In this thread: westerners fuming because Turks are safe from greek barbarity
GCs had proportional representation in the original constitution that they broke and threw to the trash. Cypriot constitution of 1960 is moot and not in effect since 1964 in actuality as GCs forced the courts and the government to have absolute GC majority with no space left for TCs.Greek Cypriots were not entitled proportional representation in the Senate or the Supreme Court
In normal democratic countries, big part of the population does not try to genocide its minorities. GCs did that, and lost their privilege to form a majority henceforth.In a normal democratic country, people’s votes and representation should be equal
It was planned to be a 500 strong token force 2 years after the deal materialized to keep the Turkish and TC hardliners happy with the situation with no mandate to do anything but stay in their bases all day. Turkish government at the time genuinely believed they were going to get into EU, they would pull those men as well when asked.Not to mention the presence of foreign troops on their soil in perpetuity
Untrue, even with the current status quo, GCs can go to the appointed UN court and sue Turkey and TRNC and either get their property or its worth back.the inability of displaced cypriots to claim back their stolen properties
It tried to leave 4 times since 74, all rejected, last deal that fell through was in 2017.The problem is, it forgot to leave
Turkey didn't go for any settler policies, if we had, island would be majority Turkish today, as is the case in Israel. Government didn't give any grants or tax breaks to the migrants. Comparing the Turkish migrants to Israeli settler politics is funny at best.and it brought settlers from the mainland in order to alter its demographics. Also, there is the problem of displacing many innocent Greek Cypriots form their houses and their lands, which is equivalent to what the Israelis did in Palestine
Can you give me a guarantee with your life? You can't, so there won't be a change to the status quo until GCs accept any one of the offers on the table.Cyprus is no longer at risk of ethnic cleansing
As Sanchez says, a hypothetical underground nuclear test doesn't mean Iran has a nuke ready to use. Comparing them to North Korea is frankly moronic - NK has dozens of these things, and have dwindled them down small enough to fit on their (even if unreliable) ICBMs.
Iran's nowhere near anything like that, most-generous-to-Iran-case-scenario. Their "expertise" is in rockets, not in nukes, they're super primitive in that regard. Obviously there's no confirmation there even *was* a test here, just some suspicious seismic activity that doesn't seem natural, but yeah, as Sanchez says, if it *gets* confirmed, you have to move now. Nobody, all the other middle-eastern countries (bar maybe Syria - even Lebanon doesn't) included, wants a nuclear Iran. You'd have the backing of everyone, west, east, global south, to Flintstones-era their entire military pre-emptively.
As for Corvus' "why can Israel have nukes and Iran can't?" - Hahahaha. You know damn fucking well why, Israel's not going to use them offensively. Iran? Even all the Arab states agree full well Iran would use them on Israel. Plus, if Iran's successful in getting one, bet your ass Egypt & Saudi Arabia & Jordan & the UAE are starting up programs, pronto. Someone's letting them off the chain at some point when that spreads. This is the definition of "nip this in the bud", any means necessary, Iran's not getting a bomb, we'll kill millions if we have to to prevent it. Not just Israel's position on this, either, literally the entire region bar Iran's own proxies.
There are internationally recognized criteria of determining the EEZ of a country. Why shouldn’t they apply to the Greek and Turkish EEZs? If you apply the same criteria that are used for the rest of the world, Greek claims are in accordance to generally accepted conventions.
On the other hand, Turkish Blue Homeland claims are basically ignoring and swallowing many Greek islands, as if they didn’t exist or they were part of Turkey. That position is completely unreasonable, as seen from outside.
Most of the islands are so close to Turkish Mainland that no country can hold/defend these if Turkey decides to attack to be totally honest, but i don't think Turkey will attack unless it's really cornered and has no other option to dictate some of it's terms.Some tiny Greek island have more EEZ than the entire Turkish coast (longest coast in the East Med), that is unreasonable.
No country would accept this. If the EU wants war with Turkey for some islands, they are welcome.
After the Ukrainian front, lets see if they can hold another front.
Hmm ...look's our sons doesn't disgrace us after all . And i am a proud for their services .The settler army shooting 3 times at the Unifil headquarters and wounding 2 Unifil-soldiers. Like i said, please lose your head and bomb them all.
Serious incident: UN peacekeepers say Israel fired on Lebanon HQ, injuring 2
The UN peacekeeping force in Lebanon reported that Israeli tank fire on its headquarters in southern Lebanon injured two peacekeepers on Thursday, amid escalating tensions between Israel and
Italy summons envoy of the Entity
Italy summons Israel's envoy over UN shooting incident
Italy's Defense Minister Guido Crosetto (pictured) summoned the Israeli ambassador on Thursday after the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) said their peacekeepers were attacked by
Can you back this up? That Iran would use a first strike against Israel?
Saudi Iranian relations are much bigger and complex than "we can't let them have the bomb". Chinese led talks that did see results is a proof of this. Gulf Israeli rapproachment is also not just based on countering Iranian military, but moreso Iranian influence in the region. Gulf countries do know that Israel wouldn't and couldn't stop Iranian advances into their country, but can help with its influence.The Saudis ready to get all buddy-buddy with Israel before Hamas took the opportunistic move of tanking that with Oct 7th? That wasn't a "we love Israel" thing, that was an "enemy of our enemy is our friend" thing
Again, there's no viable reason for us to see Iran will be nuking Israel in a first strike.Iran throwing a nuke at Israel
**Please refrain from using racist wording in the forum whether you're being sarcastic or not.with the dirty-Jews
Not really, it's pretty much 50/50 especially population wise.Most of the middle-east is more friendly with Israel than with Iran.
Entire point of their regime is keeping their power, as is the case with most regimes in the world. You are playing heavily on the "death-cult hellbent on destruction" angle, but as mentioned previously, Iran on the ground is not doing this, and dare I say they are much more controlled in their steps vis a vis Israel.They know what the Ayatollah and the death-cult mean, what they intend, what the entire point of their regime is.
Well I don't think Iran having nukes is positive for us.Preferably neither would have nukes.
Too late though.
Now we need to think, if Iran gets nukes what would happen in the long term? How would that impact our goal of establishing a fully fledged Turkic Union? Once they get nukes, they're not getting rid of them, and they will get a lot more bold with their ambitions.
As stated earlier, Iran supports both PKK and Armenia. What makes you think that them having nukes would be a positive thing for us?
I'm not pro-Israeli, but I find it disturbing that some Turks are oblivious to the Iranian threat. We need to stop being one dimensional. We can quietly arm Egypt and Saudi Arabia and give them the confidence to face Israel in the future, whilst simultaneously dealing with the Iranian threat.
Can you remind me again, which countries' minister openly talks about establishing a bigger country in the Promised Lands?As for Corvus' "why can Israel have nukes and Iran can't?" - Hahahaha. You know damn fucking well why, Israel's not going to use them offensively. Iran? Even all the Arab states agree full well Iran would use them on Israel. Plus, if Iran's successful in getting one, bet your ass Egypt & Saudi Arabia & Jordan & the UAE are starting up programs, pronto. Someone's letting them off the chain at some point when that spreads. This is the definition of "nip this in the bud", any means necessary, Iran's not getting a bomb, we'll kill millions if we have to to prevent it. Not just Israel's position on this, either, literally the entire region bar Iran's own proxies.
It was ok for Turkey to intervene. The problem is, it forgot to leave, and it brought settlers from the mainland in order to alter its demographics. Also, there is the problem of displacing many innocent Greek Cypriots form their houses and their lands, which is equivalent to what the Israelis did in Palestine.
Again, there is nothing wrong with Turkey saving their kin. It is actually commendable. The problem is that they are not allowing Cyprus to become a normal independent country without outside military interference even 50 years after the events. This turns a legitimate intervention into military occupation.
Cyprus is no longer at risk of ethnic cleansing and it should be allowed to unite under a unique democratic government elected by all its people under an equal vote, as it is in all democratic countries. Also, all Cypriots should be allowed to live anywhere on the island, no matter their ethnicity, as it happens in all normal countries.
What happened 50 years ago should not dictate the present situation. People need to move on and build a normal country, based on the values of the XXI century.
Iran's security services must be in complete disarray. They could not even properly organize the security of President Raisi. I don't have any knowledge about them. But I saw... traffic in Iranian cities!That'd be pretty "Otto Skorzeny's unwittingly working for the Jews against Egypt" level hilarious, Iskander.Doesn't sound all that implausible either, they 99% had people inside the Guard in order to kill the Hamas guy in the Guard's safehouse. I'd want more backing the idea in order to believe it, a guy that high up, but yeah, interesting.
Iran's security services must be in complete disarray. They could not even properly organize the security of President Raisi. I don't have any knowledge about them. But I saw... traffic in Iranian cities!
I have never seen such unimaginable chaos anywhere.
If there is the same “order” in their army, then Iran will face defeat, and possibly collapse.
War is on their doorstep.
Doubt that.The Chinese officer addressed the Israeli army:
Okay. And then who?
It is obvious that the West is ready to destroy any Muslim state. There is a certain line and any Muslim country that crosses it is accused of, say, lack of democracy, or other sins, and is plunged into chaos. Then comes the occupation and division of the country.
Due to longvity end geographical distance, many people do not know how the US first declared General Suharto an authoritarian ruler, then a dictator. Then there were riots in the country, openly organized by the US. They did not like General Suharto's intention to create heavy industry in Indonesia. Washington tried to dissuade him for a long time. The general did not heed his "advice". In the end, Suharto paid with his power. Hardly anyone remembers Iranian Prime Minister Musaddegh today. The Yankees tried there too. They do not even hide it (previously classified documents were recently officially published by Washington). Libya was divided in two, Irak - in three. Saddam was simply publicly hanged, as a lesson to other disobedient Muslim leaders.
Now these guys have taken on the long beards of the Iranian ayatollahs.
And which Muslim country will be next?
They have long called Erdogan either an authoritarian ruler, or even an Islamist, which is even worse. If authoritative political scientists and journalists in Western countries have already received an indication of attacks, then... Although the coup d'etat organized by the United States in Turkey in 2016 was not successful, after some time, if necessary, Erdogan will be declared a dictator. Today, this cannot be done yet - today it is Iran's turn. After Iran, we must calm down the raging Russian dictator.
I am not a religious person and I cannot stand the Iranian theocracy. But the question "Which Muslim country will be next?" is quite appropriate.