Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War


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Initial Putin's assumptions were wrong. He launched invasion expecting no resistance. 5th Department of FSB which worked on Ukraine reported to Putin that Ukraine is just a cosplay and everyone switches to us the moment we come. Why? They told Putin whatever he wanted to hear

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Putin has created a system of "yes man" with web of lies which only purpose is to satisfy his ego. They lie too much that it's drowns them into their own lies.

That lies culminated in the invasion of Ukraine.
Hmm this sounds awfully familiar to me for some reason...
Just the common problem of every authocrat.


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Enough talks tell us what the problem is?

We are not going to Stop the killing in Ukraine until in NATO fear putin less than he fears us
It is time for here to putin to fear what we might do. Because Frankly his military is bogged down in Ukraine
and if NATO were to get uh activated in some way by putin provocation!

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The Chinese are, and they seem to be working very closely with the Russians.

All is not what it seems there either....


Behind the scenes and layers....PRC has drawn several red lines for RUS

Friend of mine (and he is pretty high up in the know about this) says certain chips China makes...are held extremely close to their chest...especially given pressures and obstacles increasingly placed there by the West.

Specifics include stockpiles of such that must now be rationed almost (prioritised very well for this decade or so)...given known depreciation of certain production machines that China is caught in a bind about lately given premature door closing (and they know there is a marathon in a maze ahead still).

This is a significant problem PRC does not want to make even worse w.r.t where the horizon actually is versus thought to be (buddy used some idiom more complicated than this...but this will have to do).

There is a finish line (and a target finish time involved)...but now there will need to be much more autarkic + insulated commitment to it than before...and with as low risk taken as possible with deemed strategic clients/partners.

Russia approached them on this stuff a number of times, but were rejected each time by PRC.

PRC also has a complex w.r.t the expanse past the great wall. They do not forget so easily where all the barbarians and raiders came from in general.....people without the anchor of civilised hearth as my friend said.

China sent massed human waves (which it paid for quite dearly) into korea on Russia's (Uncle Joe USSR) request and included both transaction and emotional aspects.

But after him (in much of the chinese mindframe), just few short years that is all mostly forgotten by the Russians and Ussuri happens....not far from vladivostok that was taken away from the Qing.

People try to package too much of China (what they say in an instance....or allow to be heard)....but getting full picture is more complex.

I will continue more of this at later the coffee thread and "taiwan next" thread.....but I keep the russian context here for people to consider a bit from another angle.

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