UK-Russia-Turkey Partnership.


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United Kingdom
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United Kingdom
If I look at Europe geo-politically I see a number of different aspects. First Europe is made up of 5 peninsular's. The main European peninsular coming from the North European plain out of Russia, the Iberian peninsular, the Italian peninsular, the Scandinavian peninsular and the Balkan peninsular. The main European peninsular along the North European plain is the heartland or core of Europe. From Warsaw to Paris, in includes all of Germany and the low countries. This is the European core, where most of the economic production and investment is. Out of this in the initial sphere of Europe is the Baltic sea, the Alps and Carpathian mountains. Controlling these area's it vital for the safely to economic unity of the European core. Then in the extended European core your Southern France, Northern Italy, the North sea and River Danube. If the European core can unity, extended and grow from a place of unity and safely, it can then push out further into the Mediterranean, Black sea, Aegean sea/Greece, Iberia and Scandinavia. Three powers in Europe have attempted to do this, the French, Germans and Russians. All have succeeded or failed because they couldn't hold their gains because of pressure from the periphery of Europe. Britain/Turkey/Russia. So here we have the currently economically united, militarily united, politically united Europe against the periphery of Europe.

This situation has happened before in the Napoleonic wars, where the French took Germany/Poland/Low Countries, Spain, Italy, then the British/Russians and Turks worked together to break the French and drive them back and out of the European core. Now the same must happen again.

I would say Britain/Russia/Turkey are regional powers. Britain having the largest GDP, Russia the best military and Turkey the growing population. Combined it would be a formidable opponent for the European core to deal with. Turkey threatening the river Danube, Russia threatening Warsaw and the Baltic, Britain threatening the economic unity and integration of the European core. A united European core with its extended sphere is very powerful indeed, it is a super power. It has the single greatest capability in the world to produce capital and produce goods and consume those goods. Even more so than the US or China. So the task of breaking it apart though vital to Turkey, Russia and Britain will come at a high cost in other areas.

For example relationships with the US, putting resources into other areas and economic development. But the threat is the EU core will simply dominate and control our civilizations and we won't have any choice.

Britain is more threatened by this because it is also dominated by the US. So its basically Britain's only viable option if it wants to maintain any sort of independence.


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Turkiye and UK can work together but the Russians it depends as both the UK and Turkiye dont trust Russia.

Russia can also be used to balance against the USA and China.


Nation of residence
United Kingdom
Nation of origin
United Kingdom
Turkiye and UK can work together but the Russians it depends as both the UK and Turkiye dont trust Russia.

Russia can also be used to balance against the USA and China.
Russia comes with a number of issues, I agree with you about this. Russia threatens Canada and Norway in the North, Turkey and Russia have competing sphere's in the South Caucasus and the Balkans. For Britain this is its extended sphere, for Turkey this is its initial sphere. However the pressure put on Turkey by the European core and the US to prevent its rise could be used to bring Russia and Turkey and UK together. Its the same with Britain, we are being put under massive pressure by the EU and US to basically give over northern Ireland and accept a totally lob sided Brexit agreement and the constrains mean we have two options left fold ourselves into the American Empire or break the EU apart.

I will be honest my understanding of geo-politics and my interest in the independence of Britain is much greater than anyone in the British state. I have been saying since before Britain voted for Brexit that if we leave we need ally with Russia and Turkey to break the EU apart. That right away the EU would put pressure on the borders or geo-political edges of Britain to make it back down. And give the British even fewer geo-political options. Geo-politics is just business, its nothing personal, but at times the way Britain is being treated by the Americans/Irish/EU it feels personal, so if you are being alone and bullied you want your own crew to beat up the people bullying you and give you emotional support. That's also part of cultural power which is vital to any nation.


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Russia comes with a number of issues, I agree with you about this. Russia threatens Canada and Norway in the North, Turkey and Russia have competing sphere's in the South Caucasus and the Balkans. For Britain this is its extended sphere, for Turkey this is its initial sphere. However the pressure put on Turkey by the European core and the US to prevent its rise could be used to bring Russia and Turkey and UK together. Its the same with Britain, we are being put under massive pressure by the EU and US to basically give over northern Ireland and accept a totally lob sided Brexit agreement and the constrains mean we have two options left fold ourselves into the American Empire or break the EU apart.

I will be honest my understanding of geo-politics and my interest in the independence of Britain is much greater than anyone in the British state. I have been saying since before Britain voted for Brexit that if we leave we need ally with Russia and Turkey to break the EU apart. That right away the EU would put pressure on the borders or geo-political edges of Britain to make it back down. And give the British even fewer geo-political options. Geo-politics is just business, its nothing personal, but at times the way Britain is being treated by the Americans/Irish/EU it feels personal, so if you are being alone and bullied you want your own crew to beat up the people bullying you and give you emotional support. That's also part of cultural power which is vital to any nation.

Britain also has the commonwealth that can help it geopolitically.

Australia and New Zealand are also pretty close with the UK I kid you not. Because both were formed by the British and lots of White Australians and white New zealanders have family that goes to Britain.


Nation of residence
United Kingdom
Nation of origin
United Kingdom
Britain also has the commonwealth that can help it geopolitically.

Australia and New Zealand are also pretty close with the UK I kid you not. Because both were formed by the British and lots of White Australians and white New zealanders have family that goes to Britain.
On the surface it would seem so. But when you dig deeper you will find the Canadians, Australians and New Zealanders are dominated by the US and China, and they find this position perfectly acceptable. They have no need or interest in a direct military/economic alliance with Britain outside of NATO or the American controlled bodies. Also those Anglo-descended states don't perceive themselves as English or white anymore, rather multi-cultural states like the US under American influence. In any case Britain would need to do the heavy lifting in such a dynamic with them and we don't have the navy for that. So they made their bed with the US and China, they can stay in it.

Basically the commonwealth or Anglo-sphere is a British pipe dream and really a Jewish/American idea. It doesn't come from Britain and it has no basis in reality. The other aspect is Ireland, now that would be a the praise for Britain, if Britain could economically and militarily integrate Ireland into Britain it would make Britain a global power right away. Like if Turkey took Syria and Iraq, it would go from being a regional power to a global power. This is where the British focus should be, on Ireland. Not on 'global Britain' or CANZUK. When you are a regional power you need to work within your region to become a global power. At which point Britain can project into the Atlantic and challenge American domination, which would than open the door to a closer relationship with Canada, Australia, New Zealand.


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On the surface it would seem so. But when you dig deeper you will find the Canadians, Australians and New Zealanders are dominated by the US and China, and they find this position perfectly acceptable. They have no need or interest in a direct military/economic alliance with Britain outside of NATO or the American controlled bodies. Also those Anglo-descended states don't perceive themselves as English or white anymore, rather multi-cultural states like the US under American influence. In any case Britain would need to do the heavy lifting in such a dynamic with them and we don't have the navy for that. So they made their bed with the US and China, they can stay in it.

Basically the commonwealth or Anglo-sphere is a British pipe dream and really a Jewish/American idea. It doesn't come from Britain and it has no basis in reality. The other aspect is Ireland, now that would be a the praise for Britain, if Britain could economically and militarily integrate Ireland into Britain it would make Britain a global power right away. Like if Turkey took Syria and Iraq, it would go from being a regional power to a global power. This is where the British focus should be, on Ireland. Not on 'global Britain' or CANZUK. When you are a regional power you need to work within your region to become a global power. At which point Britain can project into the Atlantic and challenge American domination, which would than open the door to a closer relationship with Canada, Australia, New Zealand.

Britain has never been the same since the world wars.

British took huge damage even if they won.

Winning ww1 and ww2 came at a huge cost which allowed the Americans to become the new superpower.


Nation of residence
United Kingdom
Nation of origin
United Kingdom
Britain has never been the same since the world wars.

British took huge damage even if they won.

Winning ww1 and ww2 came at a huge cost which allowed the Americans to become the new superpower.
Yes that's basically what happened.

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