Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations

Brace Yourself

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Iran won't win this war
Iran will never JOIN this war. Write it down, unless they are being attacked first.

For this reason they have created multiple armed groups in Iraq, Lebanon, Syria and Yemen and so on. Merica couldn't digest it, that's why they assassinated Solemani, the masther mind of the proxy militia for Iran.

Iran will not fight, untill they acquire some kind of Atomic Bomb.


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Brace Yourself

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I think you know what happend. But I'm showing you what this guy is doing here -

First he posted this suggesting Politley that -
Please stop sharing Jackson Hinkle tweets. It seems many members don't know that he is a Putin-paid shill and Assadist and that he supports Khomeini.
(I am surprised he didn't say Nazi.)

And his evidence against Jackson:

He was even in Russia to promote Russia's invasion recently.

His business is conspiracy theories and he is paid to do so, even more so now that twitter pays blue checkmark accounts

Then 4 hours later sharing Jackkson's Tweet.😑😑

Hypocisy/inconsistency should be an award!


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Ah, ok. I think it might be to try to drag Turkey into a conflict with Iran.

U.S. and esp. the democrats wanted to neutralize Iran's nucelar threat with the JCPOA, so they got it under Obama. Republicans didn't want any of that, so they got out of JCPOA under Trump, increasing sanctions. But Iran's nuclear program advanced faster under Trump's campaign of "maximum pressure" than it did under JCPOA and IAEA supervision.

So the question was "If sanctions are not deterring Iran from getting the bomb, and actually accelerating it, what would the Trump admin's answer be to Iran getting closer and closer to the bomb?" Some claim that they would not care similar to what happened in the North Korean case, and they will just try to neutralize Iran by isolating them through sanctions. This is ludicrous as Iran is not North Korea. Iran has Turkey and Saudi Arabia as neighbors and it also doesn't have a superpower like China containing it next door. So a nuclear Iran will not be tolerated like North Korea is tolerated.

The answer to the question above was postponed since Obama, cough I mean Joe Biden came back after Trump. And the campaign promise was to get back to the JCPOA. U.S. wanted it, Iran wanted it but several factors (Iran's maximalist requests, then the deadly protests in Iran, rendering a deal with the Islamic regime a PR disaster for the Liberal admin) led the negotiations to last longer than expected until the Ukraine war happened.

Ukraine war was the last nail in the coffin of JCPOA (after the Iran protests had made it less likely to happen already), as it showed completely that Iran, in the new cold war, has taken its side firmly on the side of Russia. I don't think even Democrats are now trying to contain Iran diplomatically, contrary to the pretenses. Democrats are saying that although JCPOA is out of the question, diplomacy is still the only way. But what diplomacy without an actual deal?

True, there was the prisoner swap deal and the release of Iran's frozen funds in South Korea in the past weeks
and yes there were informal talks to ease sanctions practically so Iran can export oil in exchange for limiting its enrichment from 80% to 60%.

But every time there's talk of an Iran deal, Republicans, AIPAC and Israel screech. But there isn't a peep from them against these informal talks and ease of sanctions? Is this bipartisan or is it ecause they are temporary containment? Maybe both. But there's no guarantee that either side will honor these promises in the long run, and that's by design; that's why they are informal. Iran would definitely want U.S. to lift sanctions. U.S. wants Iran to stop Nuclear and Ballistic programs. Neither will do it. U.S. establishment has made their mind. Diplomacy was tried by Dems, it failed. Sanctions were tried by both gop and dems and they failed also. This time, they will attack Iran, if Iran tries to get close to the bomb. Iran sees getting closer to the bomb as the only way to win concessions in terms of sanctions. They also desperately need lifting of sanctions as they are about to implode as a society. So based on the principles of Realist international relations, both sides due to paranoia will push each other to their limits. The temporary containment is due to the exhaustion of ammunition in the Ukraine war and also pretty much because the West is pre-occupied over there.

Iran was pushing for the bomb with enrichment levels exceeding 83% for the first time in history couple of months ago, as they were losing hope that JCPOA is possible and because the widespread protests last year were supported by the West. U.S. wasn't willing to give the JCPOA card to Iran, but nevetheless wanted to stop Iran from getting the bomb; so they wooed them back onto the negotiation table giving hope to Iranians that a deal was possible after all. U.S. convinced Iran to limit enrichment to 60% level for now, without giving them a formal deal. With this, they effectively postponed a military action to the next administration. The next admin might be Republican, lifting the burden of trying to sell the war to the American public from Democrats' shoulders. But even if it's a Dem admin, it's the second term and the negative impact might not carry to the next Dem nominee. Second of all, Israel seems to be content with these temporary containment schemes, signalling that they also want to postpone the military confrontation to the next American admin.

So to conclude: U.S. will not tolerate a nuclear Iran unlike North Korea. To contain Iran there are two ways: Diplomatic (with or without sanctions) or Military. Diplomatic efforts failed due to Iran's firm positioning with the Eastern Bloc in the new cold war, leading to the death of JCPOA resuscitation attempts. Only remaining option is the military option. U.S. can't do the military option right now, being preoccupied in Ukraine. Hence, they have to contain Iran somehow for now. They do the temporary informal deal, whereby postponing the actual containment to the next administration.

Meanwhile if they can relegate the dirty work of weakening Iran, for the upcoming war, to someone else, they'd be happy to do it. Hence the escalation attempts in Azerbaijan-Armenia conflict. They also get a pre-occupied, weakened and a more firmly in Western-camp dependent Turkey as a bonus.
This war may accelerate this process that I outline here couple of months ago.


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I think you know what happend. But I'm showing you what this guy is doing here -

First he posted this suggesting Politley that -

(I am surprised he didn't say Nazi.)

And his evidence against Jackson:

Then 4 hours later sharing Jackkson's Tweet.😑😑

Hypocisy/inconsistency should be an award!
You are absolutely free to defend your point of view. Just don't derail the thread and don't get personal. If you notice something in offense to the rules or something that worries you, you are free to contact me and sort out the problem together. Have fun!


4 1,248
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Iran will never JOIN this war. Write it down, unless they are being attacked first.

For this reason they have created multiple armed groups in Iraq, Lebanon, Syria and Yemen and so on. Merica couldn't digest it, that's why they assassinated Solemani, the masther mind of the proxy militia for Iran.

Iran will not fight, untill they acquire some kind of Atomic Bomb.

While i agree with most of your statement . Sometime the choices were not in Iran's hands . US is hellbent on bombing Tehran alltough they also dreaded the consequences it will ensued . The question is would Iran going to stay/held their hand when the boms are start to falling in Teheran ??

This war may accelerate this process that I outline here couple of months ago.

Iran ain't that stupid . Yet , no matter how savy iranian is . If they were backed into the corner . Hell are going to unleash in midle east . And poor israel is the one who get to pay the bills ...

Logic: (assume)
Turkey (Erdogan) calls for the establishment of Ottoman state on 1915 borders.

Truthfully '67 border is the minimum threeshold of what the moslem world community are willing to accept.... Nothing less . Even if the palestinian are willing to accept less of it for the sake of their survival . The rest of the moslem world won't ....

It is as it is ...


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Truthfully '67 border is the minimum threeshold of what the moslem world community are willing to accept.... Nothing less . Even if the palestinian are willing to accept less of it for the sake of their survival . The rest of the moslem world won't ....

It is as it is ...

I say all of them. And this needs to be mentally ingrained for not only Arabs but all Muslims as well. Because when the time comes, and the fortune flips to our advantage the last thing you want is someone from our side "kindly" offering them any concessions however small. We want it ALL and they will give us ALL.

The Israelites has shown that these people deserve no respect, no quarter whatsoever for their transgressions.

And I'm being very kind, had you know what certain script had said about these people we are no longer talking about land but events so bizarre I would not want to talk about it here...


4 1,248
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I say all of them. And this needs to be mentally ingrained for not only Arabs but all Muslims as well. Because when the time comes, and the fortune flips to our advantage the last thing you want is someone from our side "kindly" offering them any concessions however small. We want it ALL and they will give us ALL.

The Israelites has shown that these people deserve no respect, no quarter whatsoever for their transgressions.

And I'm being very kind, had you know what certain script had said about these people we are no longer talking about land but events so bizarre I would not want to talk about it here...

Well , i said the minimum didn't i .. but , yeah ... '67 was just a precursor . Morality aside . While the jews still could be accepted like the old days . Israel as state would never be tolerated in the long run ...


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I think you know what happend. But I'm showing you what this guy is doing here -

First he posted this suggesting Politley that -

(I am surprised he didn't say Nazi.)

And his evidence against Jackson:

Then 4 hours later sharing Jackkson's Tweet.😑😑

Hypocisy/inconsistency should be an award!

Sharing it as an example of what Jackson tweets

Erdogan has been making non-stop statements

I wonder if he has a data team measuring response from Turkish people in TR or Muslims in the wider world


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The weapons systems that the United States would be using in support of Israel are nowhere close to those that they are currently sending Ukraine to ensure the destruction of the Russian land army. USA is sending, largely obsolete, weapons that were designed to fight the cold war. Most of them have already been replaced, or in the process of replacement. They've sent very, very few air launched ordinance. Assets from their Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps have barely been touched in their support of Ukraine. Even their 155mm artillery shells that everyone is saying they're so short on, aren't actually at any risk of running out. They're running low on SURPLUS shells after sending 2 million to Ukraine. They refuse to send anything from the strategic stockpile required for their own military to fight a full out war. They have millions more shells in their exiting inventories.

Make absolutely no mistake about it, USA, has more than enough military capability left, in support of Israel, to repel an attack on the Jewish State. That's true even if multiple Arab / Middle Eastern countries "team up" on Israel. The Israelis can field an army plenty big enough to repel most attacks, combined with help from U.S. Special Forces, the Marine Corps and select elements of the Army stationed in Europe for the purpose of quick reaction (i.e. the 101st Airborne Division). The combination of the IAF and the air wing of two carrier fleets, as well as U.S. Air Force strike fighters in Europe, is more than enough to wreck the combine air forces of those that would seek to destroy Israel. I would turn into "death from above", with Israel fighting the bloody ground war.
If this situation turns into a multi-front war, unlike the invasion of Iraq, the USA can only use its military bases in Cyprus, Crete, Iraq, Syria and Israel in this region. It is doubtful that they can even enter the Persian Gulf from the sea. No one will open their lands to them to occupy the region. Does not provide logistics support. Even Sisi, whom we call the puppet of the West, is talking about fighting Israel. Same thing in Jordan. Excluding Russia, most of the world's oil spreads to the world from this region. What will the West do when the oil embargo comes? Will it get all its needs from the USA? Don't make me laugh.
How long can they last like this? How will they provide logistical support to their soldiers on the front line? USA's Abrams tanks are designed with gas turbine-based engines. These tanks drink fuel like water. How will they handle the logistics of these tanks? There are a lot of things you missed.


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If this situation turns into a multi-front war, unlike the invasion of Iraq, the USA can only use its military bases in Cyprus, Crete, Iraq, Syria and Israel in this region. It is doubtful that they can even enter the Persian Gulf from the sea. No one will open their lands to them to occupy the region. Does not provide logistics support. Even Sisi, whom we call the puppet of the West, is talking about fighting Israel. Same thing in Jordan. Excluding Russia, most of the world's oil spreads to the world from this region. What will the West do when the oil embargo comes? Will it get all its needs from the USA? Don't make me laugh.
How long can they last like this? How will they provide logistical support to their soldiers on the front line? USA's Abrams tanks are designed with gas turbine-based engines. These tanks drink fuel like water. How will they handle the logistics of these tanks? There are a lot of things you missed.

The US took Assad's oil and agriculture with 500 soldiers, what are you talking about


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The US took Assad's oil and agriculture with 500 soldiers, what are you talking about
The US did this in peacetime, not while raining down hundreds of MRBMs on the Iranian army.

We are talking about a full-scale regional war here. And the USA normally prepared for these wars by digging wells with needles for years and positioned its own traitors in the countries of the region accordingly. But now they could not make any preparations in the countries of the region. War suddenly appeared before them. If you cannot prepare for war, how will you win without paying the price?


11 896
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The biggest threat facing the USA and Israel is that they have to wage the Ukraine-Gaza and Taiwan wars simultaneously. Even China knows that the USA cannot be present on three fronts at the same time, right?

US ammunition stocks have already eroded in Ukraine. This may be a once in 50 years opportunity for China.

China won’t invade Taiwan. China’s strength is its economic game backed up by improved scientific education and a globalized economy. If there is a war and a break-up of the globalized economy, China loses.

China is dependent on a functional global economy, because they import a lot of basic resources, fuel and food, and they export products. Invading Taiwan would be suicidal for China.


4 1,248
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The US did this in peacetime, not while raining down hundreds of MRBMs on the Iranian army.
Let him be . Regardless what kind of dream he is having . If he is thingking iranian proxy are cute as cucumber he is in for a rude awakening . soon we will see what kind of war and tactics going to unfold here ..

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