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No one in Turkiye can touch Erdoğan.

The fact that you believe he's going to jail shows us your limited understanding of our society. This is not surprising given the fact you're a foreigner after all.

This picture of him getting detained or something like that is nothing but a revengeful figment of your imagination. They couldn't even detain Erbakan let alone Erdoğan (lmao).

FETO taught AKP a way to do this kind of action. If the new government follows the same, they can arrest whoever they want. FETO detained a whole set of generals including general staff, Kardak heroes, anti-terror and MIT heroes, and Blue homeland heroes, They could even steal top-secret invasion and anti-invasion plans.

1- Take over the mainstream media. And suppress opposition media at any cost (economically, legally, etc)
2- Start a smear campaign at least a few months long. Like Samanyolu TV did for generals and officers (They even brought Hanefi Avcı's lover to the live news show/ Because he had written a book about FETO)
3- After everybody starts believing they are guilty, then push the button by using their insider prosecutors, judges, police directors

They did this circus for years in front of our eyes. Then AKP did similar things to clear its enemies. Circus is the same but juggler keeps changing


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What do you think??
Well, afaik previous elections were fair. So, until you are an actual dictator and you are overthrown, democratically elected leaders usually don’t flee the country After they loose the election.


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Well, afaik previous elections were fair. So, until you are an actual dictator and you are overthrown, democratically elected leaders usually don’t flee the country After they loose the election.
No not all of them.In 2017 referandum unsealed votes counted for example.And it's unconstitutional for RTE to be a candidate right now, for example.I assure you RTE has many crimes to be prosecuted.


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I'm not talking about my friends here. But it makes me very sad that foreigners, who love Turkey very much, think Erdoğan is a very good leader.I see them on social media.


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Fair yeah lets remember the cat in electrical grid
I didn’t follow what you said, but then I googled it.

Interesting story though, that poor cat… heart aches for it.


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I didn’t follow what you said, but then I googled it.

Interesting story though, that poor cat… heart aches for it.
Stop being sad bruh the cat is fictional. It's a lie. Like the integrity of AKP and CHP politicians. It never existed.

Edit: Except Atatürk.


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The HDP decided to silently support CHP in order to not lose the nationalist votes going for CHP in the next elections
The same scenario of 2003 is happening with a new peace plan, terrorist getting bail, and kurdish language running rampant again with the West ofcourse celebrating the Turkish Ghandi 2.0 after Erdo (2003-2013)

It truly amazes me how many Turks dont learn while a small group like the PKK grows even stronger and more lethal the moment they are closer to being eradicated



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The HDP decided to silently support CHP in order to not lose the nationalist votes going for CHP in the next elections
The same scenario of 2003 is happening with a new peace plan, terrorist getting bail, and kurdish language running rampant again with the West ofcourse celebrating the Turkish Ghandi 2.0 after Erdo (2003-2013)

It truly amazes me how many Turks dont learn while a small group like the PKK grows even stronger and more lethal the moment they are closer to being eradicated

Now we can say that the partnership is official: within 1+5+2 model. The labor and freedom alliance led by Hdp and TİP will support KK's candidacy as like 2019. But this time, Buldan's statements on the issue and some of her justifications are really worrying.

Today, Iyip's Ağıralioğlu made the statement 'we are the main partner at the table but we are being sabotaged' After this statement, they immediately started lynching him. So as soon as you say something against this mental eclipse, hordes swarm on you. The point where the understanding that Erdoğan must go, no matter what, has dragged Turkish politics. Nobody questions what is in exchange for what.


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why do people who doesn't live here are pro akp?? Its a geunine question
Because the Turkish lira is worthless, the euro and the dollar are high. So when they come to Turkiye they think they are in paradise, whereas Türkiye is hell for the Turkish nation.

Perceptions of homeland are proportional to the value of the Turkish lira


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Here you go gentlemen
iYi is stating that with the HDP in the alliance, the opposition alliance arent where the shadow of terrorism falls
Again, as time passes, my prior statements turns to be true and the iYi's true filthy natuse has been exposed. The iYi which promotes itself as the beacon of nationalism for Turkey is one of the first to betray it
Nothing can be said for a party which states that.... Since it was "halal" for the AKP to screw the country from 2003-2013 and have many innocents die to terror bombings, then it is also "halal" for us the CHP to terrorise the nation as well

HDP announced that they will not nominate candidates in favor of Kılıçdaroğlu. In an equation involving the HDP, we would not be where the shadow of terrorism falls. — Yavuz Agiralioglu | IYI Party Member of Parliament

the funny thing is that the sake party, HDP, which is supposed to put the opposition alliance in the area where the shadow of terrorism falls did this a few days ago👇

In the Nevruz celebration organized by the HDP, slogans were shouted in favor of Öcalan, the leader of the PKK terrorist organization



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Here you go gentlemen
iYi is stating that with the HDP in the alliance, the opposition alliance arent where the shadow of terrorism falls
Again, as time passes, my prior statements turns to be true and the iYi's true filthy natuse has been exposed. The iYi which promotes itself as the beacon of nationalism for Turkey is one of the first to betray it
Nothing can be said for a party which states that.... Since it was "halal" for the AKP to screw the country from 2003-2013 and have many innocents die to terror bombings, then it is also "halal" for us the CHP to terrorise the nation as well

HDP announced that they will not nominate candidates in favor of Kılıçdaroğlu. In an equation involving the HDP, we would not be where the shadow of terrorism falls. — Yavuz Agiralioglu | IYI Party Member of Parliament

the funny thing is that the sake party, HDP, which is supposed to put the opposition alliance in the area where the shadow of terrorism falls did this a few days ago👇

In the Nevruz celebration organized by the HDP, slogans were shouted in favor of Öcalan, the leader of the PKK terrorist organization

The situation is not that simple. There are great people, esteemed academics and very good nationalists,patriots within the iyip and they are cursing this situation very heavily. There is no complete assimilation. Akşener's mistake in strategy, or more accurately, her U-turn against the wishes of the provincial organizations and voter base, created big storms within the party. If Akşener had not stepped back, maybe the table would have taken a really right path without Hdp in it, without KK's ridiculous promises. What happened in those 48 hours will remain one of the most important blind spots in Turkish political history.

Iyip explicitly positions itself on the principle of nationalism in its main party program, and a significant part of the party's organization is still made up of former 'ülkücüler' from the break with the MHP. So according to the polls, it is the biggest nationalist party in this country. While Turkiye's largest nationalist party is the main founder of this table, the fact that it is now preferred to Hdp and its demands and that they are treated as if they were a signboard party is the most important issue of discomfort in the Iyip base at the moment. The Iyip base wholeheartedly wants the Erdogan era to end and they have made all kinds of sacrifices for this. They have endured countless things. However, they want this transition to take place within a nationalist principled framework that does not harm our country's survival and national security issues. You cannot remain indifferent to this. You cannot stifle it by lynching those who raise their voices. This understanding will only cause the cauldron to boil more.
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Hardcore CÊXÂPites are like children. Very solipsistic. These people think that all people act like they would in their made up world.

"What is my main political motivation? Hatred of Tayyip. Why would these people put their hatred of PKK above their hatred of Tayyip? Because they are secret Tayyip supporters."

This is american like behaivour. In my eyes, it's just one step ahead of akp supporters. Which is why I was relieved today. Yavuz Bahadıroğlu started a chain of events today that could end with İYİ decoupling from CÊXÂP. He stands on principle, and I like it.


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The situation is not that simple. There are great people, esteemed academics and very good nationalists,patriots within the iyip and they are cursing this situation very heavily. There is no complete assimilation. Akşener's mistake in strategy, or more accurately, her U-turn against the wishes of the provincial organizations and voter base, created big storms within the party. If Akşener had not stepped back, maybe the table would have taken a really right path without Hdp in it, without KK's ridiculous promises. What happened in those 48 hours will remain one of the most important blind spots in Turkish political history.

Iyip explicitly positions itself on the principle of nationalism in its main party program, and a significant part of the party's organization is still made up of former 'ülkücüler' from the break with the MHP. So according to the polls, it is the biggest nationalist party in this country. While Turkiye's largest nationalist party is the main founder of this table, the fact that it is now preferred to Hdp and its demands and that they are treated as if they were a signboard party is the most important issue of discomfort in the Iyip base at the moment. The Iyip base wholeheartedly wants the Erdogan era to end and they have made all kinds of sacrifices for this. They have endured countless things. However, they want this transition to take place within a nationalist principled framework that does not harm our country's survival and national security issues. You cannot remain indifferent to this. You cannot stifle it by lynching those who raise their voices. This understanding will only cause the cauldron to boil more.
The main problem is that with the current structure in The opposition alliance, the nationalists whom were instrumental in putting the CHP into power will be sidelined. As far as I know, most of the chain of command are CHP guys with no presence of the iYi whatsoever.
In the worst possible scenraio, the nationalists will shoot their own legs while the left-leaning CHP will literally control everything aside from a ministry that will be given to the iYi; perhaps the ministry of forestry?🤔

And I must agree, it was a big mistake for the iYi to return to the table of 6. If they didnt do so, they would have sucked most of the nationalist and center-leaning votes throughout Turkey especially when many CHP supporters didnt like Kilicdaroglu candidacy in the first place
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Well, at least they're from our midst, right? You and your other friends from Central Asia, on the other hand, are foreigners, aliens stranded in Turkiye like refugees who came for all the wrong reasons.
Everybody notice how he specifically calls out people from central asia (other Turkic people) but not from middle east or south asia who got citizenship as refugees without even properly speaking Turkish and have all the political rights of an average Turk.

Just making sure everybody is reading between the lines here...



Özgür Özel saying that they have intel about Erdogan escaping to Qatar when elections results are clear.

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Wow OK.

I'm going to say it one last time, next time its going to rain bans.
No tolerance for racism or discrimination, that includes Gurbetcis.

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