News Turkey dismisses EU's sanction threat as bias and illegal


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Turkey dismisses EU's sanction threat as bias and illegal​

Turkey's Foreign Ministry is calling on the EU to act "with principles, strategically and with reason" when it comes to the the eastern Mediterranean dispute.​

Oruc Reis seismic research vessel, one of the 5-6 research ships in the fully equipped and multi-purpose in the world, is seen as it is ready for a new seismic research activity in the Eastern Mediterranean in Antalya, Turkey on July 22, 2020.
Oruc Reis seismic research vessel, one of the 5-6 research ships in the fully equipped and multi-purpose in the world, is seen as it is ready for a new seismic research activity in the Eastern Mediterranean in Antalya, Turkey on July 22, 2020. (AA)
Turkey rejects the European Union's "biased and illegal" approach at its summit this week and calls on the bloc to act as an honest broker in an ongoing dispute in the eastern Mediterranean.
EU leaders agreed on Thursday to prepare limited sanctions on Turkish individuals over an energy exploration dispute with Greece and Cyprus, postponing any harsher steps until March as countries sparred over how to handle Ankara.
In a statement on Friday, Turkey's Foreign Ministry said a proposed conference with all eastern Mediterranean countries was an opportunity to tackle maritime issues in the region, adding that Ankara was ready for talks with Greece without any pre-conditions.
It called on the EU to act "with principles, strategically and with reason".
EU declaration
EU early Friday morning said it was considering imposing sanctions on Turkish individuals and companies in light of Turkey's activities in the Eastern Mediterranean.
As the EU Leaders Summit in Brussels continued, the union shared the relevant part of the final declaration on Turkey on Friday as they reached a consensus after long hours of negotiations.
The declaration claims that Turkey engaged in unilateral actions and provocations and escalated its rhetoric against the EU.



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Just what there in eastern Mediterranean anyway? And how much $ (valuation) at stake here?
Egypt struck the massive Zohr gas field 4,000 metres below sea level in 2015. It holds an estimated 800 billion cubic meters (BCM) of gas.

It is the largest field so far found in the eastern Mediterranean. As a comparison, Zohr is producing 2.7 billion cubic feet (bcfd) of gas per day - that one field alone is more than half of Pakistan’s total gas output.

Greek Cyprus administration also found gas in the deepwater Calypso field in 2018.

According to the US Geological Survey, just the Levant Basin, which includes the waters of Egypt, Israel, Lebanon, Palestine and the divided island of Cyprus, contains 122 trillion cubic feet (TCF) of gas.

Energy consulting firm, Wood Mackenzie, estimates that total gas reserves in the eastern Mediterranean are about 125 TCF.

“While trying to assess the value of the potential of natural gas reserves, according to the 2010 US GS report… reference prices (a conservative price of $ 78 for oil) were taken and approached $ 717 billion.


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Bosnia & Herzegovina
be prepared to lock bosphorus straits and full swing towards china and russia, even to expell all nato personal from country, you are bullied big time.


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Just what there in eastern Mediterranean anyway? And how much $ (valuation) at stake here?

Turkey is protecting own coastlines and the "Mavi Vatan" EEZ tied to Turkish mainland and Greece is claiming to have more rights (than Turkey) on these seas by showing a tiny island locating a few km away from Turkish shore and thousands from Greek mainland. They care about a few people living on these island but ignore the rights of 80 million population living in Turkish mainland. Greek side are trying to apply a map that was drawn in accordance to their expansionalist policy. What they are trying to do is to keep Turkey out of the table. Turkey has the longest coastline in this seas but smart Greek government want us to stay in our Antalya bay and accept rest of the sea belong to them. They suppose they can sit on a table to share the sea zones with any Medditerranean country out of Turkey but The sea zones they are trying to share is Turkish coasts. They know that their claims are unacceptable for Turks. Noone will allow such an unfair share so Turkish seismic and warships are in there to protect the rights of this nation. However Greek side is trying to use EU card. They can't do anything in field. All their red lines and threats were destroyed by Turkey. This is the whole story.


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Egypt struck the massive Zohr gas field 4,000 metres below sea level in 2015. It holds an estimated 800 billion cubic meters (BCM) of gas.

It is the largest field so far found in the eastern Mediterranean. As a comparison, Zohr is producing 2.7 billion cubic feet (bcfd) of gas per day - that one field alone is more than half of Pakistan’s total gas output.

Greek Cyprus administration also found gas in the deepwater Calypso field in 2018.

According to the US Geological Survey, just the Levant Basin, which includes the waters of Egypt, Israel, Lebanon, Palestine and the divided island of Cyprus, contains 122 trillion cubic feet (TCF) of gas.

Energy consulting firm, Wood Mackenzie, estimates that total gas reserves in the eastern Mediterranean are about 125 TCF.

“While trying to assess the value of the potential of natural gas reserves, according to the 2010 US GS report… reference prices (a conservative price of $ 78 for oil) were taken and approached $ 717 billion.
aachi see. That much of money is definitely worth to go to war with


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aachi see. That much of money is definitely worth to go to war with

It's not just about money. Turkey has the longest coast in the eastern Mediterranean but Greece claims that Turkey has the least EEZ(this is something like Japan claiming to be wider than China.)


Islands have a continental shelf(not EEZ) if you are not an island state according to the international law of the sea.

if the islands had EEZ;



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It's not just about money. Turkey has the longest coast in the eastern Mediterranean but Greece claims that Turkey has the least EEZ(this is something like Japan claiming to be wider than China.)

View attachment 8396

Islands have a continental shelf(not EEZ) if you are not an island state according to theinternational law of the sea.

if the islands had EEZ;




Greeks misculated and underestimated the Turks. They thought the Turks were too busy with land and their land army to even care about naval affairs hence why Greece was hatching its plans out until they got exposed they have this mentality that the Turks have never been a naval nation and would not bother to defend its interests in the sea.

How wrong they were as times change.
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