Come on ,cough now!! If you can answer my replies above*cough* South Korea
*cough* Japan
*cough* India
Come on ,cough now!! If you can answer my replies above*cough* South Korea
*cough* Japan
*cough* India
How??Well, TB2s are selling like dirt. Every other day we are hearing countries are either ordering Turkish defense products or asking for info. So pls explain how in the earth we are producing a TB2 for 1-1,5 million $ and Atmaca a cutting edge anti-ship missile for 500k $.
Lol? You understand nothing right ?? from the things that I said. I tell you again ,this time in opposite way. Let's say Turkish lira devalued ,this time 100 present and go bottom to 1/19 . You think that the products you produce will be 50 percent cheaper?? Of course not!! It would be cheaper at most 20 or 30 percent at most interns of usd!!Lol, it is not just related to the price of manpower. This is how we produce them cheaply. All those little subsystems are magnitudes cheaper compared to their foreign counterparts and paid in Turkish liras.
This is only possible if you have China's levels of human capital and authoritarian lack of regard for human rights.What thoughts? Erdo has a plan. Lower the value of TL and cut the interest rates so borrowing TL will become easier. Hopefully, this will increase exports and lower imports as local producers will look to use local components in their products(Rather than buying radar altimeter from Canada, Roketsan will buy it from Meteksan) as those will be priced really competitive. This means small to medium-sized companies will flourish. If successful rather than driving the economy with local consumption, the economy will be driven by exports. Tosyalı will sell its steel dirt cheap will even be competitive with China. It is an extremely risky plan and not guaranteed to succeed. Even if somehow he succeeds average citizens will pay the price for it and be sentenced to African level of poverty for the foreseeable future before TR becomes a powerhouse exporter country. And if he fails we will be left alone with the ruins of a broken economy.
FATF like many international bodies are just places where geo-political games are played out. Despite US support for YPG has there ever been any sanction or even talk of sanction against USA?
That means the President has no idea what he is doing. He is fighting the windmills to avoid the growth crisis in emerginging markets by interest rate cuts.
Why doesnt erdogan just let the economic guys do their job?
Why does he feel the need to control everything?
What about this grey listing thingSoon Turkish export will crash the high USD wall when it needs raw materials and energy.
İnflation, İnflation, İnflation.
I didn't even mention the biggest problem , The poorer Turkish labours.
Noone cares about Turkish citizens whose incomes in Turkish Lira.
For 20 years we have been listening dıj güçler.
For Gods sake at least once admit your responsibility.
Wait until 2023 yeah.
Without SWAPs with Qatar, China and Korea net reserves minus 30billion USD.Can any one explain why the foreign reserves keep incearsing rapidly is ~126b$ and by the end of the year 135-140 could be seen
This is normally enclosed in any foreign reserve estimation .. but i saw the fx reserves report of TCMB and i cant found u allegations ?Without SWAPs with Qatar, China and Korea net reserves minus 30billion USD.
So Turkish Central Bank keeps foreign currency reserve which belongs to another countries.
What Iam truly wondering about is whether Erdo will actually succeed in forcing the supply chains to use domestic products in such a small time frame
This is normally enclosed in any foreign reserve estimation .. but i saw the fx reserves report of TCMB and i cant found u allegations ?
not really, this organization is formed as watch guard for muslim world particulary which is not aligned with west, it is comical how UAE or GB or some other God's forsaken islands countries in oceans are not on "lists" which are really money laundering machines.THey want to influence 2023 election...