Well, being cynical to a degree is good but the head of Tubitak SAGE and head of SSB İsmail Demir told on different times that we won't have any problems with F-16s. Speeches of Ismail Demir is one thing but Gürcan Okumuş is literally at the head of Göktuğ projects he assures everyone yet big shot defense experts still talking about source codes etc.
"big shot defense experts still talking about source codes etc"
Who are this "big shot defense experts"?
Are there people which working and part of the projects?
There are 2 type of defense experts
- First Type of Experts -> They Create video which it is MANDATORY to show REAL product pictures WITH FACTS That there is ISSUE. IT is hard thing to do. Why ?
-Because products which are Security matter -> Can be treated as LAW suit or worst.
-Second Type of Experts - Analytic which he/she have some Degree of knowledge. But As History shows it is 50-50 Thingy. Mean NOTHING. Until GUESSING is not COVER with PROOF.
And Very importent Thing here is that WHEN TIME PASS Mean years passed and there is no PROOF of Analytic claims to Know something. They become desperate and START driven by Gossips and become victim.
So lets focus on people which are inside of "Kitchen" like you said - Tubitak SAGE and head of SSB İsmail Demir, Gürcan Okumuş.
I perosnaly really don't try to lisen this so called outsiders "defense experts". I try to see "What is new as products" and not analysis without Proof they start "Looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooookum" Turkish Delight thingy