So No Florence parly for indo and malay for this January?US got some progress but not the French
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So No Florence parly for indo and malay for this January?US got some progress but not the French
Eagle 2: US mindef postpone his visit, but Boeing representatives visit our US embassy.
Rafale: opportunity to sign the deal got postponed AGAIN. (The first one at Dubai airshow)
So US got some progress but not the French?
Allright matehow many Times i said to not take his tweet seriously
Not necessarily related to TNI AU, but okay..."KF-21 Prototype Unit 4 with a golden arrow pattern on a black background. KAI plans to choose the one that looks the most inconspicuous and cool in the air after different base paints and patterns for each prototype."
KF-21 Prototype Unit 3:
여차하면 스텔스로 둔갑한다…中·러 '눈'보다 뛰어난 KF-21 [김민석 배틀그라운드]
우리 손으로 만든 전투기 KF-21 보라매가 실외에서 처음 위용을 드러냈다. 짙은 회색 몸통에 꼬리 날개에는 흰 글씨로 ‘KF-21’이 선명하게 새겨져 있었다. 지난해 12월 29일 경남 사천 한국항공우주산업[KAI]의 격납고에 있던 KF-21 시제기 1호기는 토봇에 이끌려 바깥으로 나왔다. 토봇은 토잉[Towing·견인] 로봇의 준말이다. 토봇[견인 로봇]에 이끌려 격납고 밖에서 처음 나와 공개된 KF-21. 토봇은 사람이 원격으로 조종한다. 한국항공우주산업[KAI]가 개발 중
Your attachment cannot be seenNot necessarily related to TNI AU, but okay...
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KF21 is surprisingly bigger than F35, but why has less internal fuel?
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Cmiiw i once read an article and if i'm not mistaken its would be 6 prototypes. Indonesia to get 1 prototype.
Have we paid the overdue kfx bill...?
As of now, 8 prototype aircraft are being assembled simultaneously and four of them are already in late or final stages. 6 will be used for flight testing while 2 will be used for ground testing. 2 prototypes will be two-seater variants.Cmiiw i once read an article and if i'm not mistaken its would be 6 prototypes. Indonesia to get 1 prototype.
If you look carefully from the blurry pic there are unpainted KF-21 Boramaes being constructed in the background. It could be Prototype Unit 5 & Unit 6.
View attachment 38918
Twin engineKF21 is surprisingly bigger than F35, but why has less internal fuel?
I see.As of now, 8 prototype aircraft are being assembled simultaneously and four of them are already in late or final stages. 6 will be used for flight testing while 2 will be used for ground testing. 2 prototypes will be two-seater variants.
So we get the 9th one.![]()
Check out the latest photos from KAI assembly line featuring KF-X 4.5 gen fighter - The Aviation Geek Club
Check out the latest photos from KAI assembly line featuring KF-X 4.5 gen
KF21 is surprisingly bigger than F35, but why has less internal fuel?
So in Layman's term?F-35 has much higher MTOW and thus much larger mass-range (MTOW - empty weight) to play with.
i.e F35-A:
MTOW = 31.7 tons
Empty weight = 13.3 tons
Fuel capacity = 8.3 tons
Don't let the raw volumetric size of aircrafts fool you.
About 45% of that range is max internal fuel
i.e 8.3/ (31.7 - 13.3) = 0.45
KF-21 fuel ratio/mass range:
KAI KF-21 Boramae - Wikipedia
Prototype around 30%, and gets bumped up to about 40% in production.
Conventional (4th gen) fighters have this % around 30 - 33% typically.
Other 5th gen fighters (like F-35) tend to have it around 45%*.
It comes intrinsically somewhat with incorporating internal weapon bay on fuselage and RCS blended planform for stealth at same time.
i.e naturally leads to a higher cross-coefficient for fuel capacity compared to conventional fuselage (and external hardpoints only) found in 4th gen and earlier
KF-21 by blending 4th and 5th gen....has RCS-reduction planform but no internal weapon bay...thus comes up around 40% max fuel fraction (of total buffer) for its current production block series. i.e somewhere between the two.
Likely bumps up to closer to 45% in subsequent blocks that go for internal weapon bay and shift to 5th gen design philosophy etc.
*J-20 which is really more 5th gen fighter-bomber gets it to 60% even... given its beefy + long fuselage (21 m long) from the large weapons bay + range req. etc.