Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

Kara Khan

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Delusions tbh!!
I just want to remind you that during the period of 2002-2010, Erdo was considered as one of West's best friends. I still remember when Erdogan was posted on the cover of the Times magazine in 2011 FFS!
Pls tell me what did Turkey gain in this period?
Nothing but pure chaos from the peace treaty with radical kurds to the bombing of major cities like Istanbul by the kurds. In Syria, during 2012, the US asked Erdo to not intervene in the conflict and he obeyed and what did we get in return? PKK got more equipment, supplies, and built more bases and caves and strengthening their supply network both in Iraq and Syria which ended up in turkish citizens and soldiers being killed
When Turkey downed the Russian jet, who aided it? Most of the hypocritical assholes criticised Turkey for downing the jet that supposedly belongs to the archenemy of the West.

You need to understand Turkey's standing in the Western alliance. The West never asked Turkey to be a NATO member out of free will or the thought of being equals but just for the pure sake of having canoon fodder against Western enemies... When such canoon fodder begins to ask for rights and pursue its own policies, the West gets angry and tries to chamge the ruling party either directly or indirectly

You ppl need to wake up since the world order is already cracking.... being late any more will just coat you guys more and who knows..... the next time you guys may not be able to progress through sweat alone but you may have to spill blood

Just look at this if you guys have forgotten👇
View attachment 40058

It is only after 2015 that Erdo became a true patriot and started to actually hunt the PKK as well as speed up the domestication of the arms industry....
What did Erdo get in return? Decrease investments from the EU, harsh media campaigns against him, as well as bullshit human rights on the kurdsih issue

If a new president came and he wants to fix things, the only way will be to bow to the West again; however, as the saying goes "Fool me once, shame on you; Fool me twice, shame on me"

if the turks cant even recognise this fact, then I guess it is fate that Turkey will always be a secondary character in the world order and I assure you that as long as you are a secondary character in the world geopolitics, you will always be the first in line to get destroyed either when the world order changes or during warfare.... just look at the Russia-Ukraine conflict.... Turkey is providing ToT on drone technology to Ukraine while Germany is providing 5000 helmets and yet the West has the audacity to ask Turkey for more support in the conflict while they remain protected within their so-called utopia

This is why I hate the opposition. Turkey will just repeat the same bloody cycle with none being the winner. Another 20 years and the AKP will rise to power again and who knows whether they will be western slaves again or not...but with Turkey losing a whole 20 years from its future in a world where every year makes a bloody difference..... TBH, Iam fed up with this repetitive foolish cycle that just eats away from both the Turkish potential and Turkish lifespan itself

My post's point was pretty much the same with your point. I don't understand the purpose of your ranting as if i said something different and wrong.


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Russia has been embarassed. Its moves are being called out by the American and British Intelligence Apparatus before they even announce them. Its Propaganda Departments is a complete failure. Not a single of its move has worked as they were dismantled and exposed. The invasion now has been delayed multiple times.

Putin is cornered. Backing out now will make him look like a failure domesticly after all the propaganda he has fed his own population of protecting "Russian Minorities" from NATO and Ukraine.

Going in will lead to thousand of Russiand Soldiers dead, dozens of tanks burning and the Russian Armed Forces being exposed for what it actually is, a wanna be bear that can play though guy against civilians in Syria and Chechen but suffers heavy losses when faced with an opponent armed to the teeth. Victory in Ukraine won't come with mass bombings of civilians like it did in Syria or Chechen. Here the Russians actually have to fight a real war. Even if they achieve "victory" they will bleed heavily and continue to bleed thanks to resistance which will be armed by NATO.

Sanctions will wipe out any Economy Russia has and Putin will have to deal with domestic problems. Its Armed Forces will be left in a worse state than after the Soviet Union's demise.

It is clear that the Russian Leadership didn't expect this kind of pushback against a possible invasion of Ukraine. The deliveries of weapons from dozens of countries to Ukraine. The threats of severe sanctions. Getting exposed daily by western Intelligence.

But there is no Plan B or C or D. The Plan was to invade Ukraine without any real response from NATO just like in 2014, annex half of it then later the other half by installing a puppet regime through a coup. Annex Belarus and then focus on annexing the Baltic States.

We will see what will happen. Putin is in a bad situation either way, this won't be the same easy invasion he had in 2014 which was easy points from him. This Invasion will have severe consequences.

Consequences from the looks of it he didn't think he would have to think about.

Him even engaging in talks shows this. He is aware the shitshow he is in. But the strongman can't look weak now by backing down when faced with threats from NATO but he can't really take the punches that will come if he goes ahead with the invasion either.


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Russia has been embarassed. Its moves are being called out by the American and British Intelligence Apparatus before they even announce them. Its Propaganda Departments is a complete failure. Not a single of its move has worked as they were dismantled and exposed. The invasion now has been delayed multiple times.

Putin is cornered. Backing out now will make him look like a failure domesticly after all the propaganda he has fed his own population of protecting "Russian Minorities" from NATO and Ukraine.

Going in will lead to thousand of Russiand Soldiers dead, dozens of tanks burning and the Russian Armed Forces being exposed for what it actually is, a wanna be bear that can play though guy against civilians in Syria and Chechen but suffers heavy losses when faced with an opponent armed to the teeth. Victory in Ukraine won't come with mass bombings of civilians like it did in Syria or Chechen. Here the Russians actually have to fight a real war. Even if they achieve "victory" they will bleed heavily and continue to bleed thanks to resistance which will be armed by NATO.

Sanctions will wipe out any Economy Russia has and Putin will have to deal with domestic problems. Its Armed Forces will be left in a worse state than after the Soviet Union's demise.

It is clear that the Russian Leadership didn't expect this kind of pushback against a possible invasion of Ukraine. The deliveries of weapons from dozens of countries to Ukraine. The threats of severe sanctions. Getting exposed daily by western Intelligence.

But there is no Plan B or C or D. The Plan was to invade Ukraine without any real response from NATO just like in 2014, annex half of it then later the other half by installing a puppet regime through a coup. Annex Belarus and then focus on annexing the Baltic States.

We will see what will happen. Putin is in a bad situation either way, this won't be the same easy invasion he had in 2014 which was easy points from him. This Invasion will have severe consequences.

Consequences from the looks of it he didn't think he would have to think about.

Him even engaging in talks shows this. He is aware the shitshow he is in. But the strongman can't look weak now by backing down when faced with threats from NATO but he can't really take the punches that will come if he goes ahead with the invasion either.

Hopefully it works out this way.

Kara Khan

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Silver-haired Red Army general Leonid Ivashov, “Out of fifteen republics of the USSR, Ukraine had given us more headache than any other.”

Retired Colonel-General Leonid Ivashov spoke out vocally against hypothetical Russia's war with Ukraine. As the chairman of the All-Russian Officers’ Assembly, the general who’s known for his pro-Soviet and patriotic views, had written and signed an open letter addressed to president Putin and citizens of Russia.

He sat down for an interview with a host of the liberal radio station Echo of Moscow to assess risks and consequences of a military invasion, blamed the escalation on President Putin, and demanded his resignation.

I’m posting highlights from the interview with the focus on the military aspects below.

“My open letter was an anti-war statement. It expressed collective opinion of the retired army officers and generals, members of All-Russian Officers’ Assembly, and after our discussion, as the chairman, I signed the letter.

“We at the Assembly have received a wealth of military experience and first class military higher education.

“We acknowledge that preparations for a war with Ukraine have been well under way including diplomatic negotiations, with groupings of troops massed on the border. In such conditions, one gun shot might provoke a conflict with ensuing dire consequences. If extensive military actions begin, tens of thousands of young men will die.

“I served as a military diplomat and sat behind the table with Nato and European top brass, and I can tell you that people who want a war the least are generals, while politicians can easily start it over for the sake of for example winning re-elections. Politicians don’t hold any responsibility and shift all the blame on to the military. And when there’s a victory, politicians own it.”

“In the 1990s, we observed Nato’s planned military exercises and reacted by conducting our own planned military exercises, manoeuvres, missile lunches, etc.

“All that didn’t pose any critical dangers. Our military and civil leadership should have been taking initiative into their own hands, and without any hysterical ultimatum like “give us answer tomorrow. Fulfil our demands right away.”

“As the head of International Military Cooperation Department, I persuaded Minister of Defence to prepare a collective plan of European Security. It was well received although Americans and the English blocked it.

“Nonetheless, we pressed on, step by step, to deescalate the level of tensions. Our European colleagues always responded well to our suggestions and we found solutions to problems together. War is, as they say, the last resort.

“We have discussed at the assembly why Putin is triggering the last resort and arrived at the only plausible conclusion: Russia is going through a systemic crises that the leadership cannot put a check on. In every sphere of economy - healthcare, culture, education, etc - everywhere is degradation and collapse.

“My personal impression is that Putin is tired of Russia. And he wants to be finished with it, because a large-scale war would result in the disappearance of Russia as an integral, big country.

“As a civilisation it was over for us after the disintegration of the Soviet Union. After this escapade, we’ll be finished as a country.

“It won’t be a blitzkrieg, a walk in the park. This will be a mass-scale war with tens of thousands of killed and maimed soldiers on both sides.

“Even if we conquer Kiev, we’ll have to dig in and build garrisons and fight partisan movements. We’ll have to use our entire nation’s energies and resources to keep some semblance of order in Ukraine. It is savagery. Absolute savagery.

“And what for? For the sake of decades of military confrontation? Of course, some parties in the West would feel joyful. Gas won’t flow from Russia, and it will never be a competitor again. It will be an awful geopolitical catastrophe. And that’s the reason why we took a stand against it.

“I repeat, there’s no critical situation. I can't name a single European country that wants a war between Russia and Ukraine. And even Americans who wouldn’t find Ukraine on the map will protest and there will be a public resonance if just a dozen American soldiers die in this war. So I don’t see anyone who actively wants this war.

“To me the West has always been an opponent and a rival, but I was surprised how they reacted to our ultimatum. They didn’t escalate the situation, but offered a negotiating process.

“Instead, our ultimatum has united the entire Western world against us. And not only the West. India has just rejected to purchase 1700 Russian tanks, which will spell the end of our tank industry exports.

“There’s an easy way to stop it. Putin calls Zelensky and offers to meet in a neutral country and talk. The other option that can stop the war is public outcry.

“And I don’t mean those so-called experts on TV who talk about taking over Ukraine in ten days, or a few hours. I suggest that the senior leadership’s, bankers’ and business elite’s and talk shows hosts’ children take assault rifles in their own hands and join the front chain of the attack. Only then those people would play an active role in stopping this war not to get their children in body bags.

“Mass media shouldn’t be the instrument of war, the role they have performed since 2014 when instead of using kindness to resolve our differences with Ukraine, they engaged in aggression to widen that chasm between us and anger each other. That spilled blood will separate us forever into enemies’ camps.

“Once we cross into Ukrainian territory, they will receive all the weapons that they need, and thousands of volunteers will join the army to fight.

“76.6% per center of our members, which includes retired police officers and special forces, share this opinion. Bottom line, our goal is to stop this bloody tragedy from happening.

“Assault troops are still massed on the border with Ukraine and Putin after his return from Beijing didn’t order to pull them back. That means that hostilities can start at any moment.

“Resignation of Putin will give Russia a small chance to keep Russia’s statehood going. It’s what we’re counting on.

“You have to understand one thing. When Putin was propelled to this scale of of power, he knew nothing. It’s only with time that he learned and was exploited by all sorts of individuals.

“Any man with regional managerial experience that will take his place, the first thing he’ll do is hire professionals. PROFESSIONALS. Professionals with proper education and experience. Yes, in a way that will be a ‘technical’ president, but he will surround himself with people who have professional knowledge.

“At this time, much depends on Putin. There needs to be a clear-minded person in his circle who will give it to him straight - ‘as a commander in chief and a mastermind of this war, you will carry full responsibility and go on international trial like those war criminals in Nuremberg.’

“We have to stop this absolutely unnecessary war.”

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It is not known what the target of the missile was. Is it surface or land? The range on which it was flying was not given. NOTAM shows that Cirkon could fly over 1000 km, especially if it hit a ground target.


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Quit quasi intellectualism, what are in the end? Russian, Ukrainian or something else? If you don't know what you are why do you state what and how Turks should see your problems?
Russia is big country with resources yet the economy is smaller then Spain. Let's face it you just want to eat other's people bread and you believe that you have something to offer to this world and if you don't get it then you think that is conspiracy against you. I should know that I saw a plenty Western Bulgarinas ( Serbs) , always the same story. Thieves, liars, cowardly killers etc proven time and again. At least have some decency to show your real flag , be a man
you dont need to worry there is a reason why SWIFT is planning to be replaced and they have plenty of oil and gas line projects that will make you happy. Ironically on 4chan i never understand why western users call turks roaches or where that stereotype came from yet certain people still gladly want to kiss their ass for some reason. Thats what i mean by a country not having any self-respect for itself. As pro-Ukrainian people are here they probably think turks would be treated fairly over there like they are in Germany.


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Russia is big country with resources yet the economy is smaller then Spain. Let's face it you just want to eat other's people bread and you believe that you have something to offer to this world and if you don't get it then you think that is conspiracy against you.

you know, it's hard being Russia, an ex-superpower being driven into irrelevance by decades of corruptions and mismanagement. They still cling to the idea of a Russian empire, but the fact is for a global power, its GDP is only twice that of Iran, with allies in the league of Belarus and the central Asian state which most of them are also irrelevant in the world stage.

That retired Russian general Ivashov is right, The Russian as a civilization ends with the collapse of the USSR and Russia as a state will be lost by Putin reckless foreign policy.

That sanctions are real, and it will bite Russia in the long run. 60%of Russia's GDP are from the energy export sector, which will decline rapidly as the world are going for renewables, its other exports, weapons already saw sales plummeted under CAATSA and an invasion of Ukraine would make it harder for the Russian arms industry to thrive. But alas, people like Putin would like to gamble and cement his status as the restorer of the Russian empire of old. I felt pity for the young men who will die and end up losing their limbs and other body parts for this adventure into foreign lands. Russia is already in an irreversible population decline, more male deaths in Ukraine would accelerate Russia's demographic collapse whatever the military results in Ukraine.

Best scenario Russia will occupy Ukraine and spent their remaining life trying to pacify the Ukrainians by pouring their limited resources and money and eventually bankrupt themselves. All the while the worlds move on and advances.

Worst case scenario would see Russia getting bogged down in Ukraine, and the war spills into their own borders.

Either way they're dead.
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