French parliament passes motion condemning China 'genocide' against Uyghurs


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PARIS, Jan 20 (Reuters) - France's parliament passed an opposition-led motion asking the government to condemn China for "crimes against humanity and genocide" against its Uyghur Muslim minority and to take foreign policy measures to make this stop.

The non-binding motion, led by the Socialist party and supported by several other opposition parties, was adopted with 169 votes for and one vote against.

Coming ahead of the start of the Winter Olympics in China, the motion also asked the government to protect Uyghur residents in France against any intimidation or harassment by China.

China's embassy in France said accusations of genocide or other abuses committed against its Uyghur population were "pure lies".

Activists and U.N. rights experts say at least 1 million Muslims are being detained in camps in the remote western region of Xinjiang. The activists and some Western politicians accuse China of using torture, forced labour and sterilisations.

China denies any human rights abuses in Xinjiang and says its camps provide vocational training and are needed to fight extremism.

"The sensationalist allegations concerning Xinjiang such as 'genocide' are pure lies based on prejudices and hostility towards China," the Chinese embassy in France said in a statement on its website.

It added that Xinjiang issues were not about ethnicity, religion or human rights, but about the fight against terrorism, radicalisation and separatism, which concern sovereignty, territorial integrity and national security of China.

French President Emmanuel Macron said in December that he did not want to "politicise" the Olympics.

The United States, Australia and Britain are among Western nations that have said they will not send officials to the 2022 Winter Olympics in order to send China a message over its human rights record.



PARIS, Jan 20 (Reuters) - France's parliament passed an opposition-led motion asking the government to condemn China for "crimes against humanity and genocide" against its Uyghur Muslim minority and to take foreign policy measures to make this stop.

The non-binding motion, led by the Socialist party and supported by several other opposition parties, was adopted with 169 votes for and one vote against.

Coming ahead of the start of the Winter Olympics in China, the motion also asked the government to protect Uyghur residents in France against any intimidation or harassment by China.

China's embassy in France said accusations of genocide or other abuses committed against its Uyghur population were "pure lies".

Activists and U.N. rights experts say at least 1 million Muslims are being detained in camps in the remote western region of Xinjiang. The activists and some Western politicians accuse China of using torture, forced labour and sterilisations.

China denies any human rights abuses in Xinjiang and says its camps provide vocational training and are needed to fight extremism.

"The sensationalist allegations concerning Xinjiang such as 'genocide' are pure lies based on prejudices and hostility towards China," the Chinese embassy in France said in a statement on its website.

It added that Xinjiang issues were not about ethnicity, religion or human rights, but about the fight against terrorism, radicalisation and separatism, which concern sovereignty, territorial integrity and national security of China.

French President Emmanuel Macron said in December that he did not want to "politicise" the Olympics.

The United States, Australia and Britain are among Western nations that have said they will not send officials to the 2022 Winter Olympics in order to send China a message over its human rights record.
To be hones french are the last person to talk about genocides. This a good move but just a show nothing else


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To be hones french are the last person to talk about genocides. This a good move but just a show nothing else

Many of us are attuned to the lip service and hypocrisy from these Westerners.

However each small step is still welcome in Canada we have uighur community that is quite vocal about the suffering their family members experience.

So (past the undeniable satellite evidence of the facilities), there is large witness you Turks also know regd Uighurs that have escaped and found sanctuary in Turkey:

So indeed it is not being done on a consistent basis (or the scale it warrants) by West.

But specific considerations are useful at least for uighur refugees given what CCP regime has now expanded to doing.

Consider this measure in this bill in OP

the motion also asked the government to protect Uyghur residents in France against any intimidation or harassment by China.

with relevance of:


Yah its lip service, no action to be taken against executive (macron in this case) if he doesnt implement the bill.

It is same stuff that Canada, US, Netherlands, UK (I think thats it so far) have done.....i.e non-binding bill/declaration

I think only US has taken some more specific action bills (relegated to forced labour sanction etc)...but it also is fairly small consequence in the end....but maybe gets more people talking about it at least.

They (west) all have got ton of stuff invested in PRC to begin with over 30+ years (and now supply chain dependent on) ....thats the big issue that physically restricts how much you can close door you kept open so long and grew dependent on.

West played/projected this stuff (w.r.t completely different scale of context and political system) really dumb and greedy....way past what should have been rational and cautious.


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PARIS, Jan 20 (Reuters) - France's parliament passed an opposition-led motion asking the government to condemn China for "crimes against humanity and genocide" against its Uyghur Muslim minority and to take foreign policy measures to make this stop.

The non-binding motion, led by the Socialist party and supported by several other opposition parties, was adopted with 169 votes for and one vote against.

Coming ahead of the start of the Winter Olympics in China, the motion also asked the government to protect Uyghur residents in France against any intimidation or harassment by China.

China's embassy in France said accusations of genocide or other abuses committed against its Uyghur population were "pure lies".

Activists and U.N. rights experts say at least 1 million Muslims are being detained in camps in the remote western region of Xinjiang. The activists and some Western politicians accuse China of using torture, forced labour and sterilisations.

China denies any human rights abuses in Xinjiang and says its camps provide vocational training and are needed to fight extremism.

"The sensationalist allegations concerning Xinjiang such as 'genocide' are pure lies based on prejudices and hostility towards China," the Chinese embassy in France said in a statement on its website.

It added that Xinjiang issues were not about ethnicity, religion or human rights, but about the fight against terrorism, radicalisation and separatism, which concern sovereignty, territorial integrity and national security of China.

French President Emmanuel Macron said in December that he did not want to "politicise" the Olympics.

The United States, Australia and Britain are among Western nations that have said they will not send officials to the 2022 Winter Olympics in order to send China a message over its human rights record.
France committed a genocide in Algeria by killing close to 6 million Muslims over there.
Why is France staying quiet about its genocides in Algeria and other countries ?


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Pr stunt but its a good thing but France has still not recognised its genocidal role in Algeria.


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Pr stunt but its a good thing but France has still not recognised its genocidal role in Algeria.
We all should stand up to China for its genocide against our Uyghurs brothers.

But France always uses double-standards. It attacked Turkey for events that had happened in Armenia during the Ottoman era, but the world has yet to discover the horrific atrocities France had committed throughout the world.

France can run but it can't hide. The atrocities it committed in its occupied territories for more than a century will never be forgotten.



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We all should stand up to China for its genocide against our Uyghurs brothers.

But France always uses double-standards. It attacked Turkey for events that had happened in Armenia during the Ottoman era, but the world has yet to discover the horrific atrocities France had committed throughout the world.

France can run but it can't hide. The atrocities it committed in its occupied territories for more than a century will never be forgotten.

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Algerian independance costed 1 million Algerian lives. I can see why Algerians are so fiercely independant.


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France committed a genocide in Algeria by killing close to 6 million Muslims over there.
Why is France staying quiet about its genocides in Algeria and other countries ?

Yes I said all powerful western countries are hypocrites on the matter at large to begin with.

In case of us the developing countries, we have to keep scholarly studies, political pressure and so on

It in the end boils down to amount of soft power you grow to get your voice heard across enough people in world to know of the past crimes perpetrated in our lands by foreigners.

There is no easy quick way to develop that (simply have to become large and influential long term)

..... even among developing countries all kind of politics arises where "this" constitutes one....but another one does not....i.e selectivism at play. If we can develop more consistent consensus, maybe there will be breakthrough on this earlier.

Otherwise its deadlock mostly split by have vs have-not basis as to who's narratives on what the genocides have been and are in world and how they gain prominence in recognition etc.
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