This happens when you waste your financial ressources to useless prestige projects, dump it on third world countries in form of aid, refugees and toys for Gov. officials. When you f*ck up your own economy by interfering in something you don‘t have a clue about.Thas what happens when you sit at center of world and insinst on being %100 independent nation capable of influencing Europe , Cacasus , Middle East , Africa and Central Asia simultaneously.Every choice comes with its price.
Being in such a important strategic location actually should boost Türkiye to the wealthiest and most powerful country in the region.
Türkiye is goverened by individuals who don‘t give a damn about the people nor nation they only care about their own pockets. In foreign politics they are fooled around by anyone nobody takes us serious, internal politics weak and soft so passive that terrorists literally are in the parliament, they can‘t even deal with the f*cking keks that refuse to pay water/electricity bills.