Based on this stats TB2 carried 248 strikes in 23 days.
That's 10.8 strikes a day. If during one sortie TB2 makes 2 strikes we get 5.4 sorties a day.
Not all strikes are published, so actual number of strikes and sorties is higher. Around 7-8 sorties a day I guess (14-16 strikes).
Also 45 Harop strikes were carried + 8 crashed/shot down. That's 2.3 a day with unpublished strikes I guess around 2.5 a day.
According to semi-official Clash Report, TB2s destroyed 663 targets in 24 days. That is 27,6 targets hit per day and with 2 hits per sortie -> 13-14 sorties per day on average. With 4 hits per sortie, 6-7 sorties per day.
That is quite intensive for the quoted amount of 20 TB2s operating in the Azerbaijani theater. They are running overtime.
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