Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War


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Persent of Ukrainian territories captured by Russia since Feb 2022. Currently they control around 10.92%. Russian offensives i marked in red and Ukrainian counter offensives in blue.

In addition Russia captured 7.15% of Ukraine territory in 2014 (Crimea and parts of Donetsk and Luhansk). Thus total around 18.07%.



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Persent of Ukrainian territories captured by Russia since Feb 2022. Currently they control around 10.92%. Russian offensives i marked in red and Ukrainian counter offensives in blue.

In addition Russia captured 7.15% of Ukraine territory in 2014 (Crimea and parts of Donetsk and Luhansk). Thus total around 18.07%.

View attachment 54127
Think about that level of incompetence. More than 200,000 killed in action and significantly wounded, somewhere between 40-55% of their active tanks, more than 50% of their cruise / ballistic missiles, a budgetary deficit that is now growing at $25 Billion per month to because of the cost of the war and Europe saying "no thanks" to their energy, dozens of their prized aircraft and helicopters shot down, a near billion dollar warship lost, at least 10 Generals KIA, etc, etc...

For less than 11% of Ukraine.


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Building an air force is very complex thing. It requires huge infrastructures invesrtments, training, planning, experience. Ironically even Russia after investing hundreds of billions of dollars failed to build a modern air force. Russian air force failed to surpass the Ukrainian air defence so after the initial big losses they switched to launching standoff rockets from safe distance.
Never said it was easy, but in the air, technology plays a larger role than on land.

Zelensky's aim is tall, which is the reclaiming of all Ukrainian land all the way to Crimea. Which means if he decide to push through, the Ukrainian air force will have to do the exact same thing the VKS is doing in Ukraine right now, which is to enter highly contested airspace and try to wrestle control. Due to the technological disparity, the UAF were forced into survival mode. UAF doesn't have access to fire and forget missiles, its fire control and situational awareness is bad. Trying to fly in GBAD contested airspace is hard enough, now trying to wrestle airspace while your enemy has AWACS and superior fire control radar is next to impossible, especially with the current equipment.

Hard to see UAF trying to wrestle control of airspace in the Donbass and Crimea while moving away from Ukrainian relatively safe airspace and right into the crocodile's jaw which is Russian air defence and air force waiting in the occupied territory.


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Russian night attack: AFU shot down 16 missiles

February 16, 2023, 08:44


Air defense shot down half of the missiles fired by the enemy on the night of February 16

The enemy forces carried out another massive shelling of Ukraine, using 32 missiles of various types.

On the night of February 16, Russian troops launched a massive missile attack on Ukraine's critical infrastructure. The enemy used 32 air and sea-based cruise missiles, the command of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported.

the enemy launched:

12 X-101/X-555 cruise missiles from two Tu-95ms strategic bombers from the Caspian Sea region;

8 Caliber cruise missiles from a frigate from the Black Sea;

12 X-22 cruise missiles from six Tu-22m3 long-range bombers from the Kursk region;

2 X-59 guided air missiles from two Su-35 tactical aircraft from the Melitopol area.

"The forces and means of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 14 Kh-101 / Kh-555 and Caliber cruise missiles and two Kh-59 guided air missiles. Unfortunately, part of the Kh-22 cruise missiles reached their targets, hitting critical infrastructure," stressed command.


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Ukrainian Armed Forces repulsed more than 15 attacks and shot down Ka-52 - General Staff


February 16, 2023, 07:25

The Armed Forces of Ukraine have been fighting back the occupiers for 358 days

The Russian army is advancing in the areas of Gryanikovka, Bakhmut, Avdeevka, Maryinka and Vugledar.

The troops of the Russian Federation are concentrating their main efforts on conducting offensive operations in five directions: Kupyansky, Limansky, Bakhmutsky, Avdeevsky and Shakhtersky in the areas of Gryanikovka, Bakhmut, Avdeevka, Marinka and Vugledar. This was announced on February 16 by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the morning report.

Over the past day, units of the Defense Forces repelled enemy attacks in areas of more than 15 settlements. In particular, near Belogorivka and Serebryansky forestry in the Lugansk region, as well as Fedorovka, Bakhmut, Dyleevka, Avdeevka, Vodyanoye, Pervomaisky, Maryinka, Novomikhailovka, Ugledar, Prechistovka and Novoselka in the Donetsk region.

In the Volyn, Polessky, Seversk and Slobozhansk directions, no signs of the formation of enemy offensive groupings were found. The areas of settlements in the Chernihiv, Sumy and Kharkiv regions were subjected to shelling.

"The occupiers attacked Naumovka in the Sumy region, Granov and Udy of the Kharkov region by forces of army aviation from the territory of Russia," the General Staff added.

In the Kupyansky, Limansky, Bakhmutsky, Avdeevsky, Shakhtyorsky, Zaporizhzhya and Kherson directions, the enemy attacked dozens of peaceful cities and villages from various types of weapons.

"In Chaplinka, Kherson region, on February 14, the Russian occupation troops shelled the city in order to accuse and discredit the Armed Forces of Ukraine. According to witnesses, the rockets were flying from the south from the temporarily occupied territories of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea," the military emphasized.

In just a day on February 15, the enemy launched three missile and 18 air strikes. In addition, 52 shelling from multiple launch rocket systems was recorded.

"The Russian invaders fired at the civilian infrastructure of the Donetsk and Kherson regions. There are wounded and dead among the civilian population. There is a high probability of further Russian air and missile strikes throughout Ukraine," the Ukrainian military command noted.

During the day, Ukrainian aviation inflicted 11 strikes on the areas of concentration of personnel and military equipment of the occupiers, as well as five strikes on the positions of anti-aircraft missile systems. The Russian helicopter Ka-52 was destroyed.

The rocket and artillery units hit two enemy command posts, six manpower concentration areas, and two ammunition depots.


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Israel Moderator
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Zelensky's aim is tall, which is the reclaiming of all Ukrainian land all the way to Crimea.
Well aims and reality are very different things.

Which means if he decide to push through, the Ukrainian air force will have to do the exact same thing the VKS is doing in Ukraine right now, which is to enter highly contested airspace and try to wrestle control.
Russian air force is just firing long range missiles from safe distance. If Ukrainians receive long range missiles (like Storm Shadow) they could do the same. But that's not a gamechanger.

Russian air force is the biggest failure of this war hands down.
Hard to see UAF trying to wrestle control of airspace in the Donbass and Crimea while moving away from Ukrainian relatively safe airspace and right into the crocodile's jaw which is Russian air defence and air force waiting in the occupied territory.
SEAD/DEAD/OCA operation over Crimea would require over a hundred of modern jets with modern weapons and EW acting synchronously. That requires building all the needed infrastructures, many years of training of air and ground crews. In short, totally unrealistic.



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Russia has launched offensive - Zelensky


February 16, 2023, 22:26

The head of state explained that Russian attacks are currently taking place in several directions.

" The Russian offensive has already begun."
This was stated by President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky in an interview with BBC News, published on Thursday, February 16.

"Russian attacks are already coming from several directions," he said.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine continue the defense until the counteroffensive begins, the head of state added.

In this regard, Ukraine needs more weapons from the West, the Ukrainian leader noted and added that in this matter Ukraine is still disappointed with the speed of supplies of Western weapons.

"Arms are the only language that Russia understands," he explained.

Zelenskiy also brushed aside compromises at the end of the war.

"We have chosen this path. We want security guarantees. Any territorial compromises would weaken us as a state," he explained.

The head of state also hopes that Belarus will not join the war.

"If this happens, we will fight and survive," the President of Ukraine summed up.


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Putin ATTACKED another country, Zelenski is defending that country. That is clear difference. Putin is a criminal, he need to go to war tribunal in Haga (but russians kill him before that) and Zelenski will be a hero of a Ukraine.

I wonder if that info about Kurds could be true
Westerners and Russians have been competing in Ukraine for years, you still tell the story of Putin attacked. So this means that Iraq has chemical weapons belonging to Saddam, yes, 3 million Iraqis may die, be raped, tortured for this reason. if you believe it's a chemical weapon. Or, there is Daesh in Syria, why, because the western wolf is Daesh, oh my gad, then in Syria, Sunni civilians may be bombed and 1 million Sunni Arabs may die, millions of Arabs may migrate, Kurds may establish a state. From where; the interests of the west demand it.

yes, finally, millions of civilian soldiers, russians and ukraines may die in ukraine too. for the interests of the west.

There is no need for diplomacy, compromise, agreement. Russia must be fought, weakened. It doesn't matter who's up against you. only westerners should not be harmed.


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at least, when Zelensky lead UA, what happen only arresting people, there are no news countries top leader suddenly killing him/her self so often, or founded dead in his/her apartment whitout explanation...

How many opponents did zelensky have killed?

Is there a person or group in Ukraine who can oppose Zelensky right now? Democracy? autocracy? king zelensky



3 438
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How many opponents did zelensky have killed?

Is there a person or group in Ukraine who can oppose Zelensky right now? Democracy? autocracy? king zelensky

oppinion = news ?, well, Ok,


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Manual firing of 23 mm guns at snipers in Ukraine. In the video, one of the barrels of the 23-mm twin anti-aircraft gun was adapted for manual firing, note that another person insures the arrow from behind. Gun fire is said to be suppressing the point with Ukrainian snipers.

A powerful blow from a kamikaze sea drone hit a bridge in Zatoka in the Odessa region on February 10. The degree of damage to the bridge and which model of the marine drone was used are not yet known. It is speculated that the Russian drone used in the strike is based on a model of a Ukrainian maritime drone that washed ashore in the bay of Sevastopol last year. Earlier, the governor of Sevastopol, Mikhail Razvozhaev, proposed to create unmanned marine vehicles on the basis of the Sevmorzavod enterprise, perhaps this was the first of the created marine drones.

The crew of the Russian T-80BVM tank spoke about their combat vehicle and the tactics of using it in Ukraine. The crew uses the T-80BVM tank, released in 2022.

122-mm self-propelled howitzer 2S1 "Gvozdika" of the Ukrainian army, came under attack from the Russian kamikaze drone "Lancet". The drone attack took place near the Krasnolimansky direction, judging by the fire from the hatch, the 2S1 Gvozdika self-propelled guns were destroyed.

Donetsk servicemen have developed a home-made installation for remote control of the Fagot ATGM. The installation has a Picatinny rail and a television screen and can be equipped with a thermal imager. The installation with the Fagot anti-tank system was tested at the range at a distance of 700 meters, the target was located at a height of 1 meter.



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Westerners and Russians have been competing in Ukraine for years, you still tell the story of Putin attacked. So this means that Iraq has chemical weapons belonging to Saddam, yes, 3 million Iraqis may die, be raped, tortured for this reason. if you believe it's a chemical weapon. Or, there is Daesh in Syria, why, because the western wolf is Daesh, oh my gad, then in Syria, Sunni civilians may be bombed and 1 million Sunni Arabs may die, millions of Arabs may migrate, Kurds may establish a state. From where; the interests of the west demand it.

yes, finally, millions of civilian soldiers, russians and ukraines may die in ukraine too. for the interests of the west.

There is no need for diplomacy, compromise, agreement. Russia must be fought, weakened. It doesn't matter who's up against you. only westerners should not be harmed.
I see it clearly now: our world is managed by dark forces through hideous conspiracy, reaching out from the depths of hell and strangling good people of Earth! Nothing but hidden wisdom of some notorius forum members can save us from the doom. The rest of us, we have been utterly naive and believed lullaby from Western propaganda. How come we got it so wrongly, eh?!??

From my side, I can only apologise for taking Ukraine like independant country with its rights to make its own decisions regarding internal and foreign policy, and electing president by expressing free will of Ukrainian citizens through democratic voting process! I really did not saw the Superman and Ironman behind the scene puppeting 44 million of clueless Ukrainians about their future and directing them into hopeless confrontation with benevolent Russian World. Ah, I forgot to mention Captain America, who was leading the coup against last rightful ruler of Ukraine, president Janukovich, as strange voices in my head keep telling me.

Poor Russia, having such an unfair fight against superevil West, unprovokedly attacking Ukraine as a last effort to defend Motherland Russia. Who else could withstand such a blow? Saving the world, sacrifying their own flesh and blood, how noble! And how West pays back for this heroic-religeous uprising? West is getting more Russofobic hour after hour, pushing turks, arabs, ukrainians into frontline and hiding behind their backs! Shame on them!

Please, enlighten us further and save us from the darkness...
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