Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations


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You're obviously free to wait it out and see, Angry, see if Turkey gets a bomb in yours or your children's lifetimes, or their children's. I'm thinking you'll be disappointed, but you do you man, all good.


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'Kay, I'll pivot from the you're-not-ever-having-the-bomb thing.

The Lebanese say IDF stomped out another top Hez scumbag. Borat says "great success, high five!". And another one down and another one down, another one bites the dust.



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@Relic @SilverMachine

Hezbollah is exhausting Iron Dome supplies in northern occupied Palestine. The Colony will have to choose which is more important, the north or the center. Hezbollah is not going to surrender to a regime change ploy that the Colony is pushing its luck with.

Hezbollah is firing 200-300 rockets and missiles a day now.

Pretty soon Iron Dome is going to be out of interceptors and so Hezbollah will be raining much more death and destruction on the settlers as barely any of the rockets/missiles get intercepted anymore.

Hezbollah is in better shape, militarily, than we had thought. And is directing coordinated strikes with a well thought out strategy that will manifest in phases.

Meanwhile, the Colony is losing soldiers, civillians, money, investments, tourists, faith, ammo, funds and reputation.

What you refuse to realize is that there is strategy associated with rationing Iron Dome interceptors. Israel knows that they can't intercept all of the rockets fired by Hezbollah. It's simply not possible or cost effective. Firing a $60,000-$100,000 Tamir interceptor at each low yield projectile does not make economic or strategic sense.

Israel's multi-layered air defense network has the ability project the landing point of the rockets being fired. The focus becomes rationing interceptors to use against the projectiles that have the most capacity to damage strategic / expensive assets. Hezbollah (and you) might cheer when a family home is damaged or a car is destroyed by a Hezbollah fired rocket, but that's not of any strategic importance to the Israeli military. It makes for good optics and vibes for those people supporting your side of the conflict, but it's impact on the Israeli war effort is virtually negligible. There are no high yield weapons being used and the only real strategic damage that Israel may have suffered, came at the hand of Iran's ballistic missile saturation attack.

I'm sorry, but the Hezbollah response has been fairly impotent, no matter how much you want to try to present the opposite as being true. The only area that they appear to be having some success is slowing / challenging Israel's ground offensive. That's fairly predictable in my mind.


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Yeah, the notion that Israel's going to run out of Iron Dome projectiles anytime soon is laughable, there's pretty much an entire multi-country industry devoted to it. And it's one of about 3 or 4 interception systems, to boot, it's not bearing the burden of all types of incoming weapons. As said, it's also sophisticated enough to only shoot at the rockets that have a trajectory of actually hitting someplace populated, too, most of the Hezbollah type munitions end up in desert fields due to their suckage.

Even the ballistic stuff from Iran, as Relic pointed out, didn't do a whole lot. Cratered a couple runways which can be repaired in days, damaged some hangars that didn't house any high-end airframes. They'll be fine.

Sounds like the response to Iran might come sometime next week too, should be some fun light viewing.


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They're like trust me bro these rockets gonna exhaust iron dome bro we'll eventually target actual strategic assets bro believe me bro this is part of the plan bro.

And then it'll come out they hit fuck all but some civilians, a few soldiers, 0 air defence assets, 0 anything that would degrade Israeli genocidal potential

Scott Summers

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Hezbollah is irregular militia, and their task is resistance. A resistance movement doesnt need to win militairily, like the Vietcong didnt win militairily.

What they are doing now, this war of attrition, does far more damage to the Colony. They cant sleep at night, leaving the country, emptying their savings account, are constant in stress, depleting their arsenals, asking the US for taxmoney, getting diplomatic isolated, etc.

The Colony havent reach even one their targets:

- Rescuing all the hostages
- Destroying Hamas
- Pushing Hezbollah out of South Lebanon
- Placing the settlers back to the north

One way or the other, there is no place for a zionist entity in the heart of the muslimworld. They need to go. Argentina or Uganda are still favourable.

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Hezbollah is irregular militia, and their task is resistance. A resistance movement doesnt need to win militairily, like the Vietcong didnt win militairily.

You keep saying this.

Then don't tout every limp impotent rocket barrage as some supposed victory or achievement, you don't get it both ways. "We're losing, but HUZZAH some broken windows and a sniped IDF private!" is a pretty hilarious, copium-smoking position to hold here.

Also, Israelis aren't Americans. The U.S. was fighting a (by some metrics pointless, I don't 100% agree but that's neither here-nor-there) war on the other side of the world against people who didn't have any beef with them beforehand, they weren't defending the homeland. Americans, I say this with affection for Americans and having lived there, are also basically overly-comfortable pussies without much tolerance for losses. We're the same in my country.

Israelis...aren't that. They're willing to lose people, a lot of people if necessary, and they're protecting their indigenous homeland. "Resist" all you want - you don't need to "win" as you say. They *do* need to "win" in order to survive, Iran and its feeble tentacles are trying to (their words) wipe out the Jews. The Israelis are committed to winning for that reason, and they're gonna. Your friends wasting 0.00001 of their infantry over a year or so isn't putting a dent in that committment. Again, they're not American.

Scott Summers

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Israelis...aren't that. They're willing to lose people, a lot of people if necessary, and they're protecting their indigenous homeland. "Resist" all you want - you don't need to "win" as you say. They *do* need to "win" in order to survive, Iran and its feeble tentacles are trying to (their words) wipe out the Jews. The Israelis are committed to winning for that reason, and they're gonna. Your friends wasting 0.00001 of their infantry over a year or so isn't putting a dent in that committment. Again, they're not American.

It's not their 'indigenous homeland'. It's a artificial state with a artificial people imported from Europe, and one way or the another they will fled back to where they came from.

Without massive US & Western financial, militairy and diplomatic support they wont last 1 day. There is no place for genocidial psychopaths in the heart of the muslimregion after this war.


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"It's not their 'indigenous homeland'."

Lol, K, etc. All three Abrahamic religion's books including the Quran say differently, but you do you brah. Some conspiracy theory stuff going on with you at this point I figure, no point arguing with you.


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"It's not their 'indigenous homeland'."

Lol, K, etc. All three Abrahamic religion's books including the Quran say differently, but you do you brah. Some conspiracy theory stuff going on with you at this point I figure, no point arguing with you.

Quran mentions the ancient kingdom of israel not the modern zionist state.

If palestine did not work they were going colonise uganda.

If the zionists love to claim land that has passed like 3000 years ago. I guess the Italians can claim the UK, France and Spain due to the Roman Empire.


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"It's not their 'indigenous homeland'."

Lol, K, etc. All three Abrahamic religion's books including the Quran say differently, but you do you brah. Some conspiracy theory stuff going on with you at this point I figure, no point arguing with you.

He is off with many things, but in this case he has a point. Claiming a land in the XX century because you originated from there and left two thousands years ago is absurd, and no other people would get away with something like that.

What if the Roma people (also known as gypsies) would claim the Indian region of Rajasthan as their homeland, and would want to get a country there (and replace the local population). Do you think anyone would care and support such insanity, and say that it is their “indigenous land”?

In the case of Israel, this is exactly what happened, because they had support from the great powers of the time. An artificial state was created and a great injustice has been done to the people living on that territory at the time of the displacement.

While I don’t support the way the Palestinians and the Arabs have managed the problem since (through wars and terrorism which rarely bring good outcomes, especially when they are faced with more powerful enemies), the propaganda that modern Israelis are indigenous to that land is absurd.

If they were indigenous to that part of the world, they wouldn’t look like Europeans or Americans. They would look more like their neighbors.


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Oh come the fuck on. :ROFLMAO: Yeah, I'm out, this discussion is nuts. "Israel as a modern UN-recognized state didn't exist two-plus-millennia-ago, therefore the Jews weren't the first people there?" Talk about disingenuous mental gymnastics.

Scott Summers

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@Relic @SilverMachine

Resistance is about keeping your enemy constantly under attack and wearing them down. The biggest threat to the Zonist Entity is the fact that it will be decimated by Palestinian demography and population numbers.

In the meantime you can make the enemy a hated entity constantly battling international law, protest, boycott and conflict then you can wear them down. It's a artificial phony terrorstate that exists purely because of U.S aid and cover.

They would have collapsed decades ago, it exists because the U.S pays for it and gives it diplomatic cover.

The long term strategy has to be based around chipping away the zionist control of the U.S and West and awakening the youth, this is already happening with changing demographics in the West. A West with a muslim or dark majority population wont support Israel. The christians and conservatives are the only supporters and their numbers decline.

Resistance for freedom is vital

The zionists are a toxic cancerous people, and their presence in the Middle East is intolerable, they need to be expelled like they always been (most expelled group of the world and not without reason).

Targeting the suburbs of Haifa

Israeli helicopters transport military casualties resulting from the battles in Lebanon.

IDF thug killed in North Gaza, Staff Sgt. Ittai Fogel.


3 IDF reservists killed around Jabaliya refugee camp




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...You do know the U.S. supports them less than they used to, right, that Israel's developed a high-end indigenous defence industry...right?

Even if they're cut off from the U.S. someday (they won't be), they're more than capable of defending themselves from "the Palestinians". And Iran at that. Look at Iran shivering in their boots shifting back to desperate diplomacy this week, they know the deal well.

Scott Summers

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...You do know the U.S. supports them less than they used to, right, that Israel's developed a high-end indigenous defence industry...right?

Even if they're cut off from the U.S. someday (they won't be), they're more than capable of defending themselves from "the Palestinians". And Iran at that. Look at Iran shivering in their boots shifting back to desperate diplomacy this week, they know the deal well.

Less? Only this year they got 20 billion USD. If that is less, i cant imagine what a 'lot' is.

Meanwhile IDF used chemical shells to bomb the Unifil positions.

15 Unifil soldiers are wouned with irritations on ther skin and eyes.



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Also chemical shells aren't illegal, and they warned them to get out, a warning which was refused. Important context.

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