Dibayar ama penjaga kantin.dibunuh oleh tukang kebun kemenhan mungkin akunnya.
Dibayar ama penjaga kantin.dibunuh oleh tukang kebun kemenhan mungkin akunnya.
Supposed to be that AH140 design, but I don't know...
Frankly, I wouldn't aware what's changed (unless there is a sudden "upgrade completed" notification and PAL's facility changed abruptly)View attachment 35261
Kayaknya cuma program pemerintah aja, blum tentu ada design AH140.
Acara seremonial 10 nopember atau ada kejutan yach?Kayaknya cuma program pemerintah aja
Indonesia better all out to France.... dasault, Scorpene, Airbus, Safran etc
The holy paywall ruin the dayabsolutely kosher
INDONESIA/ISRAEL : Cognyte consolidates its position in Indonesian cyber intelligence market - 08/10/2021 - Intelligence Online
The Israeli cyber intelligence company wants to boost its presence in Indonesia, which, despite not having diplomatic relations with Israel, is increasingly attracting cyber companies from Israel's - 10/8/2021www.intelligenceonline.com
Our cyber infrastructure is really of shiet quality, using foreign company that is capable is good and bad on its own, sigh....absolutely kosher
INDONESIA/ISRAEL : Cognyte consolidates its position in Indonesian cyber intelligence market - 08/10/2021 - Intelligence Online
The Israeli cyber intelligence company wants to boost its presence in Indonesia, which, despite not having diplomatic relations with Israel, is increasingly attracting cyber companies from Israel's - 10/8/2021www.intelligenceonline.com
absolutely kosher
INDONESIA/ISRAEL : Cognyte consolidates its position in Indonesian cyber intelligence market - 08/10/2021 - Intelligence Online
The Israeli cyber intelligence company wants to boost its presence in Indonesia, which, despite not having diplomatic relations with Israel, is increasingly attracting cyber companies from Israel's - 10/8/2021www.intelligenceonline.com
*Cry in SmadavIndonesia : "Our cyber security will be much stronger with these Israelis top IT companies!"
China : "Hold my baijiu"
Israel : "Cyber domain is our bitch"Indonesia : "Our cyber security will be much stronger with these Israelis top IT companies!"
China : "Hold my baijiu"