Recent field in this area (4th to 5th gen fuel fraction change inherent to overall design transition)
It will be F-35 as it simply has a higher effective fuel fraction (FF) than KF-21 along with F-35 larger Maximum Take-Off Weight (MTOW)
The why though is deeper look than just looking at the raw max fuel capacity on hand (~ 8.3 ton vs 5.4 ton respectively)
To see effect of FF, we can look within a fighter type i.e same empty weight (M0), same MTOW, same aerodynamic envelope (wing design, engine thrust etc)
but two FF variants.
I use the FF number ratio relative to mass loading range (MTOW - M0) as the denominator rather than absolute mass, but analysis works out the same either way.
Diagram1: Base case where we start with empty weight (M0), add fuel only first (to eventually reach maximum range) and then get combat ranges by adding payloads last:
View attachment 38970
Note this base case always considers fuel as the priority (i.e fuel max + range max frontier).
The max range frontiers are represented by the blue vertical lines (max fuel) and arrows (as combat payload starts to get added).
In a variant analysis (which would not produce the range frontier) loaded fuel can be traded off for payload with the consequent sacrifice in range.
The increase of FF (here 0.30 and 0.45 as examples) is essentially what conformal fuel tanks also do within one fighter family.
The LHS green arrow illustrates the trade-off on payload capacity i.e what the extra fuel carried internally displaces in payload capacity.
i.e M0 and MTOW change very little but you get larger FF and larger combat ranges as result within say the same 4th gen class by adding conformal fuel tanks. The F-16 is famous example of this:
Diagram 2: Regular F-16 vs F-16 with conformal fuel tanks
View attachment 38971
Photograph credit: open source USAF.
So this concept (of FF impact on range) continues
across different fighters as well (arising by intrinsic design approach/consequence w.r.t fuel cap "baked in" and ready to harness) as long as they are not drastically different sizes* or types of aircraft.
In a way you can say 5th gen lends itself naturally to being
more "conformal" from the get go w.r.t 4th gen due to weapon-bay volume combined with RCS reduction strategy.
In the following 3rd diagram for example, consider how close the F-15 and F-35 are for their M0 and MTOW respectively, yet how much physically larger the F-15 is.
Alternatively consider the same physical sizes of the F-22 vis a vis F-15 and the F-35 vis a vis F-16,
but how the 5th gen in each case is far heavier than its 4th gen equivalent in both M0 and MTOW and has the much larger Fuel Fraction (FF) as well.
Diagram 3: 4th Gen vs 5th Gen Sizes, Masses and Fuel fractions
View attachment 38972
Diagram components are open source
The conclusion is by way of significantly higher FF, we gain higher ranges and higher range per payload kg
by the very intrinsic design approach of 5th gen, given more (potential**) fuel relative to it in each case.
It is for example why J-20 most likely achieves a very big (still unclear + classified IIRC) max range and combat range (compared to most other 5th gen a/c) given its FF is at very large 60% derived from its 12 ton fuel capacity.
* i.e M0 similarity (and assuming ceterus paribus), meaning similar available envelope/scope for aerodynamic performance and trade-off analysis between platforms
** I say potential as this can be traded off with payloads, but this impacts all cases the same anyway too (i.e you diminish the maximum range by some equivalent factor).
N.B If members spot errors, please let me know and I will discuss and correct them.
Depending how this thread evolves w.r.t aircraft performance discussion in general and time pending, I might create article based on it at later date.
@MisterLike @T-123456 @Cabatli_53 @Test7 @Anmdt @AlphaMike @Gessler @Yasar @Bilal Khan(Quwa) @Stuka Dive @Paro et al.
Edit: pictures re-attached