Breaking News Türkiye detains 33 suspected of spying for Israel's Mossad


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The notion that all traitors, FETÖs etc are not ethnically Turkish seems very unlikely first of all and the whole argument is borderline racist to begin with. Why some of you guys always have to turn everything to ethnicity this or that.

There are good ethnic Turks, there are good ethnic Kurds, there are good ethnic Arabs, good religious people, good atheist. This country is so great because we have them all. These arguments feed the separatists, don't you see that? Stop dividing people by their background, judge them for their deeds.

Having said that I will, and I encourage my fellow mods to do so too, nuclear for now on anything racist or even bringing race / ethnicity into irrelevant topics.


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The notion that all traitors, FETÖs etc are not ethnically Turkish seems very unlikely first of all and the whole argument is borderline racist to begin with. Why some of you guys always have to turn everything to ethnicity this or that.

I think you have completely misconstrued what I have been saying. Its simple logic for outside forces like the USA/CIA to use some minorities with grievances as subversive elements within a society. And I feel this constant cry of racism to silence the discussion/debate is no different then what Zionists do by labelling everyone a racist anti-Semite when you expose their actions. The irony of course its the Zionist who are massively racist and hostile to specific groups, namely Arabs and Muslims.

The only reason i started paying attention to the ethnicities of these "racist" and "subversive entities in Turkey was because of their racism towards Turks, their hate of our history and their hate of our symbols and our culture.

There are good ethnic Turks, there are good ethnic Kurds, there are good ethnic Arabs, good religious people, good atheist.

Go back and read my comments. In fact go back and read my comments on any specific group, it was even me in the Isreali thread telling people not to make the mistake in thinking that the common Jew is involved with the Zionist global conspiracy. Specially pointing out the that the common Jew is no different to the common Turk, Arab, Russian, Albanians, Italian etc. Actually I'm probably one of the least racist people on here because I'm willing to see the other side of the argument in all things. I know Isreal is in the wrong, but it doesn't stop me from talking about the wrongs of Hamas and the wider Arab world towards Isreal. Most politically islamist minded posters on here are 100% against Jews and never bring up the failings of the Arabs, or their criminal actions towards the Jews. Nah, i'm going to see things for how they are.

Like wise when Turks were getting their knickers in a twist because India was selling weapons to armenia and their airforce was training with the greeks, i was completely fair and said if Erdogan is going to shit on India, sell weapons to Pakistan and unilaterally support their side of the Kashmir argument while constantly provoking the situation, you can't be upset at India's actions. Does that sound like a racist? Someone whose going to see the side/argument of his potential rival?

Then when it comes to morroco, algeria on here my words have only been for them not to conflict with each other, because only the outsider will win. That's how racist I am that I wish good things for these people.

Then when it comes to the west, yes i recognise the anglo-american agenda against our people and our region, yet i have openly said that there is plenty of goodness in the west. Turkey has benefited immensely from this in many ways.

Now someone accused me of hating Arabs. I don't hate Arabs, but i do hate what their governments are doing to my nation. Most Arabs hate what their governments are doing, just look at their inaction at Gaza. But argubly the government i'm most critical of is the Turkish one. So I'm not giving the Arabs any special treatment.

Let me add something else, i identify as a Muslim. The reason I'm so critical of "political Islamism" is because i mostly see it as western tool to destroy Muslim majority nations from within and is FETO not an American owned tool that was used to rot our nation from within? Not so long ago AK party claimed america/FETO was behind the coup etc. And honestly i think more and more Muslims are starting to see "political islam" as a western tool, just like most Muslims see Isis as a western tool/creation.

I could go on and on.

This country is so great because we have them all. These arguments feed the separatists, don't you see that? Stop dividing people by their background, judge them for their deeds.

What feeds separatism is ignorance of what is happening. Its like dealing with Zionism and failing to see the elephant in the room, or labelling it anti-Semitism so it cannot even be discussed.


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I did not single your comments out or quote any of yours, so dont feel like I was personally addressing you.
My post and the message still stands, though.

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