting for? Go liberate Palestine. Just don't come back crying and screaming threats and doing nothing like you did over mavi marmara.


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are you trolling or what?

Trolling is claiming air power isn't a decisive factor. Once you lose control of the skies its game over. But if you think old f16's are going to compete against F15's, F35's as well as modern Isreali f16's, you are fooling yourself.

In the air Isreal will wipe Turkey. Once you lose control of the skies, its game over.

Turkey is not beating isreal in a war anytime soon and rationally that isnt our fight right now. Iran, Russia, Suadia Arabia, the gulf states, syria, iraq, egypt, the greeks are all against us. Only a dope targets isreal when he already has so many other enemies.


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Trolling is claiming air power isn't a decisive factor. Once you lose control of the skies its game over. But if you think old f16's are going to compete against F15's, F35's as well as modern Isreali f16's, you are fooling yourself.

In the air Isreal will wipe Turkey. Once you lose control of the skies, its game over.



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I still remember when mavi marmara happened and the Isrealis killed the Islamist Turks onboard like they were pigs. Erdogan made lots of threats but did nothing. When a retired Turkish general was asked about going to war against Isreal, he basically said Isreal has a much better airforce, they have much better air defence systems, Turkey back then stood no chance to mount any kind of successful attack on Isreal.

Yes times are changing, but we are still a long long way behind Isreal.

Not only does Isreal have a better airforce, but she will not fear sanctions on parts to fly that airforce. The moment Turkey gets sanctions for her planes, she has to start cannibalising her yets to repair other jets. Also keep in mind the arabs had russian weapons, they didnt use american weapons like we are using. And if their is one nation who can tell the US to stop arming Turkey, its Isreal.

Its easy for me to see why arabs kept losing to jews in war, what i cannot accept is Turks being that dumb.

Just think how many people used the excuse of not having an engine to delay altay for years on end, what do you will think will happen when the americans refuse to sell you parts for your f16's? How long you think they are going to stay in the sky?
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