Scott Ritter is this former U.S military officer who happens to have so much bad takes, nobody takes him serious anymore. He's in the league of Douglas MacGregor when it comes to shit takes.
But for this particular claim he at least has a legit ME scholar that backs his claim, Andrew Exum

Andrew Exum - Special Operations Warrior Foundation
An Ambassador for Special Operations Warrior Foundation, Andrew Exum is a Washington, D.C.- based partner of Hakluyt & Company, a management consultancy. From 2015 to 2017, Andrew served as the deputy assistant secretary of defense for Middle East Policy. He was the principal advisor to the...

An interesting piece by Andrew Exum a retired U.S army officer and ME scholar about Israel, Iran, Hamas and Hezbollah.
The Israeli Military Wasn’t Ready for This
The notion of an indomitable Israel Defense Forces is overdue for a
In summary:
1. While the IDF professional core is extremely polished and capable, the Israeli army is and remains a conscript/reservists-based army, the reservists are neither particularly well trained nor well disciplined by American standards.2. Today Israel faces highly disciplined and motivated nonstate foes in southern Lebanon and the Palestinian territories, and its military does not seem to have a clear advantage over them at the unit level.3. The segregation of Palestinians and the erection of walls helped the IDF to be in the dark about HAMAS movements.4. The few Hezbollah fighters he met in 2006, for the most part, as motivated, well-trained, and disciplined. Those who fought in the 2006 war with Israel retained a certain amount of wary respect for the U.S. military but held their Israeli adversaries in contempt. They had seen Israeli soldiers in action—and had not been impressed.5. IDF has discipline issues,: In 2006, Hezbollah was able to locate Israeli positions by intercepting Israeli reservists calling home on their mobile phones.6. Hezbollah fighters he interviewed also give little appreciation when it comes to Iran : "A friend of mine questioned a Hezbollah fighter after 2006 about the training he had received from Iran, and his interlocutor scoffed in reply, “Iran? When was the last time those guys won a war?”
So it is in the long term interest for whoever has a plan to keep them in perpetual combat, perpetual loss and perpetual mobilization which would slowly erode whatever military advantage they have with the current status quo, slowly atrit their core highly-trained regular army and transform them more into a reservist heavy army.
When it finally came to that state again as I said, Israel is only a nation of 9 million, of which only 7 millon are jews, they could not afford a forever war if they wish to stay a normal high income country, they could only afford troops surge for a period of time (like in Gaza now). And if in that moment another geopolitical earthquake happens that forced America to leave, they're as good as dead.
Back in the Vietnam war, for a single American soldier killed, the Viet Cong are expecting 100 of their own. So let's see if the Arabs are looking forward that way. They can absolutely afford this to make for their relative bacwardness in tech.