TR Casual Discussion Çay Bahçesi


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Similarity between Persian and my native lang Kurdish is 80% what is the similarity between Turkic countries.

My old nick was ba2 in other forums. Good night btw


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Time to repost this classic lmaoooo

Gotta love Murica and its politics hahahaha


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Ülkenin içinden geçmişler. Çok kötü bir gidişat var. Dış mihraklar deli gibi destekliyor demografik değişimi.

Şuna bakın 2019 verilerine göre Gaziantep, Adıyaman, Kilis, Hatay, Osmaniye, Kahramanmaraş, Şanlıurfa, Diyarbakır, Adana, Mersin ve Mardin yani sadece 11 ilde toplam 2,146,312 Suriyeli yaşıyormuş. Şuan bu illerde gelen ek göç ve bu işgalci populasyonun çoğalmasıyla sayı 4 milyona çıkmıştır. Bütün ülkede 10 milyonun üzerinde sadece Suriyeli var. Zaten sağlık bakanının açıkladığı veriler bunu ortaya koyuyordu. Silah sistemlerini Kaanı falan derhal konuşmayı bırakmalı ve buna yoğunlaşmalı kamuoyu. Bu beladan bizi Kaan balistik füze İHA falan kurtaramaz. Çok vakit kalmadı maksimum 20 sene vakit var. İngilizce yazmaya elim gitmedi dilim varmadı.


2.6 milyon ameliyat yapabilmek için devasa bir popülasyon lazım veya her Suriyelinin zevkine ameliyat olması.


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Ülkenin içinden geçmişler. Çok kötü bir gidişat var. Dış mihraklar deli gibi destekliyor demografik değişimi.

Şuna bakın 2019 verilerine göre Gaziantep, Adıyaman, Kilis, Hatay, Osmaniye, Kahramanmaraş, Şanlıurfa, Diyarbakır, Adana, Mersin ve Mardin yani sadece 11 ilde toplam 2,146,312 Suriyeli yaşıyormuş. Şuan bu illerde gelen ek göç ve bu işgalci populasyonun çoğalmasıyla sayı 4 milyona çıkmıştır. Bütün ülkede 10 milyonun üzerinde sadece Suriyeli var. Zaten sağlık bakanının açıkladığı veriler bunu ortaya koyuyordu. Silah sistemlerini Kaanı falan derhal konuşmayı bırakmalı ve buna yoğunlaşmalı kamuoyu. Bu beladan bizi Kaan balistik füze İHA falan kurtaramaz. Çok vakit kalmadı maksimum 20 sene vakit var. İngilizce yazmaya elim gitmedi dilim varmadı.


2.6 milyon ameliyat yapabilmek için devasa bir popülasyon lazım veya her Suriyelinin zevkine ameliyat olması.

Can't be solved now, integration is the only way to deal with this. But given the political situation, not even integration will occur correctly. The social fabric of the country will change, or it will tear.


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Behind a paywall unfortunately.

How migrants, illegal immigrants, asylum seekers use religion conversion to Christianity to stop getting deported.

A lot of them come from criminal backgrounds like drug dealers and murderers.


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Can't be solved now, integration is the only way to deal with this. But given the political situation, not even integration will occur correctly. The social fabric of the country will change, or it will tear.
Integration is not a magic. It can only happen through several generations of willing individuals. If you allow 10 million people in 10 years who have a dominant culture integration is a pipedream. Even the best integration policy will fail. A country with the size and population of Turkiye shouldn't take any migrants more than 20k per year.


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View attachment 65550

Time to repost this classic lmaoooo

Gotta love Murica and its politics hahahaha
These two old men seem to have decided to bury the States. One of them made America great again in just 4 years. Laughter and nothing more. The second one is also trying. But... he forgot where he put the shovel. America somehow endured one... But two! Bolivar can't handle two :LOL:


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Integration is not a magic. It can only happen through several generations of willing individuals. If you allow 10 million people in 10 years who have a dominant culture integration is a pipedream. Even the best integration policy will fail. A country with the size and population of Turkiye shouldn't take any migrants more than 20k per year.

For decades economy was built on having a young population for cheap competitive labour, now we have to import it for economic growth under the state economic plan as productivity is not rising fast enough.

You simply cannot deport 10 million people by force, refugee population is past the point of return. They cannot go to a warzone in Syria as there is not even enough economy or infrastructure to sustain that population (even though they try, according to american figures they deport an average of 1000 Syrians a week to Aleppo governorate). Iraq is also not an option.

The border is not or cannot be protected. Europe built their walls, they just throw Erdogan some money and relax.

Now, climate change making most of middle east unlivable, I can see where AKP got that figure of 105 million guests by 2050.

If there is no integration, there will be federation I guess, Arab autonomy or something. Ottoman empire but in Anatolia.

Also I find it funny that Sinov just discovered this and presents it as new. Rich western countries have aid programs to stabilise the collapsing countries and prevent supply chains/people from all moving out. If these things did not exist millions will die or migrate and the middle east, Africa and Asia would become a barren wasteland. There is no global conspiracy, that is a cheap excuse for bad governance and dumb voters
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Azerbaijan Moderator
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I actually don't think it's inevitable. There have been projections that worsening drought and warming in the south would lead to mass migrations in the north for years and frankly, only reasons we think of deportation as non-feasible is because of the moral implications...which will quickly go out the window when SHTF.


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I actually don't think it's inevitable. There have been projections that worsening drought and warming in the south would lead to mass migrations in the north for years and frankly, only reasons we think of deportation as non-feasible is because of the moral implications...which will quickly go out the window when SHTF.

The logistics of rounding up that many people and dumping them the other side of the border doesn't currently exist, even IF the political will existed.


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The logistics of rounding up that many people and dumping them the other side of the border doesn't currently exist, even IF the political will existed.
We did it in 1915 when things were dire; with no cars, buses, very little trains, in the middle of a world war. It can be done. You just have to not half-ass it for "humanitarian" reasons.

Logistics wise it can go something like this;
  • Multiple internment camps set up in Adana region. Somewhere with large ports.
  • Various large ships bought and renovated for this purpose. Modular cells to hold max amount of people as humanely as possible. At least 100k a month transfer capacity. Ships are manned by civilian contractors with navy liaisons.
  • Warship escorts.
  • Put them on ships and send them away, preferably to Somalia or Libya.
Entire thing would cost something like $5B and most of it would be ships. It can be done in 5 years. Couple this with a robust fast-tracked deportation bureucracy and an anonymous report line. Watch the migrant crisis disappear.

The other alternative is civil war and genocide of our people. I think this is an easy choice.


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We did it in 1915 when things were dire; with no cars, buses, very little trains, in the middle of a world war. It can be done. You just have to not half-ass it for "humanitarian" reasons.

Logistics wise it can go something like this;
  • Multiple internment camps set up in Adana region. Somewhere with large ports.
  • Various large ships bought and renovated for this purpose. Modular cells to hold max amount of people as humanely as possible. At least 100k a month transfer capacity. Ships are manned by civilian contractors with navy liaisons.
  • Warship escorts.
  • Put them on ships and send them away, preferably to Somalia or Libya.
Entire thing would cost something like $5B and most of it would be ships. It can be done in 5 years. Couple this with a robust fast-tracked deportation bureucracy and an anonymous report line. Watch the migrant crisis disappear.

The other alternative is civil war and genocide of our people. I think this is an easy choice.

Considering the worst case scenarios:

If we say we have the political will,
this will undo pretty much all foreign policy that was aimed at the Muslim world, entire middle east will shun TR. The same will happen with the EU, who will immediately withdraw funding. Both sides may also engage in sanctions on TR, especially as millions start dying due to lack of food or water. There will be internal opposition too. 5 years is a long time, there will be world opposition the entire time. Social media will inflame both east and west against TR.

You would also have to spend lots on securing the border to ensure that entire migrant population doesn't smuggle back in for years.

The population on the borders of TR south and east will be even more hostile to TR, perhaps resulting in new terrorist organizations.

This will also be dangerous for Turkmen communities outside the border, who may be targetted for revenge or have their communities absorbed by mass migration.

The biggest threat is Iran, they will be able to exploit and mobilize this entire population and manpower to their benefit and influence more of the middle east.

i think because of some of these points the political will won't exist.


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This is the stupidest thing i've seen this year. Infuriating.

Since the university is open to the public, it must be like going to the zoo for the older population as they didn't go to uni as much as the younger population.

I can't stop laughing at this. They're just walking into lectures and staring at the people, taking photos like on safari

Some of them are probably parents checking up on their kids.

Though to be honest is sad in TR where students cannot have a vibrant experience at university due to economic situation


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Students tend to have extreme political views (kids), I can only imagine the danger of student activists being attacked by the public
That's probably the intention, pressure students into conformity and suppress formation of ability to question, learn and think independently, deny them adulthood and freedom on various subjects, like political views, like sexuality.

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