Leader cadres don't stay in caves, only the cannon fodder
Nah, the leaders stay in the Iranian caves being protected by the mullah.
Leader cadres don't stay in caves, only the cannon fodder
Nah, the leaders stay in the Iranian caves being protected by the mullah.
Pahh do you really believe that? Öcalan for instance lived for years in Damascus in a Villa with swimming pool.
Part of those leaders may live in Iran but I severely doubt they live in caves
Yakın zamanda sürpriz yapıp birkaç sözleşmeye daha imza atacağımızı düşünüyoruz. KARGU’nun farklı varyasyonlarını da yapmaya çalışıyoruz. RF arayıcı başlıklı KARGU, Zırh Delici Mühimmat Taşıyan KARGU gibi birçok farklı kombinasyonu üzerinde KARGU’nun çalışıyoruz. Aynı aileden bir diğer ürünümüz, Sabit kanatlı Vurucu İHA sistemimiz ALPAGU. Bu sene içinde mühimmatlı atış testlerini gayet başarılı bir şekilde tamamladık. Çok yakın bir zamanda Türk Silahlı Kuvvetlerine teslimatını bekliyoruz. Yine bu ailemizden olan Gözcü İHA sistemimiz TOGAN önemli bir ürünümüz. Oradaki en büyüm motivasyonumuz aslında TOGAN’ı diğer ürünlerimizle beraber kullanarak bir aile şeklinde bu ürünleri kullanabilecek çözümler oluşturabilmek. TOGAN şu anda Türk Silahlı Kuvvetlerinin envanterinde zaten. Mühimmat bırakan İHA sistemimiz BOYGA’nın da yine testlerini büyük ölçüde tamamladık; onu da inşallah en kısa süre içerisinde Silahlı Kuvvetlerimizin envanterine sokmayı hedefliyoruz.”
+ Account in the crosswind and turbulence due to the island structure, platform motion etc.
Is it really an effective method of crippling drones?
Is it really an effective method of crippling drones?
All you need is Meteksan’s MILSAR/GMTI radar system. From 27 Km away it will discern between military and non military personnel. Even over cloud cover it will tell UCAV user if it is a military or non military vehicle. It will automatically classify and target all actual military positions.Thoughts?
Is it really an effective method of crippling drones?
Do we use them in active service now? As I remember, at Karabag war operation stopped for a few days because of the weather conditionsAll you need is Meteksan’s MILSAR/GMTI radar system. From 27 Km away it will discern between military and non military personnel. Even over cloud cover it will tell UCAV user if it is a military or non military vehicle. It will automatically classify and target all actual military positions.
View attachment 37986MILSAR UAV SAR/GMTI Radar | Meteksan Defence | Meteksan
MILSAR UAV SAR/GMTI Radar could be operated on unmanned air vehicles (UAVs), helicopters and fixed wing aircraft along with its easy installation feature to detect and track potential targets either low speed small size or fast moving objects even in advewww.meteksan.com
Meteksan Defence MILSAR SAR/GMTI Radar Provides Outstanding Capabilities to Tactical UAVs
MILSAR generate radar images up to 30cm resolution from 27km.www.defenceturkey.com
I don’t think they have become part of our inventory yet. But it was fitted on at least one Anka and one TB2 to be tried, if I recall correctly. It was only shown to public in IDEF-2019 for the first time.Do we use them in active service now? As I remember, at Karabag war operation stopped for a few days because of the weather conditions
The operational radius of the drone is not limited to the ground station (often 200-300km). With TB-2S, the drone can operate over Libya, while being controlled from Ankara.
Most UAV’s work on the principle of “Line-Of-Sight”.