Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

Mehmed Ali

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you dont need to worry there is a reason why SWIFT is planning to be replaced and they have plenty of oil and gas line projects that will make you happy. Ironically on 4chan i never understand why western users call turks roaches or where that stereotype came from yet certain people still gladly want to kiss their ass for some reason. Thats what i mean by a country not having any self-respect for itself. As pro-Ukrainian people are here they probably think turks would be treated fairly over there like they are in Germany.
What self respect are you talking about? You are talking pro Russian talk but you are an Ukrainian, in other words you are a traitor or you are pretending that you're Ukrainian, so you are lying. What kind of self respect retired teachers or engineers or others have who are on $150 pension while theirs feudal Lords have Ivory Palace like it has always been? Nothing absolutely nothing moraliy, economically, intellectually or anything else you can offer to this world. What primitive slavenic Feudalism, paranoia , fatalism , cruelty, dishonesty can offer. A few paragraphs ago , with a lot of self righteousness you informed that civilians are leaving Dumbass and you ask your self is this Europe well why didn't you say such thing about Srebrenica? Ofcourse not because you kind spend time talking about yet another " conspiracy" , don't you? And by your outlook I can see that bombing hospitals in Aleppo is on much lower level then bombing let's say some village in your backyard. Hey bombing hospitals is just another conspiracy against you, don't talk about freedom, l know your mentality better then you do, centuries upon centuries of serfdom , centuries of brain washing by crazy paranoia priests , centuries of rule of the most cruel white of red Emperors and their mandarins made you as you are, proud of abstractions


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Mehmed Ali

1 905
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Bosnia & Herzegovina
you know, it's hard being Russia, an ex-superpower being driven into irrelevance by decades of corruptions and mismanagement. They still cling to the idea of a Russian empire, but the fact is for a global power, its GDP is only twice that of Iran, with allies in the league of Belarus and the central Asian state which most of them are also irrelevant in the world stage.

That retired Russian general Ivashov is right, The Russian as a civilization ends with the collapse of the USSR and Russia as a state will be lost by Putin reckless foreign policy.

That sanctions are real, and it will bite Russia in the long run. 60%of Russia's GDP are from the energy export sector, which will decline rapidly as the world are going for renewables, its other exports, weapons already saw sales plummeted under CAATSA and an invasion of Ukraine would make it harder for the Russian arms industry to thrive. But alas, people like Putin would like to gamble and cement his status as the restorer of the Russian empire of old. I felt pity for the young men who will die and end up losing their limbs and other body parts for this adventure into foreign lands. Russia is already in an irreversible population decline, more male deaths in Ukraine would accelerate Russia's demographic collapse whatever the military results in Ukraine.

Best scenario Russia will occupy Ukraine and spent their remaining life trying to pacify the Ukrainians by pouring their limited resources and money and eventually bankrupt themselves. All the while the worlds move on and advances.

Worst case scenario would see Russia getting bogged down in Ukraine, and the war spills into their own borders.

Either way they're dead.
You see my friend they ,themselves know it, so as usual they will try to take Ukraine and hope that eventual fall out from them will hasten coming to power by Neo Nazis in Europe and they hope that France, Germany, Austria etc will give them money and technology and they are going one big happy family. Ofcourse it all goes with usual European self righteousness and base on nothing much Civilising stand. I know them that's how see themselves. You see these people have tried this thing over and over again, not to bring some decency just to eat , it has costed them 10s of millions of deaths. No any changes in this monolithic brain and empty sociopathic soul. Destructive and hateful minds will always ultimately suffer. Just to add today here they can be self styled liberators, other place Nazis, other occasions anti colonialists but later colonialists just chameleons. As I said in different occasions I know very well mentality of the Serfs .
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I dont think they will attack on the 22nd

If Putin will attack, he will want to make this as quick and as cheap as possible. Rn, the paramilitary troops are still training; thus, I think Putin will wait a bit more before attacking

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